Comparing Water Filters for SHTF!

Comparing Water Filters for SHTF
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below
We all know the Rule of Three. We all know we need water for drinking and sanitation. As preppers, we all know the one gallon of water per person per day motto. I am sure everyone reading this has 500 gallons of treated water in storage ready to go for Dooms Day. I am sure everyone reading this knows we cannot drink water from just any source.
Listen to this broadcast or download “Comparing Water Filters for SHTF” in this player!
We all know that we need to filter water before we drink it. Everyone should carry a water filter or water purifier, but which one. Which one is better for camping, backpacking, or even bugging out. Go to your local outdoor or sporting goods store and you will find a myriad of water filters from a number of manufacturers like Survival Spring, Vario, Katadyn, Alexa, Pure, SteriPEN, MSR, Sawyer, LifeStraw, Britta, and PUR.
Which one do we choose? Do we use a mechanical filter, bleach, iodine pills, osmosis, reverse osmosis, or distillation? Do we choose a water filter that works by physically straining out protozoan cysts (such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia) and bacteria (such as E. coli and Salmonella), but may miss viruses? Do we choose a water purifier that combats viruses (such as hepatitis A, rotavirus and norovirus), but is more expensive and bulky. What is the difference between .1 and .2 microns?
Well, fear not because we will be discussing which filter and which method is the best for the situation. We will cover the pros and cons of water filters, water purifiers, gravity filters, pump filters, ultraviolet lights, squeeze filters, straw filters, chemicals, boiling, and the best water treatment tips and best practices.
Join me in player above as we discuss the different water filters and which one is probably the best for Bugging Out.
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Comparing Water Filters for SHTF Filters Reality Check SHTF Water Water Filters