Tag: illness

How to Prevent an Apocalyptic Pandemic

There are many ways that our world may end, and sweeping sickness is one of the most likely scenarios. Many experts believe that the next global pandemic is not too far off, and if it does strike, millions of people could die. Luckily, it doesn’t have to get that far as there are many ways…
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November 5, 2019 0

Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in…

Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in… Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! For the next few weeks on Reality Check, EK is back in the studio discussing sanitation. We may not like it but when the grid goes down mother nature is going to come knocking. You may not think it is that…
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September 22, 2018 0

Are Preppers Hoarders?

Are Preppers Hoarders? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” The question of this show is this, are preppers hoarders? Do hoarders use the prepping venue to mask their illness and cover up their hoarding ways? Or are all preppers just natural hoarders? This question is hard to answer and might bring up a few questions of…
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May 3, 2016 0

Special Needs Prepping!

Special Needs Prepping DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” What do I mean by special needs? I mean anything that can be a need for a member of your family or group that may not be considered under the “normal” needs we prepare for. This past weekend when I kept trying to write this show information I…
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March 31, 2016 0

Lyme Disease and Herbal Remedies!

Lyme Disease and Herbal Remedies! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Lyme disease is a complex disease to treat, and a painful one to live with. Just mention Lyme, and watch people’s faces as they react. Lyme disease is painful, can cause confusion and fatigue, and it can kill any attempt to focus. Worse than that,…
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June 14, 2015 0

Cold and Flu Season, Fire Cider Recipes!

Cold and Flu Season and Fire Cider Recipes Host: Sam Coffman “The Herbal Medic” Join Sam Coffman this week as he helps us prepare for cold and flu season using extremely practical and effective herbal formulas.  Sam will discuss the immune system and how we can boost it to help prevent respiratory viruses (e.g. common…
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November 11, 2014 0

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we’re going to go over what belongs on a “pandemic checklist”, and how Herbal Medicine can help fill in the gaps on that checklist. The massive Ebola outbreak in West Africa has caused a surge of interest…
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October 12, 2014 0

Can You Afford To Get sick When SHTF?

Can You Afford To Get sick When SHTF? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In bad times, it would be worth much more than just a pound. It is as if disaster is form of “illness inflation”. Everyone gets sick once…
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July 20, 2014 0

Invasion America!

 Invasion America Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” We boast as Americans we live in the greatest country in the world. Yet, we as any other country are not immune to being invaded or attacked. History shows this, from the Revolutionary War to September 11. That’s just America. Many countries have experienced attacks on their soil.…
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July 10, 2014 2

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own (part 2)

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own (part 2) Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Sam Coffman continues this week with details on how to make your own first aid kit. Join him this week as he continues to talk about various herbal formulas and the specific herbs to use in those formulas for a…
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April 22, 2014 0

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own! Pt 1

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own (part 1) Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Join Sam Coffman this week on The Human Path as he walks through the concept of building a first aid kit using primarily herbal medicine. This could be a kit for home, neighborhood, the car or the backpack. Sam will…
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April 15, 2014 0

Collapse-Resilient Health Care Plan!

Collapse-Resilient Health Care Plan! Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ Modern medicine has some truly wondrous, life-saving procedures and medicines. It excels in it’s diagnostics techniques and heroic interventions. However, does the US really have a health care system? I say, emphatically, “no”. Much of what we have is a “sick care” system, with a…
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March 15, 2014 0

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures!

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures! Host: James “I Am Liberty” About a year ago my son was still very young and smearing me with sickness like nothing I had ever known. His body was creating disease that was just perfectly compatible with my own. I missed more work from legitimate sickness that year than…
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December 6, 2013 0