Prepping and the Great Mask Deception – The Next Generation Show

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Prepper Broadcasting Network we have to hit the reset button. You create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age. We sell training all the way up.
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1 (1m 13s):
Hello, everyone. And welcome to The. Next Generation. Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host Ryan Beaver, along with my co-host young master Collin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose, so let’s do it right in first off, a couple of quick announcements for those of you out there, listening to the podcast. Thank you for that support coming over and join us during the live chat. By going over to Prepper Find us on The Oh, what do we call this?
1 (1m 53s):
This element chat or the element chat as what they call it. And it’s a great way to, to sign on and speak with us live during these Shows asked questions, get answers, maybe not the best answers, but answers and none the less, and in most cases it’s a good conversation to be had in the background. I’m in there with several like-minded listeners. So it takes for the folks who are joining us in with us tonight. It looks like we’ve got Volcana Kellogg’s joint chiming in chat, and maybe we call it a pop in there, here in a few. So yeah, check us out also a special thanks to the folks out in Muskogee, Oklahoma as the top top listeners in one location this week.
1 (2m 35s):
So happy to have your support. Thanks for tuning in a special, thanks also to the folks across the pond and around the world who listened to the The Prepper Broadcasting Network and to our show, it’s, it’s kind of refreshing to see how many different folks out there are listening from all over the world. Looks like we got a couple of new listeners from Germany and Japan. So welcome. Also, don’t forget to check out our new member portal over it, the PBN site for added content, you know, for those of you who were Patriots through the website, Patriot Patriot patriotic Patrion, I think it was a we’ve transitioned to our own form of member
1 (3m 17s):
And that allows us to give you more content with more flexibility and a fewer chances of big media and big tech overlooking what we’re doing and shadowing what we’ve got going on. A lot of times, some of the things that we talk about here can be considered extreme, even though there really aren’t many cases, but we’d rather not get canceled or a democratized, or have our sources of income drop as a result of what you guys want to hear. So if you support what we do, if you like, what were your hearing support us through the member portal, you get your added content and do you keep this a This show, a float.
1 (3m 59s):
It pays the bills that it keeps the website flow and it keeps the audio content coming. And it allows us to get space to keep the archives in the archives so that all the old Shows don’t disappear into the abyss. If you’d like, you can always reach out to us directly website and click on the next Generation show page there, we’re going to find all of our social media contact information. And of course you can always reach us So today we are talking about I’m using an old outline, but we’re, we’re talking about masks and the masks that we wear and the idea of masks when it comes to preparedness.
1 (4m 54s):
And for a lot of folks, you know, this is it it’s, it’s really easy to come out and say, OK, you know, I’ve gotten my Mask because people have been talking about masks so much. Now that it’s a commonplace, right. You know, and not too long ago, preppers were thought of as weird or unusual or, you know, a little cookie and the head for carrying around excess masks, different types of masks and 95 masks, surgical masks, full face masks, respirators. You know, we talked about this kind of stuff, way back in March, you know, the, the effectiveness of masks, you know, pandemic scenario and what was really happening.
1 (5m 42s):
And over the course of the last couple of months, what I’ve come to realize is that the years of training that I’ve had in respiratory protection has really afforded me. This the, the reality that essentially nobody knows proper respirator care or techniques and use or cleaning or maintenance or hygiene, and the Mask itself would soon be as much of a bacterial or, or a viral Petri dish as the door handles and door knobs that everybody was touching. Right?
1 (6m 23s):
So it got me to thinking about Basques, you know, masks, and here we are on the verge of Halloween one or the spookiest day’s of the year we call them mentioned it, it was our last show before Halloween. So we probably have to do something about fear and, and masks and how fear and preparedness go hand in hand in some ways and masks and preparedness go hand in hand in some ways. And in order to, to really illustrate this, I, you know, everybody knows what a Mask is, but a lot of times people don’t really understand the perception of a mask and what a mask actually tells the person who that observes it, because there’s a lot that’s unspoken when you have a Mask on, there is a lot that’s, that’s not said that is still being communicated.
1 (7m 16s):
You know, I, I worked for a number of years in hazardous materials. And, you know, there were certain times when you don’t wear your mask, because it has the potential to create a significant amount of fear among people who don’t understand it. And the only time I really understood how significant that was, was when Colin was just a young, big baby. I mean, he was maybe two or three years old. And I remember he, cause he was, it was at that age where he was still kind of a water and around, but he was still a little top heavy.
1 (7m 56s):
It all figured it out. You know, how do I move around effectively, stuff like that. So he was probably right around between a year and two years old, right? At anybody whose had a kid knows that point when they spot their child hurt themselves on accident. And you hear the bump, then the silence as a parent, you wait and you listen to see if that silence turns into a cry or a groan or, or, or whatever it is. And then nothing kid gets up brushes off his knees or his head rubs it a little bit and moves on the difference.
1 (8m 44s):
However, his, when you observe what happens in that moment of silence and what happens is a lot of times, as a child will look around, they’ll look for a sign that, that somebody is watching. I look for a sign that, you know, Hey, you know, I’m looking for validation that I need to be coddled, or I need to be cared for. So this weird thing happens where when the child sees you, their reaction changes and even more so when the child sees your reaction, their reaction changes of what I mean by that is when, when this would happen.
1 (9m 35s):
And I would notice, you know, cause as toddlers do, they bumped into things when they would a bump into something to fall get hurt or whatever. If my instant reaction was to freak out, you know, to panic, to show a fear, then all a sudden that fear got translated into the eyes of the child. And yet what I carried a mask of, how do I say this conference? Or When went bat level of fear was undetectable in my child.
1 (10m 19s):
It wasn’t perceived that as a result, the fear was dismissed. And at that point, the pain was resolved. The child got up and went on with what they were doing, this whole idea of what the, what the Mask is and what the perception is and what the fear is. And, and all of this. What does any of that have to do with Prepping? Well, it was Prepper. We have masks of all different kinds and we deploy those masks when needed. Are there specific reasons for those masks, they’re specific reasons to not to wear those masks.
1 (11m 5s):
And here we are in a state of fear among the entire country and everywhere else around the world. And some cases, the idea that if you wear a mask you’re safe, or if you don’t wear a mask you’re unsafe or vice versa, or the perception that’s given on either side of the fence. But again, as preppers, we have to know when to wear a mask and what not to wanted to show our cards and what not too. And ideally what happens while we understand the difference between conveying fear and allowing our masks to help others prevail, if that makes any sense.
1 (11m 54s):
But first, before we got on what the today show Colin, can you share your fun fact of the week?
2 (12m 1s):
What did you do with everybody? My name is Cole and I’m the co-host here, not a guest and yeah, I’m just gonna quickly cover a cat grabbed Collin phone back to the weak today is grabbed to go on a fun fact of the week is the world record for the fastest punk and garden was 16.4, seven seconds. Now, I guess that’s sort of hard too. That’s hard to the start of gage because like what if, what if he was just like carving in a circle or whatever, but, you know, I, I think it’s still a pretty cool, I also couldn’t find a whole lot on specifically what we’re talking about. So I, now you know that,
1 (12m 42s):
Okay. That’s all right. I’ve, I’ve got some, some Mask facts we’ll probably dig into too a little bit later in the show, but a cool, cool, well, cool deal. Well, let’s, let’s get on with today’s show looks like we might be having some audio issues, so hopefully there’s enough going on out there. I’m seeing good signal on my end. So if there’s any major issues, hopefully we can get it sorted out in chat, but anyhow, why don’t you, what do you kind of share some of the stuff that we were talking about before the show?
2 (13m 17s):
Right. So, you know, some, some of the topics or some of the points that you wanted to touch on were how fear being, you know, it’s Halloween or it’s our last episode before Halloween, how it relates to Prepping and how it corresponds. And I kinda got to thinking, and the blanket statement that I, that I kept coming back to after I thought about it was that fear is Prepping entirely or Prepping is triggered by fear.
2 (14m 0s):
So it just sort of explain this. I w I was, I was, I was like thinking, you know, making the gears in my head were turning and the more and more I realized that fear is what triggers everyone to prep. And by everyone, I mean, two types of people, preppers and non Prepper is, and when you have Prepper as a non Prepper is alike in one way or another, the reason they prep is due to fear. And when it comes to non Prepper is it’s normally a compulsive thing or a something that is done in the heat of a mow it in the heat of the moment.
2 (14m 49s):
Because a lot of times, mom, preppers, they don’t prepare as a lifestyle. They prepare typically because everyone else is preparing. There’s a reason to prepare. There’s a reason to be afraid or reason to go that I get to see a reason to prepare.
3 (15m 9s):
Yeah, we call that reactionary preparedness,
2 (15m 13s):
Right? And the difference between the, the, the non preppers and the Prepper is, and how fear triggers one to prep, I guess, is that a Prepper typically looks at the signs of Prepper is going to put together the puzzle long before they know what’s going to happen, or if they know why they are preparing before everyone else does, because they are able to look at the signs and they are able to put stuff together, right. And even though on one hand, like a non Prepper might be more compulsive about it, and they might be more radical and they might stock up a bunch of food, whether they need it or not, they usually do it in a short period of time.
2 (16m 8s):
And when you are a Prepper and, you know, as a non Prepper, when you do all of that, it’s usually caused by fear. For whatever reason, there’s a reason to be preparing. If it’s a natural disaster, if it’s a global pandemic or whatever it is, and a Prepper its the same way, but it’s done in a different matter. And when they look at those signs, they’re able to prep in short increments and they are able to prep for long periods of time, like two months ahead or eight months ahead, a year ahead because they are able to do it calmly. And they’re able to look at what it is that needs to be prepared for, but in the back of their mind, whether they acknowledge it or not, it is fear that is causing them to prep because they are afraid that if they don’t then they’ll, you know, something is going to happen right now.
2 (17m 8s):
And so I think that’s, that’s how Prepping between non preppers and preppers sort of connect because one way or another Prepping is incited by fear, but it’s, it’s a executed differ. It’s a known thing it’s executed. It’s it’s executed differently
3 (17m 32s):
If your brain is Prepping. If I have to understand the rate, right, fear-based Prepping is done in a panic mode where you’re rushing to get everything you can as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Whereas, you know, lifestyle form of Prepping is more done as means are available slowly over time in order to achieve a wider variety of preparedness for a longer duration.
2 (18m 2s):
Right. But I S I still think that even though a lifestyle Prepper might do it in short increments, if they don’t, then there’s going to be consequences. And those consequences is what the Prepper fears. That’s why they do it. So I think in a way, even though it’s not in a panic matter, both preppers and non preppers have like fear. And I, I also got to thinking how fear is a basic body reaction, fear being a stressor there, glands and the body, you know, glands that cause your adrenaline to a spike when I’m, when you feel threatened, there’s a threat.
2 (18m 46s):
And when there’s a stressors, there could be physical problems, configured physical consequences, it’s the stressors, but there can also be sort of mental precautions when you’re able to acknowledge that fear can be a stressor and acknowledge the signs and the way to go about the actual Prepping process.
3 (19m 13s):
What would it be an example of that without fear that would drive up a Prepper lifestyle Prepper yeah. What would be a, an example of a fear that would kick off of some sort of action?
2 (19m 28s):
Well, I think, I think a good one would be what we talked about last week to a space junk, the sudden, the fear factor that the This near miss, that we had to the satellite that could have caused catastrophic catastrophical cellular, you know, mayhem on earth. And I think even if people didn’t talk about it or they did talk about it and it was trending for a short period of time, a Prepper might look at that and they might mentally analyze that, or hold on to that, or a member, I guess, analyze or remember that event.
2 (20m 14s):
And they can start doing things in small portions to maybe change the way there they live or have backups too, the way they go about communication, if it was a cellular disaster or taking that, that example of possibly being a cellular disaster and expanding on it for other reasons we use satellite, maybe it’s just buying a bunch of old DVDs so that you, you just in case you can’t use a DVR or yeah, I like it. Yeah.
3 (20m 49s):
Well, yeah. You know, I get afraid of getting cold in the winter time. So it drives me to stack wood when I can, you know, that’s, that’s a pretty basic, but a a, it’s definitely some of them
2 (21m 2s):
Like, if, if I’m, you know, go ahead,
3 (21m 6s):
It would be one thing to be, to, you know, to, if, if I wasn’t in the lifestyle and all of a sudden I didn’t have any firewood, then I’d be entering panic mode, right. About November and October when the first snow flies and paying two to three times what I would need to for either electrical heat or a, you know, a couple of chords of wood that someone else already had stacked and ready. So
2 (21m 33s):
Yeah. Like, yeah. So like financially preparing what’s the best route to go in. And if you are, and if you’re planning to make a major life change like that, if you are ready, live a life of Prepping, it’s more likely that you’ll consider those, consider those climate changes or not, I guess not climate change, maybe it would be climate changes, just the changes in weather, whether or not you’re going to have to go with a wood stove or a pellet stove or an electric or gas stove wherever you are. It’s not, I feel like that’s something that a Prepper would consider in a more calm manner than someone who’s moved.
2 (22m 19s):
And now they have the situation on their hands. It’s more of a mental preparation, like, okay, this, this might be something I have to do financially. I have to make this work or, you know, or whatever, because that’s probably not something that they’ll think about if you’re moving somewhere a non Prepper or, or yeah, you don’t find out until you, if somebody lived there,
3 (22m 40s):
Snow flies or whatever, you know, until it hits your doorstep. And a lot of folks are fleeing from California and some of these places to Northern Idaho and, you know, parts of Colorado in Texas. And they’re up for a rude awakening here and the next couple of weeks. So we’ll see if they last. So what about masks?
2 (23m 2s):
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, you want me to kind of go on in your mouth. What’s your take on that? So I want to preface the next two points by saying kind of something that dad and I briefly talked about before we texted about, but way before in the beginning of the year or early 20, 20, you know, January, before everything really started to go downhill. And before it was a pandemic long before it was considered a pandemic, I remember listening to a podcast and they were talking about how they, when they saw people, mind you in January, we were aware of what was going on on the other side of the world, it’s it, it wasn’t really a concern that was happening.
2 (23m 54s):
And, you know, I was like, Oh, you know, America, right? Oh, it was sort of a norm over there, the situation. So I remember listen to this podcast and they were talking about how in places like airport airports or a subway, is there any other public area or even a busy street of like New York or LA, how, when someone was seen wearing a Mask it wasn’t the initial thought wasn’t Oh, they’re protecting themselves from others. It’s like, Oh, they’re sick. So they don’t want to spread things. Right. And that’s something that, well, back then, you know, however many months ago in January, that it was more of a fear factor than a comfort factor.
2 (24m 44s):
Like it is today, Oh, I’m going to go into this store. So I’m going to put on a mask. So I don’t get the virus, or, you know, I’m asymptomatic. I don’t want to spread this virus. You know, more typically it’s associated with not wanting to contract COVID or any other flu, but it could also go the way it was normally associated before everything started going down. And so that being said, surgical masks alone, before everything started out, they were a few of them. Yeah. Because, you know, if you see someone and they’re like, Oh, maybe, maybe I shouldn’t go near them because they don’t want to get anything that they might have.
2 (25m 27s):
Obviously they’re wearing a mask because they don’t want to spread something. Right. Or maybe, you know, they have a different mindset, but this being said, masks have been a fear factor, whether or not, you know, they’re masks or not. And that’s the first point I want to make about masks is that masks are deceitful. And it was a couple of different examples of this, or, yeah, deceitful. There’s a couple of different examples of this as when you, or watching a show or your reading, a book or watching a movie or the author of that book, a show or movie.
2 (26m 12s):
A lot of times, especially if it’s a horror, thriller will use one of the three different types of irony. And that’s like that that’s dramatic irony. The other two are situational in a verbal, but dramatic irony is When. If the reader or the consumer, a reader, viewer, you know, something about a character, whether it’s good or bad. And they are leading on to other characters in the film or the book that they aren’t who they are. And so, you know that this might be bad or they might have a, they’re not innocent. And they’re leading on to be someone who, whether or not, and that alone can be scary and uncertain situations, especially if it’s like a, a main character, but it’s especially scary to think about how, if you are associated with new people regularly, whether it’s your job or whatever, there’s a possibility that, that, that it wouldn’t be the irony because there wouldn’t be a necessarily, it wouldn’t be a viewer, but that the seat fullness is a Mask that should be feared, or it can be feared.
2 (27m 28s):
There was a bit,
1 (27m 30s):
I will be there one second, just because I got to say this before I forget a, one of my old bosses used to tell me that I’m a man of two minds should never be trusted. Basically the idea of it being that if you are, if you have one foot on one side of the fence and one foot on another side of the fence, or if your playing for both sides of the team, you can’t be trusted. So it was kind of the way that he put it. It wasn’t a man of a hundred, he put it out or they just say it. And I met a man of two minds
2 (28m 9s):
Two months. Yeah. Two months can be a choice. Yeah. I think that’s that that’s a perfect way to put this. And I think when it comes to people, that’s one way that masks could be deceitful in a way that isn’t like a physical mask, whether it’s a surgical mask or a Halloween mask, it’s not a metaphorical mask either. It’s more like it it’s just a deceitful mask. And that’s a, that’s one Mask, especially when it comes to prepping that it is important to be keen of your awareness. Because if you’re in a situation where there’s, there’s a food involved in a, a really good, we talked about this on one of the, the, the, like our argument debate ones.
2 (28m 56s):
But if you are keeping a keen of your senses, I guess if you’re able to seek out that deceitfulness, it can definitely be helpful in a world where, you know, people are going crazy or a, a, a, an end of the world situation or, or, or even people that are leading on for other purposes, like, you know, whatever it might be, it might be your friend for certain reasons that it could hurt you. And that’s kind of the whole point of why Mask deceitful style of masks can be feared or should be feared.
2 (29m 44s):
And the next one is, is something that definitely released everything that’s going on is his health symptoms, how a sick, the symptoms from one sickness can mask the symptoms from another sickness. And you won’t know which it is, or if you think that you have the flu, but it was actually COVID or vice versa when those symptoms, Mask one another, it’s hard to tell you how to get yourself out of that situation, how to treat yourself, how to better yourself and your family, and especially when their doctors aren’t available for whatever reason you’re stranded, or I don’t know, just for whatever reason, I guess, if they’re busy with their local outbreak and COVID health symptoms could be another reason or another way that masks can be the seatbelt and why they should be feared.
2 (30m 44s):
And then finally, a, a, a classic, a historical reference would be the Trojan horse for the Trojan horse raid, where they lead on to be a gift and were instead a way of ambush. And the second way, this is a second. And the last way I found masks to be related to fear, or how masks can incite fear is that masks can leave you clueless. And it’s one thing for masks to be deceitful, because masks will lead you in another direction. That is the way that, that, that is false, right.
2 (31m 27s):
But when, you know, there’s a mask in some way, metaphorically or physically, it can leave you clueless. And then you have to factor the unknown. When you don’t know what’s in the dark, it can scare you, right. You’re not necessarily afraid of the dark itself, but rather what you don’t know is in the darker ones in the dark, right? And it’s that same idea that that can be played in masks because when you know, there is something there, it can be just as scary as when you don’t know there’s something there, but you find out later. So just what’s on that other side of the mask. It can be a scary, and I think that’s the two best ways masks can play into fear and how that fear can play into preparedness.
2 (32m 14s):
And it’s not even with people, it can be with, it can be with like the weather. It can be a war, like, you know, sines that the weather should be one way or it’s another way, but it’s another way. And that unknown factor or that deceiving factor that leads you on to make certain preparations could make it too, where it puts you in a bad situation, then the consequences. So it’s, it’s something that can be feared in that sense, too. Right? A little bit of a,
1 (32m 53s):
I like it, a little bit of a downer, a deep dark hole of Mask use, and what’s really behind it. So will a, will continue with this, a little bit of a conversation with a couple of actual historical Mask type scenarios, a couple that I’ve borrowed from some friends and the community. And, and I will wrap up with a, a special project here about Mask. So hold on everybody, and we’ll be right back.
2 (33m 22s):
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4 (33m 53s):
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4 (35m 21s):
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5 (35m 46s):
3 (36m 5s):
Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls friends from across the world and around the globe. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for staying tuned and thanks to our sponsors. Pick it up a new sponsor just recently. The Prepper Prepper is a medical handbook, excellent resource to have. So go pick yourself up a copy today. Shows is going to continue this week with James Walton, with the eye of Liberty show on a Wednesday. Then we got Dane di with a gun matter of a gun metal armory on Thursdays, Friday nights, Dave, the NBC guys putting on shows here and there were actually going to be a special guests on his show this week. So join us for that.
3 (36m 45s):
It’s going to be a great show on weather and how to predict weather without modern means. So it should be a good show. It would be a fun, fun time. So join us Friday night on his Show Dave, the NBC guy. Then we got JD Fergie with a family affair on Saturday nights, and we’ve got the Sunday reliance broadcast with Stephen men King. Then we have The preparedness round table and or medical Mondays on Mondays where we kind of dig through the archives and, or the, the, their show hosts and mash them all up and see what we come up with a good way to kick off the week. And then we bring it full circle on double barrel, Tuesdays, starting off with the Patriot power hour, right before our show.
3 (37m 33s):
And then we’re right back here to see you next week. Great Shows everyday this week. So don’t miss out. And just as a quick reminder, here on the next generation, Show we have teamed up with a power of film solar to where we can give you guys a special partner deal. You can get any one of their light saver products using the promo code PBN 10, to get 10% off, head on over to the power from to check it out, or you can check it out through tactical and we’ll look forward to that then. So we’ve been talking about, excuse me, we’ve been talking about masks and fear and Prepping and how all of it is combined, right?
3 (38m 16s):
All these things tend to converge in some fashion one way or another, between w at what point fear interacts with, with preparedness, at what point, fear and masks interact with each other, and what point masks and interact with preparedness. And I figured why not make it a little bit of a half, a little bit of fun with this and dig through some of the, the most historical masks out there, kicking it off with the first one. This would be the executioner’s mask. Now, for those of you out there in the Mexican, the executioners Mask is one that they used and, and still commonly use for executions.
3 (38m 56s):
And as I knew, there was a reason I wanted to do this one because I had a, a Hodge cause I looked for the purpose, the reason for this executioner’s mask, right? Why would it be executioner meet a Mask of all people, you know, well, what executions were held publicly, you know, hundreds of years ago, masks were worn by the people who were conducting these executions to protect the families or the people who we are doing that from any sort of retaliation. And, you know, from, from having any sort of a, you know, differential treatment, because at the time the executioner was the person who was assigned the task.
3 (39m 45s):
You know, they were the person who had to do the job. They had to live with the fact that they were executing civil. They had to live with the fact that they were the last person, that the person they were executing was ever going to see. And in fact, it was actually a tradition for executioner’s to ask for forgiveness of the person that they were about to kill, basically asking for a prayer and a lot more to see if we can find the portion of that, where it actually calls off of that. This is just a, an, a, a Wikipedia article executioners. And actually there’s, there are some who have a family history of that.
3 (40m 27s):
There are those, depending on who the family was there, their identities were held secret in a lot of ways, all the way to the grave, to their old graves, the executioners were, you know, kind of like an interesting Mask. And all it is is basically a hood that covered their entire head. The eyes were the only things that we’re visible and the hood was all the way down, past their shoulders. These are the people who would generally pull the rope or the gallows pull, or who held the acts literally for the, the, the, the chopping block for those who would be beheaded kind of crazy.
3 (41m 18s):
But when it comes down to it, you realize the significance of that Mask and how it not only protected the person behind it, but it also allowed them a barrier between the rest of the world and what they were about to do.
0 (41m 36s):
3 (41m 36s):
Kind of gave him a sense of separation. I guess you could say, between what was happening inside, behind the mask, on what was happening outside the mask. You’ve got to think about it, that for a bit of a, you know, what happens, what, what happens to the mind of an executioner? The moment they put that mask over their head, you know, what do they actually, they are, there’s only one purpose to wear a mask like that. There’s only one reason. And until that reason is literally executed. They’re not to take the mask off, then they talk, they take the mask off, or they walk about the rest of society, just like nothing,
0 (42m 26s):
3 (42m 29s):
The weight of that Mask itself, even though it was just cloth is something that is far greater than what anybody could even have imagined, right? This whole idea that, that you’re the person editing another person’s life, or for whatever reason, criminal or not. However you feel about it. You go to the last person that is going to be seed, or even a next to that person write kind of crazy.
0 (43m 1s):
Excuse me.
3 (43m 4s):
So the next Mask, so I only come up with a three because there were, we only have so much time here, but the next Mask was one that I actually was inspired by Ron foster. And this is the one that was actually under the cover of his latest book. And it, it is that way for a very specific reason. So his Mask was the, one of the plague doctor there. The plague doctor is a mask that was a generally used in France and Italy and the 17th century. Basically it was a Mask with a, there was a ward over in the entire, like a full length hooded robe essentially.
3 (43m 49s):
Then when all the way down in the arms, all the way down the legs, all the way up to the shoulders and above it over the head. But in addition to This, they were aware they were a, a, a, a bird like bask that was filled with a sweet or a strong belly smelling substances, usually lavender. And then they also wore gloves and a wide brimmed hat. Ah, the Mask itself is it looked like a bird mask, kind of like a curved beak that shaped similar to a bird’s beak and the straps. They held the beak right in front of the dr. Snows, so that it worked much like a rock or a respirator with two small holes, were the person wearing the basket breathe in, and the air that they were breathing would actually be in a way it filtered by that lavender pepper Bay.
3 (44m 41s):
It can for whatever. And essentially you would keep all the bad smells away and before, do they do much about it? That the idea was that the bass keeping the bad smells away would prevent any sort of the toxins from entering their body. Right? But it’s actually something that has evolved into this idea of a suburb as a plague doctors. And again, this is about the plague, you know, the black plague, it, it kind of got converted to this idea of a medical Mask, you know, and how these masks have developed into the, the basis for what are our modern day gas masks or, and 95 or a, and P 100 respirators.
3 (45m 37s):
The idea that a tight fitting mask that has a certain level of filtration actually could prevent you from contracting some sort of a virus or disease. And so to some extent, there, might’ve been a little bit of truth, not a whole lot compared to today. And what we know now about the old medical procedures and viruses of how things spread. But to some extent, there was still there. In this case, the mask was more of a barrier for their old safety. It wasn’t a, so much to do to protect them from, you know, protect other people for them, but it was a spore to protect them from all the sickness that they were surrounded by.
3 (46m 17s):
You know, if you were a plague doctor walking around a sea of infected people, you know, you’re going to cover yourself from head to toe, including gloves and boots in a Mask on your face was the only way for air to get into your side, inside your body, through to swell holes and a bunch of plant filters.
2 (46m 42s):
The first time I ever saw this was like a week ago and it was on the show, it was watching. So I was like, kinda, yeah, no, it was kind of, it wasn’t a person. It was, it, it was on a show from like a, it was, it, it was based on the really early 18 hundreds. And it was like a seat 1862 or something like that, whenever that was happening. And yeah, I was, it was my first time seeing him. It was like a little bit interesting, but it was pretty it’s, it’s a goofy looking Mask, but it looks pretty cool.
3 (47m 14s):
Yeah. Well, and I kind of, so I watched a movie last weekend. It must’ve been not this past weekend, but the weekend before it was some movie about, you know, an apocalyptic scenario where This, there’s this one girl and she was walking around getting resources. Nothing really happened in the movie. I don’t even remember the name of it. It was that bad, but the whole time this girl was wearing this mask, you know, and it gave you this impression that, you know, there was a reason for it. And, you know, you had to wear this mask for whatever to be outside and all of this kind of stuff.
3 (47m 60s):
But then I kind of, it, it kind of just boiled down to this weird stereotype of preppers, you know, who have their mask on because they’re afraid of everything and they don’t really, you know, they, it doesn’t really matter. The Mask isn’t really going to do anything, you know, but on the other side of it, you know, they’re the fact remains that it was a Prepper as we kind of get called out for, for having masks. You know, personally, I’ve seen, you know, I’ve worked in environments and seeing some things that I there’s certain places where I will not wear, I will not even go inside without wearing a mask.
3 (48m 45s):
I will perform certain forms of work without wearing a mask. And that is because I understand the risks to my lungs or to my body or to my bloodstream or whatever it might be. And, you know, the understanding of how and when and why to wear a mask, regardless of fear eliminates that fear factor. It, it kind of drives that fear out, because if you understand the purpose of the Mask, if you understand the purpose of the respirator, if it actually holds a purpose for your own protection, then it’s, it, it makes more sense of it.
3 (49m 30s):
It’s not quite as crazy, I guess you could say. So we’ve got, lets see the first one of the executioners Mask and they had the second one was a plague doctor’s mask. And the third one is a little bit harder to see. In fact, it’s a lot harder to see this Mask is commonly known as hiding behind technology. This is a, a blog post that I found specifically for this reason. And one of the things that I found that I found that this post was doing better than some of the other ones that I, that I came across were the potential threats to hiding behind the Mask of technology.
3 (50m 23s):
And then what’s happening behind that screen. You know, the person on the other
1 (50m 28s):
Side of the computer, right? The person who, the other side of the phone or the person you on the side of the tablet, sending that message out or doing whatever. There’s a statement in here that they make, ah, the real reason people hide behind their technology. Isn’t as easy for people to acknowledge. This is because people who hide behind technology to be mean or hurtful to others, really don’t actually care about hurting others feelings as much as they want to believe otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it all. And here’s the key thing. What people really fear is seeing the reflection of themselves and facing the shape of their actions.
1 (51m 13s):
Kind of weird to think how much technology has become a blinder for many people. I remember even when technology was first coming out, how easy it was to get into a chatroom and you know, say things to people, you know, who I didn’t even know. And it kind of changes the way you are changes the perception of yourself. You know, if you could say something about somebody or, you know, a third party, could you say it to their face? If you took all the screens away, if we took all the, the cameras away, if we took all the glass and the distance away, would you still be able to say that to someone or do that to someone?
1 (52m 1s):
The reality is the, the Mask of technology is something that is so great and so viral and it’s so transparent idea of nobody sees it. A few people understand how vicious that mask is and how much fear has been driven as a result of people hiding behind that. Mask technology, a very strange thing folks. And it’s something that, you know, like they’re saying a chat cyberbullying, you know, that’s, that’s the one aspect of it. That’s just one, I mean, what we’re going to find out here over the next couple of weeks with the big tech and social media, it’s going to be a, it’s going to put a shame to several forms of communication and you know, you might want to hedge your bets and find out who your real friends are, have some face-to-face meetings with people who you really know and or think, you know, and determine whether or not they’re actually wearing masks or if they’re hiding behind some sort of digital, you know, costume, you know, here we are, you know, you know who I am, you know, who to call that it is.
1 (53m 21s):
It’s about as real as it gets. You know, we, we elaborate on occasion here and there, but usually with good reason and for the most part, we try and keep it legitimate. So, you know, I guess if you have issues or email us is at the beginning of the show, right. But for the most part, take your, take them, take that mask, that the hiding behind technology and take it with a grain of salt before you say, or do something, whether it’s political or whether it has to do with your school or, you know, a coworker or whatever it might be.
1 (54m 7s):
Because if that Mask, weren’t there, you got to ask yourself, if you would say it in the first place, if you pull that person aside in a hallway or, you know, in a classroom, in an office to tell it to their face back alley, that sort of thing, what’s that Mask, it comes off. You find out who people really are, but at the same with all of these masks, you know, you find out, you find out who people really are when the masks start coming off or not, when they go on. So speaking of masks going on, let’s move on to the pint size Prepper project of the week, a colon.
1 (54m 49s):
Do you want to set this one up?
2 (54m 52s):
Yeah, for sure. I’ll go ahead and also put it into the chat and the, the, the video that briefly explains how to put on a ghost face as they call it in the video, but it’s like, ah, it’s a military war pain. That is, it looks more realistic and it’s more effective than just the, you know, green and black lines on your face. Right. Because there’s a technique to make it look realistic and make it look organic and make it do what its supposed to and the camouflaging matter. So I mean, I’m pretty sure we all, for the most part, no, what we’re saying is right.
2 (55m 35s):
You put on your face, whether or not you’re hunting are, you know, actually in, you know, a camouflage situation, whenever it might be a combat or something. Right. And so this, this guy on the video, he, he, he kind of walks you through the steps to do it, the compact you should use, which has usually what it comes into. So you can see yourself putting it on your face. He goes over tips like how you should put it on your ears and your neck, because that’s a place that a lot of people miss and it sort of defeats the purpose of, they can see your big old years or, you know, the band of know unpainted NEC, then it doesn’t really, it doesn’t really do you any good to put it on your face to cover your face.
2 (56m 31s):
If it’s just going to not do the job, it tells you. So it you’d kind of explains the compact. How, how, what kind of colors or supposed to be in it so that it’s realistic. There are more dark, earthy green and Brown colors that blend in with each other and blend in with their skin. To me, like you get to where it, it, it looks more like, I don’t know. I guess it’s just to simply put it, it looks better or a camouflage in it. It, it works better. So yeah, it’s a good video. People like Jack can see it.
3 (57m 13s):
All right, bye.
2 (57m 16s):
Which of those kinds of things and in the video, but the method he uses with these colors is a, I don’t know what it is. It’s, it’s a, what do you call the stuff in a compact? It’s not paint. It’s like a, it’s just, it’s just like a, like a covering, I don’t know any terms, but no, he puts it on in certain places, you know, the eyebrow and then the opposite side cheek. And he goes from darkest to lightest properly. And then the end-product is just a, it, it sets you will die.
2 (57m 58s):
Do it. Cause it doesn’t say you all, it does the opposite to set you off it, it makes it the way you can stay. You know, it, it looks really cool. Nope. Explain it. But it looks like he’s got dirt all over his face and then, you know, a cow looks like caring for a lot of snow people. You should definitely get into element because it’s a chat that, that it’s a good tip. It’s a chat that doesn’t go away. It’s kind of like discord, except there’s not an auto, a delete feature after a certain amount of time. It’s all right there. And all of them saved. So if there’s any links that you want to see from like a previous episode that was a week ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, it might take a lot of scrolling, but you can find it.
2 (58m 42s):
So definitely get in there because when those project like these, that you kind of have to take my poor word for it, it can definitely help.
3 (58m 52s):
Nice. Yeah. And we actually got that term in chat. Thanks. Thanks to Kellogg 12, a dropdown as a customer or greases, what they call it.
2 (59m 5s):
It caused kind of a cosmetic was just, I don’t know if it was where I was looking for it, but yeah, that’s the stuff that you put on your face. And so I guess it would be a cosmetic and it’s like a more hardened Paint. Yeah. It just gives this map and Campbell on a sort of look and that’s that’s about the best nice best or worst way I can explain to you.
3 (59m 30s):
No, that’s all right. You gotta, you gotta a video for the folks who can check us out. And if you are interested, you miss out, feel free to email me. We can, we can give you the direction on how to get to that chat room or we can send you the link directly. If you really want to know, where are, you can look it up yourself, don’t be lazy. But some of the skills that you learn or are encouraged through this project are things like basic camouflage, understanding how a, the human eye perceives what it perceives. It’s also a great way to, you know, demonstrate resourcefulness. You know, you might be able to use something else other than powder or Greece like charcoal powder or, or, you know, or even just tinted mud or something.
3 (1h 0m 13s):
And then just, you know, general a situational awareness, you know, understanding when it’s important to have a disguise and that sort of thing. Hey, we do hope to keep these coming. And if you’d like to see more of these or support our work here directly at the next generation, Show, I don’t know where to Amazon and type in my name or Collin’s name or a pipe size Prepper project. And our book will pop right up, right in there. You are going to find 28 cop, 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with your family or your kids. So check it out. Christmas is around the corner. So feel free to fill up those stockings and get ’em get ’em early while you can still get them.
3 (1h 0m 55s):
I think for the final takeaway today, it’s important to realize at what point certain aspects of pervert preparedness start to converge. When you see things like fear, you see things like masks, you see things like preparedness. All of these types of things can be seemingly completely unrelated. But when these three things start to converge and you see the interrelationships between them, you start realizing the significance of relationships and what it means to be prepared and how to perceive these things in their different light.
3 (1h 1m 40s):
For example, if I’m out there shopping for gas masks, I’d have to have a pretty good reason why otherwise I’m doing it based on fear or I’m doing it because someone told me to go, I’m doing it because it looked cool on a movie, right? But if I work, if I look, you know, down-wind and I see that there is a power plant, a couple of hundred miles away, and that dust cloud has the ability to head this direction. Then I might want to have something like that on What did you have the reason once you have the purpose, which you have the point, it’s much easier to prepare without fear, And rather than putting masks on all of these different masks that we have as preppers, you can start to take those masks off and see who you really are.
3 (1h 2m 45s):
Show people who you really are, Allow others to see you for who you are.
0 (1h 2m 51s):
You are
3 (1h 2m 54s):
Masks or Great masks are good for their intended purpose. And I Al I’ve always been my big stick. What’s the context is gone. Once everyone is walking around and executioners masks, you don’t know who the executioners
0 (1h 3m 12s):
3 (1h 3m 15s):
What’s, everyone’s walking around and masks like medical masks. You don’t know who’s sick anymore. What’s, everybody’s walking around with bandanas. You don’t know whose part of Antifa anymore. So it’s important to recognize wearing masks have a place when fear has a place at what point these to converge versus when the masks you use for fear versus the basket you use for preparedness, it can be completely separated within your Prepper.
3 (1h 3m 55s):
Lastly, Casey, you missed it. We did a whole show on space junk and some of the, the complexities that we could face, if a, if we had a, an issue with a bunch of space junk collisions, which, you know, it could very well what happened in the near future, especially if the rate things are going. So be sure to check it out. Remember you can catch any of our old Shows on the, our previous Shows I guess a lot of the show page or all of your favorite streaming service, be sure to check us out. And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five-star review and it does help to boost our presence. And it allows us to share this message with others.
3 (1h 4m 36s):
The next week we will actually, before we get into the next week, Tuesday to Friday, we are going to be live again with Dave, the NBC guy. So that should be a great opportunity for, for another fun field show with Colin and myself and Dave, the NBC guy. So it should be a good time.
0 (1h 4m 58s):
Let’s see.
3 (1h 4m 59s):
Oh, I got to someone try to call it and hold on one second. It’s probably call it how about a loss of, but I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation. Show it. It’s definitely not me. Oh, there we go. Where we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and you were a cohost all in Buford reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared. I have a great night to everybody and make it a great week.
0 (1h 5m 41s):