Who Is Forrest Garvin?

Who Is Forrest Garvin?

July 12, 2016 Interview Preparedness Shows Tech Preps 1

Who Is Forrest Garvin?
Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps

Forrest Garvin aOn this episode of Survival & Tech Preps we are going to meet Forrest Garvin. When you meet Forrest you wonder if this man ever sleeps and what keeps him going. Not only does Forrest have his grip on many different projects as you will see reading on he has also made the time to start his own radio broadcast right here on Prepper Broadcasting which premiers Friday 7/15/2016.

13626950_10154244904475053_8721045170428385988_nForrest is a former US Air Force Airman who served with the 317 MAC and JSOC SOLLII out of Pope Air Force Base. After leaving the military, Forrest worked in the technology field as a Web Master for Nations Bank and then went on to create several technology startups. Forrest is a survival instructor, NRA instructor, HAM operator and a Krav Maga apprentice Instructor. Forrest also owns the Carolina Survival & Preparedness Academy in Charlotte, NC. His survival academy offers courses in self-defense, homesteading, firearms, family preparedness and survival skills. In addition, he consults with prepper and survival groups around the USA. Forrest created the Carolina Preppers Network, which has over 1,600 members in the Carolinas. Carolina Preppers Network is the most active meetup prepper group on in America.

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One Response

  1. David Evans says:

    Are there Prepper Groups in the Wilson NC area? Thanks

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