Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3

Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3

January 17, 2016 Fitness Health Herbal Prepper Herbs 0

Making Health a Habit
Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

FitnessLast week’s episode ran over. So, this week, we’re going to pick up where we left off with different approaches to low-glycemic diets, food storage strategies, and how to avoid letting those good habits slide before they get established.

1-16-15 goldenrodEvery year people make a commitment on New Year’s Eve to eat better, move more, and lose weight. And every year, people fail. For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been talking about diet and exercise as a part of preparedness. This puts the focus on getting stronger, and not on getting thinner or worrying about a number on a scale. This change in focus will be key in staying committed.

The conversation will also build on the science behind fat loss discussed in the previous episode. When switching from being a sugar-burner to being a fat-burner, do you know how long it actually takes to before your body starts using your fat stores for fuel? The answer may surprise you, as well as keep you from giving up out of frustration.

Also, in this episode:
• A Top Ten list of tips to stay on track with getting fit.
• List of books and websites on a variety of diet, fitness, and training topics.
• How to make a salve for sore muscles with anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic herbs.

1-16-15 black-cohosh-plant-cimicifuga-racemosa-372x544 PDYou don’t have to be an athlete to start getting stronger. You can have significant mobility issues and still do a little more today than you did yesterday. You can have a chronic illness, like diabetes or hypertension, and do something today to improve it. There are those who would bring harm to your and your family. Choose to be stronger, faster, and smarter than they are.
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