The Bugout!

The Bugout!

August 4, 2016 Bug Out Bag Bugging Out I Am Liberty Planning Survival Travel 0

The Bugout!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

The BugoutThis show may turn into a two or three part series on the Bugout! An in depth look at the bug out from start to finish. Its much more than just the bag that should be considered. For starters the most important decision you make will have nothing to do with what’s in your bag. Nor will it have anything to do with where you will go. Of course the most important decision of a bugout happens in your home when you make the decision to stay or leave.

238233240_774417cbd7_oBeyond that i will also discuss options for movement and mapping out areas and locations to which you might bugout. There are so many options and very little has to do with what’s in your bag. Traversing the land near your home and having a plan of not only where to go but how to get there is of the utmost importance.

Are you prepared to move at night? Much of your movement should be done at night and under the cover of its protective darkness. When you are considering a bugout its so much more than grab your bag and hop into the car. If you are drilling GRAB BAG JUMP IN CAR than you are missing out on 3/4 of what a bug out entails.

This is gonna be a fun bunch of shows. Don’t miss this episode of I AM Liberty.
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