Tag: self-reliant

Developing Self Reliant Food Sources in 2018

Developing Self Reliant Food Sources in 2018 Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! Last week I did a podcast on the fact that American was bleeding out. We are losing our personal liberty at an astounding rate. The tighter packed we are into suburban life the faster these freedoms are draining. It is…
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November 16, 2017 0

Self Reliant, breaking free!

Self Reliant, breaking free! Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres” On this episode of Makers on Acres Tech, Build and Grow Show we are going to be discussing breaking free from the social norm and becoming self reliant and self-aware.

January 9, 2016 0

Preparedness then and now!

Preparedness then and now! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Its been a tough winter. There has been snow like most haven’t seen and there has been cold like we rarely see. That being said there are rumblings within the masses. I am hearing lots of people reevaluating their preparedness situation. Whereas two to three…
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February 20, 2015 0

Self Reliant Strategies!

Do You Have Self Reliant Strategies in Place For The Dangerous World We Live In? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Due to mix up in guest schedule and a great save by our host Karen of Lil’ Suburban Homestead this show is primarily about Winter Preps with Open Chat and a show well worth listening to…
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February 17, 2015 0

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” Re-Inventing the Wheel? – A review of The Have More Plan No need to re-invent the wheel, since time began man has endeavored to advance and prepare for life. Preppers, homesteaders, survivalists or whatever label you choose all have much in common.…
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November 30, 2013 0

Built to Last “My Homestead” where I am!

The elderberries are ripe and the first signs of changing seasons are appearing, soon fall will be on the wind. Join Lynna on The Other Side… A Preppers Path as she brings in the first day of September with a smile and a look at Built to Last My Homestead. Often when thinking of a…
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September 1, 2013 0

Honey Pot on “The Homestead Honey Hour”

A lot of Honey’s in one pot and ‘Anything Goes’ It’s been a while since The Homestead Honeys have hosted a 5th Thursday, ‘Anything Goes’ show (…well almost anything), on Thursday, May 30th.   You’re invited to call in with any preparedness questions you have.  The Honeys hope to inspire you as they talk about their…
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May 30, 2013 0

Home schooling, questions and answers with those that do!

   Homeschooling.   If you’re a parent – especially a parent who preps, homesteads, or both — chances are you’ve thought about homeschooling.   Maybe you’re homeschooling already.         You’re not alone.   There’s more joining the homeschooling camp every year.    The National Center for Education Statistics reports 1.7 percent of kids were home schooled in 1999, 2.2 percent…
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January 31, 2013 0

Learn how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Ozark Mountains Preparedness!

A very special Sunday heads your way on Jan 20th 2013 as The Other Side of a Preppers Path spans the country from the Selkirk & Cabinet Mountains of Idaho to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.  Learn first-hand how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Jerry Ward of Ozark Mountains Preparedness. Jerry…
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January 20, 2013 0

The Simpsons and Fox, their take on Preppers facing the end of the world!

Fox entertains us with their version of Preppers last night on “The Simpsons”. While their representation was not far from the version that main stream media or National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” portrays a Prepper to be it did make this Prepper smile, even laugh. In my humble opinion they were a little closer to the…
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January 7, 2013 3

The original Prepared Canadian!

The Canadian Preppers Network has been up and running for several years now but in the beginning it was a lonely place to visit to say the least. Lack of volunteers and members to the blog and forum made for very little content and because of this, activity from users was non existent. My son,…
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December 9, 2012 0

What should you plant first? Raise?

  “Okay, you have your place squared away in your quest to become more self-reliant. . . now what?    What should you plant first?   What animals should you raise?    Let’s talk about it on this episode of “The Homestead Honey Hour“!  Callers get their questions answered . Also, Goat Hollow will also be coming on at…
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August 16, 2012 0