3 Premium AR15 Rifle Kits that Will Make You Want Become a Full-time Gunsmith

3 Premium AR15 Rifle Kits that Will Make You Want Become a Full-time Gunsmith

February 27, 2019 Uncategorized 2

This is a sponsored post but its also pretty cool! I have built my own AR lower and I have to say, up front, that if you want to really get to know firearms building them is a necessary part of that. I also loved the title, I thought it might get Dane’s attention from The Gunmetal Armory. SO, enjoy this one on AR15 Rifle Kits

The discernible truth that gun enthusiasts are discovering for themselves is that once you put together your first AR-15 build kit you will never go back. It’s addictive, practical and a whole lot of fun. So much so, you might just want to quit your dayjob and become a full-time gunsmith when you are done. Remarkably, building your own AR is much simpler than most people believe starting out. Certainly if you had to forge the metal yourself it might take an extra step or two, but with a quality AR-15 build kit it’s about as complicated as putting together that Lego Death Star you’ve been holding on to. So let’s take a look at these three premium AR-15 build kits and see if we can’t get you to join the club of AR build enthusiasts.=

Go Premium or Go Home!

Why start with anything less than the best? So let’s take a look at this Premium AR 15 Rifle Kit. Before we do, let’s talk a little bit about why should want to build your own weapon with an AR-15 build kit. The truth of this modern day and age is that gun grabbers are getting more aggressive with every mass tragedy that takes place in this nation. Nevermind that an AR may not have been used in the tragedy, but the gun control enthusiast never let a good tragedy go to waste do they?


When you know how to build your own weapon from scratch, that’s a life skill that no legislation can ever take away from you. With over 300 million guns in America, there are enough parts and materials floating around this nation to last a lifetime. Knowing how to build a weapon secures your inalienable right for the sum of that life. We are telling you to break any future or current laws. We are just saying, you can’t legislate away knowledge. So with that, let’s jump right into this first build.


There are a host of builds out there, but we are starting with this Premium AR 15 Rifle Kit with M-Lok. This AR-15 build kit has absolutely everything you need to piece together your AR with an 80% lower to boot. The 80% lower mean that until you finish the process of milling out the trigger well this is not considered a weapon. That’s why you’ve got the jig kit included and that’s why you can ship this bad boy right to your front door without an FFL required. All parts made right here in the USA!

We’ve Got Your Back California!

While the rest of the nation of pew is salivating at the AR-15 build kit above, the citizens of California are weeping into their hands right now. Don’t worry California gun lover’s, because we’ve got your back. No state has been more aggressive at going after you beloved 2A rights than California. So when they get aggressive we get creative and offer this California compliant featureless build kit.


This featureless build kit offers a top notch AR-15 upper assembly. It comes with a 16” Nitride Barrel and a 13.5 MLOK Handguard. Then, we throw in the Thordsen FRS-15 Enhanced Stock Kit. Put that all together and you’ve got yourself on California compliant AR-15. It’s a shame we have to do this, but on the bright side if other states try to following California’s path of infringement we can just add your state’s name to the product and voila, there you are legal and armed in your home state.

Build an AR on Your Budget!

Finally, for those gun enthusiast on a budget we’ve got you covered too. The truth is that everyone has a different budget and that’s what makes the AR-15 build a very practical decision. You can go for this Freedom AR15 Build Kit that comes at a great price. Or, you can build your AR one piece at a time as you can afford them. This is why in addition to the full build kits we offer the products as individual pieces as you can see below.


Building your own AR-15 can be fun, practical and the first step in acquiring a life long skill that will protect your 2A rights until the day you take your final dirt nap. So tell me you are not ready to quit your dayjob and start your career as a gunsmith! Ok, if not then you can at least have a little fun on the weekends and pew your way to a long and happy life. That’s American living at its finest.



2 Responses

  1. Dane D. says:

    If you do become a full-time gunsmith, get ready to eat Ramen noodles every night. LOL. There isn’t much money in it. But its fun!! I can tell you, without a doubt, building your own guns is a bunch of fun… and the exp is quite rewarding.

    Try it, youll like it. Even if you don’t build your AR yet, at least get the parts now, or ASAP. Believe it, you need to do it SOON!!

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