Success stories from a self made publisher & self made author.
Tom “Galt Strike”
Melanie Davis is the founder of Triumph Press, publishing a nonfiction genre of books including true and inspiring stories of overcoming or self-help. She is also a bestselling author and ghostwriter, including The Triumph Book Series. The Triumph Book is the first in the series, sharing the stories of people who have endured severe tragedies and who have found purpose and joy BECAUSE of what they went through. The next in the series is The Triumph Book: HEROES, a collection of first person stories from 27 veteran spanning the decades of war. From WWII and up through our recent conflicts, which contains many epic and historically important stories which had never been recorded.

Melanie began her career in publishing as one of the founding executives in
Heritage Makers. The company who began the digital scrapbooking and publishing movement, with a team of over 800 consultants. She traveled the nation coaching and supporting her team as they assisted people to preserve their important pictures and memories. From there she branched into writing and publishing her own books, as well as guides for a narrative therapy course to help people discover, write and share their healing triumph stories which includes
The Triumph Program and
The Triumph Program: Overcoming PTSD. Today she publishes the books of other authors, with a large collection of veteran books. Some have reached #1 on Amazon Kindle.

HEROES book reached #2 on Amazon Kindle, behind
The Art of War and is featured in the gift shops of war museums, such as the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum, as well as being promoted by many veteran nonprofit organizations, as it is meant to raise awareness and support for our veterans and is part of the national campaign,
Love Your Veterans, Melanie founded as she wrote the book.
Mrs Davis has moved into ghost writing a number of books, one which was recently picked up by a prominent literary agent. She has also expanded her publishing line to include a new division, Triumph Press Bedtime Stories, which is a line of children’s books with inspiring messages that teach values. The first is an illustrated book titled The Christmas Ant by Jack Mauldin, which is sure to be a new holiday classic. She also has plans for another division called Purse Books, which are smaller in size (to throw into a purse and read on the go) and written by women for women.
Author Thad Forester

Thad is an author in the Triumph Press library. His book is titled, “
My Brother in Arms” and shares the life of his brother, Mark Forester who was a Combat Controller (special forces of the Air Force) who was killed in combat. It went to #1 on the Kindle bestseller list, but Thad’s greatest success is sharing the story of his exceptional brother and the value of what he fought and died for: our country and freedom. Reading his book is life-changing.
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