Tag: Water Filters

Comparing Water Filters for SHTF!

Comparing Water Filters for SHTF Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below We all know the Rule of Three.  We all know we need water for drinking and sanitation.  As preppers, we all know the one gallon of water per person per day motto.  I am sure everyone reading this has 500 gallons of treated water in storage…
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January 27, 2018 0

Battery Power Preps

Battery Power Preps Highlander “Tech Preps” The advent of battery power years ago let us take our devices portable, and the technology is getting better and better, and for a prepper batteries are essential. We have to find what works for us in our current preps, such as flash lights, there are many flash light…
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September 21, 2015 0

From the Philippines Tom of American Preppers Network with Paul of Sun Oven!

From the Philippines Tom founder of American Preppers Network, the State prepper networks and many others will have Paul of Sun Oven live, on air as his guest this Thursday 4/11/2013. As you may know, Tom, the host of GaltStrike has been in the Philippines for the past two weeks where he plans to marry on…
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April 10, 2013 1