THE BUGOUT: From Start to Finish! 6 Part/6 Hour Series
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At the time of this post, our boys at PPH and Dave Jones the NBC Guy are conducting a bugout and link-up operation that has been titled The Azure Highland. This operation has been and will be broadcasted live as they carry on through the night and all the way to Saturday. We will be…
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Although many of us become comfortable in the idea that 21st-century society is unshakable and safe, there is always the possibility that some disaster or war could cause it to collapse. If some event causing the end of society as we know it were to occur, being in a densely populated urban area would not…
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Prepping, Homes & Automobiles: How to Pack a Car on a Road The thrill of hitting the open road with loved ones aboard, in anticipation of a fun-filled journey with vivid sights, great foods, bonding over campfires, sightseeing or hiking never gets old. Knowing how to pack a car can make or break a trip.…
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The Urban Neighborhood in Survival When do I bugout?: REDOUT James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! There is more to prepping then just compiling a bunch of things. The inventory and the storage are all very important parts. The skills, I would argue are even more important. However, you start to feel…
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Understanding and Mastering the Bugout Process James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! For a long time I have been looking for the best way to really dig into the bugout process. There is probably no other part of prepping that has more air time than the bugout. It’s a very popular topic and…
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Creating an Emergency Plan… Part 2 David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! Dave has Guy Snodgrass return to finish up how you can create an emergency plan. Guy answers key questions on how to pick a bugout location and more importantly when the right time to bugout is. What are the…
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The Micro Bugout for Family Security in a Collapse James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! The bugout is one of those things that you can deconstruct over and over again. You can add pieces over and over and still find something you left out. The bugout is a massive process that requires many…
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