Survival Diet!

Survival Diet!

October 11, 2016 Health Survival Tech Preps 0

Survival Diet! What Diet is best for Survival?
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below!

Survival Diet!As a prepper we always want to prepare with food, supplies, and weapons, bug out plans, and even bug out vehicles. But have you ever considered your health? I see it so much in the prepper community that no one puts health a priority. They will build a bug out bag that weighs 40 lbs. and then put it on to walk 20 feet and find oneself out of breath.  This to me is unacceptable; we have to consider health as a high priority. If for some reason we would have to bug out you want to make sure you can handle this gear you have prepared.

nutrition-labels_400x300It has been a struggle all of my life with my diet. I was about 400lbs and had back problems, pre diabetes, hypertension, and a ton of other issues. I couldn’t walk very far without being winded. It took a major event in my life to open my eyes and say I am not doing this right. I knew I had to change my diet or else I was going to die. After researching I found a ton of fad diets, gimmicks, pills, and other things that just did not seem natural. Then I found a lifestyle diet that our ancestors practiced and was natural to them. A diet that we would not have to adjust to in a time of famine and a shtf type of event.

ketogenicdietcover-1024x760This is known as ketogenic, it is one of the best ways to regulate bodily functions, and it is how we ate for thousands. This diet takes away the sugar, processed foods, and focuses on good meats, vegetables, the way we are supposed to eat.

I have had a friend for many years that will be joining us on the show. She is DaiseyD in the chat room, and she has a similar journey as me. She lives this same type of lifestyle. In this show we will reminisce about our journey and reveal how our lives have changed for the better, how much energy, and health has improved with this diet. I can now say I have lost over an entire person in body weight. I can throw a pack on and go where I need to go. So I hope this show really helps those that are looking for a fix to their situation. Enjoy it and questions are always welcome!
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