Tag: Family

Christmas and Such on A Family Affair w/ JFURG

Listen to “Christmas and Such on A Family Affair” on Spreaker. 0 (9s): 1 (45s): It helps if I actually have the volume on, well, hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. That is your host, Jay Fergie, with a family affair. It is great to have you on this December 26, the post Christmas.…
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December 29, 2020 0

Prepping and the Great Mask Deception – The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Prepping and the Great Mask Deception – The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (12s): Prepper Broadcasting Network we have to hit the reset button. You create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age. We sell training all the way up. 0 (48s): 1 (1m 13s): Hello, everyone. And…
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October 28, 2020 0

How To Balance Spousal Time and Prepping 

  How To Balance Spousal Time and Prepping    Prepping helps you be mindful of the worst that can come, and yet many people may be married to spouses who aren’t into it. How can one balance spousal time with prepping? It’s quite an issue, but it’s one you can resolve. You can make your…
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June 13, 2020 0

Prepping Skills to Teach Young Teenagers

Prepping is a way of life. You are constantly working, learning, and doing in order to fend for yourself and your family when you need to. However, if your kids don’t know how to do the same, there’s a big hole in your prepping journey. Preparing everyone in your family, including your kids, is the…
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September 18, 2019 0

Self-Defense and the Bible, with The Gunmetal Armory and Archangel Dynamics

This week on TGA, we are gonna visit the library of the Gunmetal Armory. We are going to call on our brother Miles F. from Archangel Dynamics… and if possible, we are going to bring in another special guest. We’re going to discuss self-defense, what can happen in those highly charged situations, and what the…
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February 27, 2019 1

A Time to Reflect; a New Year Ahead of Us

With 2019 now upon us, we are now a new year, with new challenges and experiences waiting for us. In order to plan ahead we do have to look back. Look at what we went through, what we experienced. How we can better plan for those situations. Or even look to see how well we…
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January 11, 2019 0

How Well do you Know your Neighbors?

Do You really know your Neighbors In today’s time, we hear that preppers should look to their neighbors and get them on board. That a community is stronger with more. And this is true the only exception is how well do you really know your neighbor. Even though that individual may be friendly and on…
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December 18, 2018 0

Prepping for Family Conflicts!

Preparing for Family Conflicts!  The holidays can be a tense time of year. When we are supposed to enjoy the spirit of being with each other and spreading cheer, sometimes we are instead faced with family division, parenting struggles and children caught in-between. Sometimes these stressors during the holiday are overlooked and rarely seen as…
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December 12, 2018 0

Surviving Holiday Travel!

Surviving Holiday Travel James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! The Christmas Hook has arrived! As we start the holiday season my new book The Christmas Hook is available to purchase. This w Christmas classic follows three 9 year olds on a spooky Christmas break where they find a strange hook that brings them terrible…
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November 8, 2018 0

Dismantle the Family!

The News Pt 3 Dismantle the Family Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! This broadcast of Behind the Lines focuses the ‘tactical execution and practical application’ of collectivization upon specific constructs within society. These institutions represent a guiding force and a stabilizing unit that must be neutralized before this collectivization becomes possible. By…
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October 24, 2018 0

Back to Basics Fishing

Back to basics Fishing Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post Fishing, hunting, and camping is something we as parents want our Children to know. Well in this 3 part series we are going to dive deeper in to the basics of these three everyone should know, or at least take the…
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October 21, 2018 0

Who you know Connections!

Who you know Connections Kid Communities Part 4 Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! I’ve learned through the years that it’s not so much what you know – it’s who you know. As an adult, I find it difficult to explain this at times to the younger generations. Everything from job seeking to…
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October 1, 2018 0

SERE: Life Saving Tactics!

SERE: Life Saving Tactics! Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided On this episode of Gunmetal Armory we take the time to discuss various different tactics that can be used if you are being faced with a threatening person or group of people, what to do if you’re caught in some sort of an explosion,…
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August 31, 2018 0