Category: Health

The Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther

The Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Tonight, I’m joined by my good friend Daisy Luther. Daisy is a blogger, author of multiple preparedness-oriented books, and expert prepper who shares my passions for natural health and finding the enjoyment in prepping. Daisy Luther lives in a small village in the Pacific…
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March 29, 2015 1

Survival Fitness!

Survival Fitness Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” The weather is breaking here on the east coast and nervous thoughts of bathing suits and tight shirts are sweeping across the land. The whole inventory of what went into your mouth over the holiday season and through the deepest darkest days of winter. There are a…
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March 13, 2015 0

Going Bunkers!

Going Bunkers Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” Welcome again to another Apocalypse Nana show! This week we will discuss schizophrenia, depression, compulsive obsessive actions, bunker fever, and other mentally challenging ailments in the bunker. So grab those pink and blue pills, medicinal injections, aromatherapy concoctions, and specialized smoking anecdotes and enter–at your own risk, of course–Nana’s…
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March 5, 2015 0

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Could drug-resistant tuberculosis be the next great pandemic? Most people think of tuberculosis as being a long-gone disease, a throwback to the Colonial or Medieval Eras. Also known as “consumption”, tuberculosis is thought of as something modern medicine has eliminated. Not only is this factually incorrect, tuberculosis…
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February 28, 2015 1

Measles The New Ebola!

Measles Is The New Ebola Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you have been paying attention to the media, measles has become the new Ebola. Measles is highly contagious and can potentially be deadly. The media has told us how important vaccination is, and social media has lit up with the most brutal of…
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February 22, 2015 0

Survival Fitness: Are you fit enough to survive?

Survival Fitness: Are you fit enough to survive civil unrest? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Times of civil unrest are truly tests of survival of the fittest. Most of us don’t like to acknowledge this, because fitness hasn’t been a top priority in a while. Perhaps we’re older and have some aches and pains.…
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February 1, 2015 0

GMO Foods Dangers & Organic Farming Benefits!

Missouri Addresses the Dangers of GMO Foods and the Benefits of Organic Farming! By: John Wesley Smith “Destiny Survival” Many preppers are already keenly aware of the dangers of GMO foods. We’ve heard about the benefits of organic farming and gardening. And we see the need to support those who produce locally grown food.  These…
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January 31, 2015 0

Dreams, reality, and the apocalypse!

Dreams, reality, and the apocalypse! Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” Our eponymous hosts will go all out and delve into the possibility of a world affected by our dreams, and possibly destroyed by them as well! They’ll look at the theory from it’s “Inception” and discuss the shockingly apocalyptic roots of the shared dream state theorem.…
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January 21, 2015 0

11 Herbs for Healthy Blood Pressure

11 Herbs for Healthy Blood Pressure Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode, I discuss what my picks are for the top ten herbs for healthy blood pressure. Hypertension is a serious condition that could lead to a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, kidney problems, and vision loss. Even with access to…
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January 4, 2015 0

Fracking, savior or death sentence?

Fracking, savior or death sentence? Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” There may be no other topic as confidential as fracking. Why? We are Americans and we love cheap energy. Its easy to turn a blind eye to reality when our material lifestyle is benefit 10 fold through this innovative process. If we can have…
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January 2, 2015 2

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE”

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE” Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Time for a little tough love. If you aren’t healthy, you aren’t prepped. This episode is going to be the first in a series of shows on various aspects of creating and increasing health. Because losing weight is such a popular…
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December 28, 2014 0

Elderberry, The Flu, and You!

Elderberry, The Flu, and You Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everything you could want to know about elderberry, the flu, and you is in this episode of Herbal Prepper Live. For a flu remedy, it’s pretty tough to beat the healing power of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra). Elderberry can be taken every day as a…
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December 14, 2014 0


CONTROL THAT Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” So you spend your days eating fast food, chugging a few beers after work, and occasionally having a cigarette. Or not occasionally. Heck, you also love your Starbucks and rich desserts. The price you pay for these indulgences? High Cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Although.…
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December 11, 2014 0