Home schooling, questions and answers with those that do!

Home schooling, questions and answers with those that do!

January 31, 2013 Books Family Homesteading Newbies Preppers Skills The Homestead Honey Hour Training 0

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   Homeschooling.   If you’re a parent – especially a parent who preps, homesteads, or both — chances are you’ve thought about homeschooling.   Maybe you’re homeschooling already.  

      You’re not alone.   There’s more joining the homeschooling camp every year.    The National Center for Education Statistics reports 1.7 percent of kids were home schooled in 1999, 2.2 percent in 2003, and 2.9 percent in 2007.     In 2011, that figure was at 4 percent.   If you crunch the numbers that means the rate of growth in homeschooling is steadily increasing:   It increased 29% between 1999 and 2003, jumped to 36% between 2003 and 2007, and between 2007 and 2011, came in just under a 39% growth rate. Listen to this show in player provided—–>    

     homeschool 4Even if you are happy with the school your children presently attend, having the ability to educate your children at home is a huge asset for the self-reliant minded person.   What if your child’s school burns down or suffers some other devastating event like tornado or hurricane damage?     What if the continually deteriorating economy causes your child’s school to close or be so severely affected by budget cuts that a quality, well-rounded education becomes questionable?    What if you discover your child has special needs that can’t or aren’t being addressed in your district to your satisfaction?     What if there’s a long-term pandemic that closes your school indefinitely?     What if you simply don’t feel safe sending your child to public school anymore?   And in a worst-case scenario, what if the grid goes down indefinitely?     For these reasons, as well as many others, having a back-up plan to educate your children at home should be a part of every prepper’s repertoire of skills and supplies.    

      On this episode of “The Homestead Honey Hour” show we’re going to be tackling this very important subject.    If you are thinking about homeschooling and don’t know where to start, you won’t want to miss this show.    If you already are a seasoned, homeschooling veteran, please tune in and participate in the chat room to help the many “newbies” like myself.  And by all means, please feel free to call in with your own advice as well.

     homeschool 5So join me, Renée (a.k.a. Michigansnowpony on YouTube) for another episode of the Homestead Honey Honey as we talk about getting started with Homeschooling.   I will be picking the brains of a panel of “experts”:   Parents who have home schooled and/or are currently homeschooling their children.    These folks have generously agreed to share what they’ve learned along the way in tactics, resources, experiences, and tips with the rest of us.     I’ll be learning right along with you as my husband and I will be throwing our hats into the homeschooling ring next year with our daughters, presently ages 8 and 10.

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