Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in…

Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in…
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!
For the next few weeks on Reality Check, EK is back in the studio discussing sanitation. We may not like it but when the grid goes down mother nature is going to come knocking. You may not think it is that important or requires much thought. You think, what is there to it but digging a hole for a latrine and making sure you wash your hands. So, what if we get a little dirty. I mean people have survived for centuries without soap, right?
Listen to this broadcast or download “Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in…” in this player!
Native Americans were on the move so to speak. Some tribes changed locations depending upon the season. This helped the area to reset for their return which helped to cut down on infection and diseases. They made sure to have access to water to rinse off and bath even though it was without soap. They used herbs and plants to fight off illness and disease. They were used to their natural environment without all the modern-day pollution.
Fast forward to today. We have polluted the world with man-made chemicals, superbugs, and our food is no longer as healthy for us as it once was. Plus, we are jammed packed into cities of metal on land that was never intended for so many people to live. When the grid goes down things will eventually stop working. Trash will pile up along with human waste. You may be responsible with how you dispose of things, but the majority will not. The stench will become unbearable, the flies will become hoards, and disease will spread like wildfire. And, that my friends is why sanitation should be a top priority!
So we are beginning a new multi-part part series we will cover personal hygiene and how to keep yourself clean, the wonderful world of the latrine; food prep, cooking, and serving, and lastly will be keeping your home or space clean with limited resources along with handling your trash.
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diseases grid down illness infection Reality Check Sanitation Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in... soap