Understanding and Mastering the Bugout!

Understanding and Mastering the Bugout!

April 19, 2018 Bugging Out Emergency 0

Understanding and Mastering the Bugout Process
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

Understanding and Mastering the BugoutFor a long time I have been looking for the best way to really dig into the bugout process. There is probably no other part of prepping that has more air time than the bugout. It’s a very popular topic and for good reason. The problem I find, most often, with the bugout is that it is rarely allotted the time it deserves. You see, the bugout cannot be explained in a mere 2000 words. Part of it could be handled but you could never do a 45 minute podcast on the bugout and touch everything.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Understanding and Mastering the Bugout” in this player!

Since I AM Liberty is built for a 2 hour production time we now have the ability to dip into the bugout thoroughly. We can give the topic the respect it deserves. An example of what I mean might be that we will take a full hour before we even talk about a bugout bag. It could take us the first half of the show just to discuss planning and mapping. Two topics that should not be overlooked in your bugout process.

There is much beyond that to discuss as well. We will look at the use of survival caches, rally points and even what to do when you arrive at your bugout location. We are going to create a definitive bugout resource for the listeners of the I AM Liberty Show. This podcast will be something that you put into a file and work from as you create or recreate your bugout process.

I will be honest. I am still enamored with this new show schedule and I feel like we have a whole new world to explore together on these longer shows. Time and knowledge are the most valuable things on the planet and I hope I can use my time to expand our knowledge together. Cant wait for the insight. Don’t forget to join the live chatroom!

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