Bird Flu Sweeping US, should you worry?

Bird Flu Sweeping US, should you worry?

May 25, 2015 chickens Health The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Bird Flu Sweeping US, should you worry?
Lynna “A Preppers Path

 bird-fluAll major news outlets in the past few days have related stories of the bird flu and it’s ravages on poultry producers throughout the Mid-West reporting some 40 million birds have died or put down due to contamination. It’s not just chickens, the turkey population is also now affected. Should you be worried? Is there a reason to be concerned for your health? Where is the virus now, can it be stopped or contained?

 bird-fluWe all watched a few years back as Asia and the Middle East battled with Avian Flu and wondered then when or if it would arrive here. Well it’s here and it’s affecting birds, millions of them. The cost is skyrocketing with predictions that US consumers will pay an additional 7 to 8 million dollars more for eggs and chicken meat. What will the economic and health toll be? Tune in and lets talk turkey, literally.

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