Tapping the Brakes – BOV Update with The Next Generation Show

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1 (1m 11s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host Ryan, along with my cohost young master Collin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. There’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of announcements for those of you out there, listening on the podcast tonight, we thank you for that support. And we’d like to remind you to come on over to the website, prepper broadcasting.com during the show, and you can join us in the live chat.
1 (1m 47s):
There are several folks in there at the moment. There’s always a good conversation to be had in the background. So all you gotta do is click on the, join, the live chat button, give yourself a username, and you’re good to go. So a great way to, to tune in on the background and see what’s happening in other corners of the world. Also a special thanks to the folks out in Washington, Virginia, as the top listeners in one location this week also, we’ve got some new listeners across the pond and around the world. So thanks to the folks out there. We got a couple of new listeners out in Spain and Switzerland.
1 (2m 19s):
So a welcome, welcome. And for those of you who aren’t already aware, please check us out on our prepper broadcasting.com website. There’s a new member portal over there where we’ve got opportunities for you to see some added content, featured stuff, videos, audio templates, downloads, great stuff. So check it out. It’s way better than what you can get from Patrion. And your support goes directly to us so that we can keep this machine rolling more on, on that in the future.
1 (2m 52s):
But it does allow us to have a lot more freedom and retain control of our content to make sure that it keeps coming. So check us out. It’s a great way to support us here at prepper broadcasting. And if you’d like to check out our information, go on over to the prepper broadcasting.com website hit the next generation show page. And over there, you’re going to find some of our archive shows and our contact information for social media. We’re on Twitter, Instagram parlor.
1 (3m 23s):
Now we’ve got a Facebook page and a couple of other things. So it’s a great way to reach out. If you want to say, Hey, on social media, I do respond to that kind of stuff for the most part, as much as I can. And if you’d like to share any show ideas or questions, concerns, comments, or if you’d like to get some of the information from the links that we post during these live shows, go ahead and hit me up by email. Send me an email@prepperdadatmail.com, quick tactical torture.com update.
1 (3m 54s):
We are done with the torture testing of the tuck tech kayaks. We might do one or two other little abuse type of things to it over the course of the next week. And we’re going to wind up getting a, a little bit more footage in that regard, but for the most part we’ve, we’ve tested them. And I’ve got to say they’re, they’re definitely approved as far as the, the potential for tactical and survival as a portable folding kayak.
1 (4m 24s):
If you’d like to know more about that, go over on, go on over to our website@tacticaltorture.com. There should be a link for tuck tech kayaks on the vendor page, and you can see what they have to offer. It’s pretty impressive. And we’re going to get a video and blog post up here. I know I thought I was going to do it this weekend, but if you paid attention to the show title today, you’ll realize that we spent pretty much all weekend under the truck. So we didn’t get a chance to do much computer work. So we’ll, we’re going to push that off just long enough to, to get through today’s show and then hopefully we’ll get it wrapped up sooner rather than later.
1 (4m 58s):
So stuff coming there. So today this topic today is tapping the brakes and we’re doing a bug bug out vehicle update for our bug out vehicle project. And one of the things that always, as you get older, you realize the importance of what it means to tap the brakes and to understand how to drive in bad weather up here in the North, we have all sorts of different types of weather that other people in the country never experienced, or when they do experience, they kind of flip out and they, they don’t handle it properly.
1 (5m 39s):
Some of these things are like, you know, hailstorm, sleet storms, freezing fog, black ice, which a lot of people in the country are familiar with, but it’s that and freezing frog fog, or probably some of the most dangerous forms of road weather. You can come across in the winter time anyway. And aside from flooding and things like that, which we do see on occasion, but the, the freezing fog will actually, as you’re driving down the road and you’ll be going through, like you’re going through through a fog, you know, what will happen is it’ll freeze on your windshield instantly as you’re moving.
1 (6m 18s):
And even if you turn on your windshield wipers and your fluid, it doesn’t matter because it just freezes as you wipe. So you usually wind up having to slow down quite a bit. Black ice is a whole nother thing. And a lot of people aren’t familiar with that. But what it is is it’s a, it’s a very, very thin sheet of ice that you don’t recognize until it’s too late. A lot of people fall and slip on asphalt when black ice is a big concern.
1 (6m 48s):
Usually it happens when there’s a little bit of moisture or fog that settles on a asphalt and then it freezes and it freezes to a glass light consistency. Well, anybody who’s ever driven down an icy road, you can tell that it’s going to be icy and you can take some precautions, but black ice is a little deceiving because it doesn’t look anything, a lot of people with cars and trucks for that matter. Yeah. I think that four wheel drive is going to get him out of any scenario, but when it comes down to it, it’s really your, your driving habits.
1 (7m 23s):
And in this case, you’re breaking habits. A lot of times, if you hit some of those corners really hard and fast, or even if you’re slowing down on the straight stretch, if you tap your brakes or slam on your brakes, you have all sorts of issues that could happen when you hit slick, icy roads. And now here we are in the middle of the summer and it’s blazing hot out. But you know, we don’t have to worry about those kinds of things, right? At least not right now. Well, about six months ago, I was doing some, I was, I don’t know, for those of you who listened to, along to the show for a long time, I was doing some side work where I was taking a four Wheeler and I was using it to plow sidewalks for a contractor.
1 (8m 5s):
And it was kind of my, it was a little bit of a side hustle where I was able to make a couple of extra bucks here and there. And it was, it was great. It was a great little bit of cash right around the holidays and, and coming into the new year to help out what taxes and, and things of that nature. And just to basically support other things outside of my other, my regular income. But one morning when I was driving down the road, it was probably four, three 34 in the morning.
1 (8m 36s):
So there was no one else out at all. And I was going down this road and I had been down the road, you know, several times before under varying conditions. And it was a snowy day, obviously, because to help out with plowing. And luckily there wasn’t a whole lot of other traffic that had compacted the ice down or the snow down and, and made it even slicker than it usually is. But in this particular instance, I wound up, there was a turn that I had to make a right turn.
1 (9m 7s):
And the highway was an uncontrolled highway. There was, this intersection was an uncontrolled intersection. There was no stoplight, no stop sign. I just knew where the turd was. So I slowed down and then I turned into the turn, but when my wheels turn my vehicle didn’t turn. So what happened is I slammed on the brakes and I was barely able to stop the truck before the front end, went down into a ditch bank. And I had maybe a foot to two feet tops of space between the basically where my wheels touched the ground and, and where I could tell where the ditch bank was.
1 (9m 49s):
And that was a little bit scary because here I am, this is thinking that I was good to go. I’m in a four wheel drive. Pickup wheels are good. Tires are good. Brakes are good. And I had forgotten to factor in the extra weight in the bed. You know, usually you want to have a little bit of weight in the bed, but as much as I had actually changed the level of readiness that I needed to have to make a stop like that, or to make a turn effectively because the, even though my truck was getting ready to stop the weight and the bed was still enough to where it wanted to push the truck forward.
1 (10m 25s):
And that’s exactly what it did. So luckily my brakes kind of chattered a little bit and then stopped continue on down the road. I was able to make my correction get on down the way and no harm, no foul. But in the meantime, I noticed that I had an intermittent brake light come on, my, my instrument panel in the front. So I was like, Oh, great. Well, I must have messed something up. And that was that.
1 (10m 55s):
So I, I was pretty much like, well, I have to get to this destination so that I can blow the plow, this sidewalk so that I can get paid and then go back to work or go back home or whatever. It was by seven, the next morning. And then I put in a 10 hour day, and then I went home and continued to do that for several days. And several days turned into several weeks and then the weather never got better. And this blinking light kept flashing and flashing. And I knew that something was bad, but I didn’t have any performance issues. My car was still stopping. My truck was still stopping.
1 (11m 25s):
And I wasn’t, I mean, I had other issues and things that I was worried about. I think at this time I was replaced. I learned that I needed to replace the clutch. So that was the main thing. Cause I wanted to make sure that I could make it go before I needed to make it Whoa. So fast forward six months. And I finally realized, you know what? I think it’s about time to fix these breaks because I’m not dealing with doing it in the freezing cold. I’m not dealing with doing it on the wet ground in the, in the early spring.
1 (11m 56s):
And, and even actually is what is this year was almost early summer. And here we are on the brink of another, you know, season with fall and winter, right around the corner to where, you know, I need to be ready. So I’m like, okay, let’s do this. I gotta fix this blinking red light because it’s bugging me. And even though my brakes technically are still working, I know that there’s a problem.
1 (12m 28s):
And that warning light won’t go away. What does any of this have to do with preppers? Well, as preppers, many of us understand warning signs. I knew that there was something wrong with my truck, but we know we need to do something about them, right? We know we need to do things to be more prepared. And sometimes we ignore those things and we let them go. We let them go on for a long time while we go on about our daily lives. But at some point, whether by your choice or not, a warning sign will turn in to an actual repair or a correction.
1 (13m 6s):
And chances are, if you don’t take care of it ahead of time, you’re going to experience it at the worst possible time. And staying out in front of repairs, fixing things before they break. All of that is at the very heart of preparedness. But first, before we get on with today’s show Colin, can you share your fun fact of the week?
2 (13m 26s):
What would it do everybody? My name is Colin and I’m the cohost here at the next generation show. I’m speaking with my father and the host. They show Ryan talking about this weekend’s work on the truck, but before we get too far into that, I’d like to quickly cover the crafty call and fun fact of the week. For those of you who have been here for some time, you know, that that’s just a short segment on our show. That gives you a fun tidbit of information of something that’s typically related to the show topic. So let’s get to it today. You scrapped the and fun fact of the week is formula one, formula, one race cars have the most advanced braking systems in the world.
2 (14m 3s):
A formula one car has the ability to accelerate to 200 kilometers per hour and break to a complete stop in just seven seconds. Think to it, Matt, thanks to its massive discs, disc brakes, and calibers, the disks even glow red hot when the car is breaking.
1 (14m 20s):
Yeah, that’s kind of cool. So this weekend, when we started on with this project, my dad who was actually in the chatroom tonight, he came down to help us out. And a big part of that was, you know, to make sure that I did it right and that we did it right. And also to be there, to help teach Colin so that he could learn as much as he could while he was sitting there in front of this greasy, dirty mess of a machine. And my dad used to work with an shop and they had a race car and he actually worked in the pit crews.
1 (14m 55s):
So his experience is something that’s foreign, a bomb far and beyond what mine is for sure. And what even many modern day ASE certified technicians in your auto body shops or brake shops or anything like that have as far as their own personal background and experience. But he was talking about this, how the brake lights glow, when you watch a night race, you’ll see how those brake lights will just grow or they’ll glow that bright orange, like metal, that’s getting so hot that it’s about ready to basically blow up or, or, or you could shape it into whatever you want, you know, right before you forge it into something completely different.
1 (15m 33s):
And that’s pretty cool. That’s I’d like to see that. I know that there was a Ford versus Ferrari movie where there was, I think, one or two shots where they kind of demonstrated that, which is pretty cool. If you want to see what that looks like, I’m sure there’s probably an opportunity this time of year to get out and hit the racetracks. If there’s any open in your area to go check that out. Well, cool buddy, on with the show. So today we’re talking about tapping the brakes, different types of brake systems and the bug out vehicle in particular kind of that experience and what we had to do for the folks out there who may not be familiar with brakes.
1 (16m 10s):
There are several different types of breaks. I’m going to drop some links into the chat room for the folks who were interested in, want to follow along, just for reference no real quiz at the end, but disc brakes are one style. Disc brakes essentially have a metal disc kind of like what Colin was talking about with the formula one racers. And they work on a principle where two brake pads squeeze a rotating disc inward. Like if you were to take your thumb and your fingers and press them towards something, like if you were holding a Frisbee vertically, something like that.
1 (16m 48s):
So that when that Frisbee, if you throw it up in the air and it spins and then you catch it, it’ll come to a stop. That’s essentially the same principle. The other style are drum brakes, drum brakes are a little bit different. They work with a set of pads that expand outward and in doing so, they rub up against basically a metal drum. And what it does is it forces that drum to stop eventually.
1 (17m 20s):
And it’s a little bit slower of a breaking process than a disc brake. And it allows those to kind of put that drum on a bind until it comes to a complete stop. Another for form of breaking our hydraulic brakes. These ones are, let’s see, I didn’t get quite as many, quite as much information on hydraulic brakes, but a lot of times these are used.
1 (17m 52s):
What’s a good example of a hydraulic braking system. I know a hydroelectric facilities I’ve worked in those in the past and they use a similar system, a similar hydraulic braking system to spin a vertical rotor, basically where you’ll have friction and to discs around a cylinder. And the hydraulic pressure will push those discs into that cylinder. That’s rotating. It’d be like if you were to take a drill and turn the drill on, and if it would just keep spinning freely, then you use your like your fingers, for example, and slow that cylinder down the drill itself, the drill motor or drill bit, I guess you could say, and that’s a whole different style of breaking.
1 (18m 39s):
It’s pretty impressive to see those machines in action, but they’re pretty cool. The other ones that we’re gonna, we’re not really going to get into these, but it’s another version of breaking, which are air brakes. So air brakes are things like you would see on an airplane. It’s basically using the machine’s components to be able to slow down movement through friction and changing the aerodynamics of the machine.
1 (19m 11s):
I don’t know. I almost wonder if era in aeronautics that would be considered the same kind of a braking system that you would use in outer space because they kind of work in all directions. So you could use it to accelerate or stop, but I don’t, that’s kind of out of our realm for today. So with all those different systems, they all pretty much have the same process, which is to apply some kind of friction to stop something, to stop the rotation or stop movement, stop whatever’s happening so that something else can happen so that you can correct course so that you can slow down, make a safe landing, make a safe turn.
1 (19m 57s):
And basically it puts, it allows you to slow down what you need to do. That’s pretty basic. Most people know what brakes do, but the actual process and the systems that create that or something that for some people are very complex and people don’t understand. So you just ship it out to the auto parts place and or the tire and wheel store and have them done, right. Haven’t swapped out. Well, we decided that we weren’t going to do that.
1 (20m 28s):
I needed to do it. Obviously I’ve been waiting for six months, but I wanted to wait to the right time to where all the stars aligned to, where it was decent weather. I had calling on hand, you know, the Corona virus restrictions were all lifted, or at least we were willing to ignore them long enough to, to get people down here. And I wanted to make sure my dad could make a down
2 (20m 48s):
To help and be involved. Well, that happened last weekend. So it’s was kind of a fun experience. At least I thought it was to at least to see how Colin was making progress and what he learned from it. But rather than me tell about it, Colin, why don’t you kind of tell us that a little bit better about what we did and what worked and what, what you learned. Yeah, so basically this weekend, it started off with no dad was at work on Friday, but grandpa had gotten here Thursday afternoon, or maybe Friday morning.
2 (21m 27s):
I think it might’ve been Thursday afternoon, but while dad was at work grandpa and I took the truck in the shop and then we just, we jacked it up and then got, got to work. Basically we started off by, for those of you who aren’t particularly familiar without drum brakes work specifically, or how you get to them. Dad’s truck has drum brakes in the back and disc brakes in the front, but for the drum brakes in the back, you need to remove the wheel and then remove the axle and then remove the drum itself.
2 (22m 12s):
And then that will expose,
3 (22m 14s):
2 (22m 17s):
I don’t know, like the, the shaft part that the axle fits into and then a backing plate that has all of the insides, the inner workings of not only the brakes, but all the Springs that contribute to how well the brakes work and you know, that sort of thing. So on the passenger side, we could tell that there were, the passenger side was much, much worse than the driver’s side.
2 (22m 49s):
And that was because there is a seal in the drum that keeps gear oil out of the, yeah, the, the brake drum. So the steel that fits in the drum with the bearings is put on and it’s put on there to keep oil out from all of the Springs and everything that’s exposed inside the drum, but it still needs to get to the axle so it can get to the axle, but it doesn’t get to all the components of the brakes.
2 (23m 25s):
So when we realized that there was a feeling, we realized that there was a failure in that seal when there was oil all over all the Springs and the inside of the drum and the backing plate,
3 (23m 40s):
2 (23m 44s):
The brake system. Okay. So, I mean, basically, so how did that compare to the other side then? Well, so, okay. Yeah, so we did the same thing on the other side and it was dusty and when, you know, it was dirty, it was, there was a slight leak you could tell because there was things like starting to sort of build up in there, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as all the, the old exposed oil on that passenger side. I forgot. I was going to say, basically we took everything off from there on both sides and started cleaning everything that we had to reuse for the new brakes.
2 (24m 25s):
And then dad picked up a spring kit. So we didn’t have to clean those. We just replaced those. And then, yeah, I mean, I forgot, I forgot what I was gonna say. The sucks.
1 (24m 41s):
Well that’s okay. So I mean, what, you’ve never done a brake job before in your life. No. You know, what, what were some of the things that you thought were kind of weird or interesting about the actual system itself?
2 (24m 54s):
I think how, how much more goes into it then than I thought, honestly, I thought I didn’t even realize that there were drum brakes. I thought it was just disc brakes because I was familiar with it from like, from like racing games and I knew how they, how disc brakes worked. But I, I mean, it makes sense the way drum brakes work. I just, I was never really exposed to those. I w I wasn’t familiar with them.
2 (25m 25s):
So, I mean, it was cool to sorta have that knowledge now, because obviously if there’s what, like four main types of breaking in two of them, the, the disc and drum brakes are the most familiar are the most common. Then I’m like now just like pretty much everything else that we’ve done to the truck. I know more than I did before. So that was kind of cool to experience.
1 (25m 53s):
So based on, you know, my very brief cursory information on like, Hey, you know, breaks, work on friction. How could you tell that one side had a problem and the other one didn’t or why would you think that one would be better?
2 (26m 11s):
So I remember what I was going to say, basically, when you have that seal, that isn’t working that failed, that broke well for whatever reason it wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do. Maybe it was just because it was simply because it was old that seal in the drum, that’s supposed to keep the oil out, just turn the drum into a dishwasher every time the car or the truck got going, like 60 miles an hour, because there was oil just turning up inside the drum. Cause it was, it was meant to not be there.
2 (26m 44s):
It wasn’t supposed to be in there in the first place, but since the drum is moving so fast and there’s oil in it, it just, it’s getting all over the brakes and the brake components. And now you have these brakes that are supposed to work on friction, but have oil on them and can’t work on friction. Right. Cause there’s no friction there there’s just oil. So, I mean, when you think about it, the front brakes, you guys were saying, you did like 70% of the work or whatever, most of the time, but for that 20 or 30% difference in the back, all of the work was being done on the driver’s side, back brakes, rear brakes, because there was,
1 (27m 30s):
You know, one side was pretty much,
2 (27m 32s):
Yeah, it was doing nothing. He was just sprint spinning freely. Granted it still needed to be replaced because up until whenever that seal broke, it was still working and it was still sort of wearing down. But compared to the new brakes, there’s definitely a very large difference.
1 (27m 54s):
Yeah. So, you know, there’s a lot to this process and we’re making we’re, it’s, we’re simplifying it for the show. I mean, obviously there’s, there’s a lot to it, you know, more than just really take this off, take that off, take that off. But the fact that you can simplify that process and recognize the difference on what it does. You take, you know, look at a set of bolts and okay, take those off and then move to the next step, open that can of worms and then fix that and open the next thing and fix that.
1 (28m 24s):
It kind of brings up a different part of mechanical savvy and that is overlapping labor. And we might’ve brushed on this a little bit on one of the early ones, when we talked about doing some of the, Oh, the work with like the
2 (28m 45s):
Injectors and stay injectors and fuel
1 (28m 48s):
A few lines and that kind of stuff. Yeah. So there was one part that we realized that it would be smart to go ahead and replace while we in while we completely forgot about that. Yeah, go ahead.
2 (29m 1s):
Oh, so basically we got in there, we cleaned everything up and it was ready for the new brake parts, the Springs and, and all the other parts that we cleaned. And then obviously the brakes, but we had gotten that far, we took off the wheel, the drum, we cleaned it all up. We are the axle two that’s in pretty important part. We cleaned all that up and we went through this day’s worth of work, taking it all off.
2 (29m 35s):
So we figured we might as well replace the wheel cylinder while it was in there. And this is a pretty crucial part because basically what the wheel cylinder is a small cylinder that sits toward the top, you know, probably about a 12, 12 o’clock on him on the back of the disc or the, the disc backing back plate or whatever, where all the brake components are. And it’s this wheel cylinder that has little, like little sticks,
1 (30m 11s):
I don’t know. Yeah. Probe or whatever you wanna call it.
2 (30m 14s):
Yeah. That was the piston, I guess. Yeah. It’s a piston that comes out of this side, these rubber sides that make the brakes work. It’s a hydraulic piston. So when you push on the brakes, they push the pistons outward and they make the brakes go. It did, they do the thing. Cool.
1 (30m 38s):
And that’s, that’s something that like, if we were to take this in and they said, Oh, well, you know, it looks like your brake cylinders got a little bit of oil on them. Do you want us to replace them? Or, Oh, it looks like this brake cylinder shot. Do you want us to replace them? Or if they said nothing, One of, one of three things could happen. Either one, you can get them fixed while you’re in there, which is the most cost effective way to do that because the actual part for the wheel sound or for a pair of wheel cylinders for this particular vehicle was $31 and 98 cents.
1 (31m 14s):
The amount of labor that it takes to get to that point to re install a broken wheel cylinder would probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $300 per site.
2 (31m 28s):
1 (31m 29s):
Might be able to do both of them for 300 bucks. So for the actual parts, your, your, your main expense, there is the labor to get to the part. So for 32 bucks, roughly in replacing that part, along with the breaks and the broken axle seals, we really were able to essentially redo the whole rear end with the exception of the gearbox in the back.
2 (31m 60s):
1 (32m 0s):
I said that, right, but essentially the gears, pumpkin, the pump, or referred to it, you know, with the exception of that, we we’ve gone through the brakes wheel cylinders and all of the critical bearings on that, on the rear drive. So being able to say, to walk away from a job like that and say, yep,
2 (32m 20s):
Is done.
1 (32m 23s):
It’s something that’s valuable and it is valuable. And that we were able to take care of some of these things while we were in there. And we’ve just been saving that money. You add value to doing the work yourself. Let’s take, we’ve actually had a couple of great guests on the last couple of weeks and we haven’t been taking breaks. So let’s take a quick break and give some time to some of the other show, folks, show hosts and sponsors. And when we come back, we’ll talk about the second half of the project. So hold on everybody.
1 (32m 54s):
And we’ll be right back.
4 (32m 56s):
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4 (34m 2s):
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Customize your strategy to threats you face today. PBN experts can write your plan to address the six categories of base level preparedness. We will discuss how to meet each need within your budget. Create an effective bug out plan. There is a lot to the bug out. If you are truly going to evacuate in an emergency, let’s talk about it. Go deep and build out your prepping dreams. Have you tackled the basics? Take it to the next level with tactical ended investment advice from our subject matter experts, let’s set up that initial consult and get your preparedness goals.
4 (35m 11s):
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1 (35m 33s):
5 (35m 57s):
And we’re back
1 (35m 58s):
Ladies and gentlemen, great sponsors, great shows and great audience. Hey, thanks for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our sponsors and our other show hosts in mind on your path toward preparedness live shows are gonna continue. This week. We’ve got shows from James Walton with the I am Liberty show on Wednesday nights, Dane D with a gunmetal armory on Thursdays. We got rotating hosts, Dave, the NBC guy and Michael Klein on Friday nights. And Dave’s been kicking out some great content lately. So appreciate that Jay Fergie with a family affair on Saturday nights, always a great show.
1 (36m 31s):
Plus Sunday reliance broadcasts with Stephen men, King and medical Mondays. We, we typically jump through the hoops of some of the archives here at prepper broadcasting to bring some of the best medical preparedness that we have collected and compiled over the years. We, I missed out on the show last night. I really wanted to join in on that one, but we were out gallivanting on the river. So he didn’t get a chance, but that’s a good one. Check it out. Sometimes we do host collectives, I guess you could say on Monday.
1 (37m 5s):
So those are fun. And also we come back around to Tuesdays where we have our double barrel Tuesday kicking that off of course is the Patriot power hour. Those guys put on a great show every week with the exception of last week, I got a raise those guys because they took a break, but you know, everybody deserves a break and they deserve it. They kick out some killer content for the network and we appreciate those guys for coming on board. They got a great format and some of the news and content that they deliver is top notch.
1 (37m 38s):
It’s the stuff that nobody else is looking at, but everybody in our world is paying attention to it. So check it out. Thread indicators and things like that are, are great way to, to get it’s like this, the story that I kind of shared earlier in the show, you know, where you see a turn coming, you know, you gotta make the turn you’ve, might’ve done it a hundred times, but there might be something standing in your way. And there might be some sort of change in the variable or the environment or something, and those threat indicators and the news that they share on that website and on their show.
1 (38m 17s):
It’s like having a set of brakes in your back pocket. I guess you could say where you can act or react with enough time to be able to do it safely. So check them out. Great stuff every night, every show that we have on here on the network. And of course here on the next generation show, we have teamed with power film, solar to bring you guys some extra special deals right now you can get any of their lights, saver products for 10% off using our promo code PBN 10 that’s PB N number 10.
1 (38m 50s):
Oh, wait, what is it? PBN 10. If you go on over to power film, solar.com and use that code, you can get 10% off of their rollable solar panels. And we do have their information linked on our site as one of the top vendors for tactical torture.com. So with that, let’s get back to the show today. We’ve been talking about tapping the brakes and using that as a platform, to be able to at least talk about the latest bug out vehicle update, and be able to demonstrate the importance of breaks, break systems and independence through being able to do your own work.
1 (39m 27s):
So the first half of the show, we talked about the rear brakes we finished up and we thought, yeah, we were great. We had a, we had a high five at the end and we were successful and everything worked the next morning. I’m trying to relax and plan my day and have a cup of coffee. And my dad comes in after wandering around outside and lets me know that, you know, those front brakes might need to be done too.
1 (39m 60s):
And I think we ought to do that now. So our brake project, which I thought was complete was only about half complete, but I’m kinda glad that we did. So do you want to kind of get into a little bit about how that process went at all?
2 (40m 19s):
Yo, yo, yo, I’m about to tell you how we did these front brakes and then dad’s gonna talk your ear off with some numbers. So stay tuned for that. But the front brakes, like I mentioned earlier, are a disc brakes. So as dad was sort of describing, they are too they’re they’re on this caliper that squeezes, these pads into the disc that’s rotating or the disc that’s rotating with the wheel that then brings the vehicle to a stop.
2 (40m 56s):
So with that, you can sort of, I mean, that’s simplified, but the calipers themselves make everything much easier compared to the drum brakes, because the caliper is one unit that stops the brakes. Whereas the drum brakes are a whole unit of separate parts and pieces that you either need to reuse clean and reuse or go buy and replace those being like the, and you know, all the other little components inside, but the calipers make it easy because all you have to do is take the old ones off and then replace or take the old disc pads off and, or dish pads off and then replace it with the new ones.
2 (41m 53s):
And that’s it. They’re in it. They’re both held on, held on with spring. Yeah. Spring tension, spring tension. Yeah. So you don’t have to screw them in or, I mean, granted, the back is held on the spring tension too, but it’s a little bit spring. It’s a little bit more complicated. Yeah. But yeah, you just pop the old ones off, put the new ones on and then you reset a couple of things so that the brakes work properly and they don’t rub against the disc. And then after that, you just have to reassemble the caliber as a unit with the new pads back onto the,
1 (42m 30s):
What is that? Does the rotor,
2 (42m 32s):
The rotor and then put the, but I think after that you just have to put the wheel back on. Yeah.
1 (42m 42s):
And we’re getting a prompt from chat because my dad wants to make sure that we mentioned the squealer.
2 (42m 47s):
Oh yeah.
1 (42m 49s):
So this is kind of, this is one of the cues that tipped me off that I needed to get this work done because I was driving away from work. And when I got home from work that day, cause I was like, Hey, why is your truck making that weird squealing noise? I was like, I don’t know what you’re talking about. What are you talking about? Weird squealing noise. Well, there’s a small part on disc brakes. That is just basically a piece of metal that rubs up against that rotor.
1 (43m 21s):
And when it reaches that point, when those pads wear down that squealer emits a loud noise and it’s affectionately called a squealer by anybody who’s ever had to redo a brake system. And that’s basically an audible indicator that, Hey, your brakes are getting low and it’s time to replace them because you’re getting to the point where you’re beyond safe. You need to make sure that you make some serious adjustments right now. So yeah, like they say in a squeal turns into a grind and that’s when you know, you’ve made a bad decision and that’s very true.
1 (43m 57s):
So these all, all the metal components, metal on metal is never a good thing when you’re trying to get going down the road. So these things are all designed to keep the vehicle moving and performing properly. And while you have, you know, systems in place to be able to keep a vehicle moving, you have to be able to stop them properly. Well, one of the things that we did as part of this was bleeding, the brakes, that’s a whole nother topic, but it is something that we did run into problems with because the brake on the disc calipers in the front were rusted out.
1 (44m 36s):
They were so bad that one of them had stripped because someone else had already tried to take it off and quit. It was completely rounded off. And the other one, we didn’t want to do that with, so we left it alone. Eventually we might go back around and replace those calipers with the brake pads. And I might do that relatively soon because then that way we’ll know that we can bleed the brake system in the front. And everything’s good to go. But because all of these brakes operate off of a hydraulic system, it’s important for you to recognize how those hydraulics work.
1 (45m 12s):
Basically you push the pedal, the pedal engages a piston, the piston pushes hydraulic fluid, also known as brake fluid into these cylinders, like the rear cylinders, what Colin was talking about, the wheel cylinders, the ones that we replaced and then the calipers themselves. And what it does is when that hydraulic fluid engages. When you push your foot down, the, those things extend outward on both of the rear wheels and both of the front wheels all at the same time, obviously at a different ratio, you know, 70, 30% so that the most of it’s carried by the front.
1 (45m 47s):
And some of it’s carried by the back. And in doing that, it allows for the BR the vehicle to stop with just a simple press of, of, of a pedal that you, that you normally wouldn’t think of. You know, you push the brakes, you push the brake pedal, you expect the brakes to work well, if that hydraulic system fails or any component of it fails, or if it’s not bled properly, your brakes aren’t gonna work and you’re not gonna be able to stop. And you can use that example as anything that’s happening in your life.
1 (46m 19s):
If you push on the brakes and it doesn’t stop, it means that there’s something wrong with the system itself. But with regard to actually performing the work in our case, there’s a couple of things that I wanted to really focus on at this point, which is a value and cleanliness. So I’m calling, do you want to take just a minute and talk about cleanliness on this particular project? Yeah. I also forgot to mention that we replaced the bearings in the drums that sort of help the tire actually moved or not the tire, but the, the drum that’s the tire sits on.
1 (46m 58s):
But as far as Clinton cleanliness goes, we learned something very important this time around. Oh, right. Well, I mean, you wanna talk about the dog or the, Oh, well, yeah. I mean, so since there was oil all over the both sides, really, it was, it was a mess. And obviously if you have anything restricting your brakes
2 (47m 31s):
In between your breaks and the drum or the disc, they’re not going to work properly. So you want the whole system, the whole braking unit to be clean. You want it to make you, you know, you want it to work properly surfaces to be clean and ready to go. Yeah. And so, as a result, since everything was all oily, we did end up cleaning it and getting everything prepped and ready for the new parts. But in between that time, the dog had been in the shop while we were working in there, because there wouldn’t have been enough for him to move around if the door was closed.
2 (48m 11s):
So she was kinda in and out bringing her ball or Frisbee to us. And she ended up getting oil all over her, head, her back. And this is, this isn’t just oil. This isn’t like new oil. This is like grease, dirty nemeses, black, black,
1 (48m 28s):
It’s a white dog. She has completely white fish.
2 (48m 31s):
She’s yeah. I mean, I think we might, we probably talked about this on one of the canine shows, but she is completely 100% white, no other color on her. She’s albino. And she’s, I mean, she’s got some markings now that will probably take a few shedding seasons to go away. Yeah. So
1 (48m 55s):
Cleanliness is something that definitely came up this time around and we wound up going out to buy some coveralls because just the, you know, bringing, even bringing the filthy dog into the house, we got the house dirty and we actually wound up tracking a couple of grease spots into some of the carpeted areas in our house. Luckily we were able to get them out, but it does bring forward this point about cleanliness and the importance of cleanliness, even though you’re working on a project that might be, you know, late and with dust and oil and chemicals and stuff like that, the importance of staying safe.
1 (49m 29s):
When you do that, like wearing protection, wearing gloves, when you can, and keeping your hands clean, keeping your clothing, clean, keeping your pets, clean, beaking, keeping your concrete and cleaning all this kind of stuff. All of those things take extra time and effort and they take extra preparation, but they will save you work down the road because now, you know, even though we were working and making progress on the truck, we wound up causing more work for ourselves by having to clean up after ourselves inside and what the dog and things like that.
1 (50m 5s):
So cleanliness is a big part of, you know, any kind of maintenance, but making sure that you do it right and do it clean. So, and, and with breaks, especially you really need to watch out what dusts, a lot of original brakes are made of. They have a specialists usually upwards in the range of 50 to 75%. So, and that’s an extremely hazardous carcinogen. That’s basically, it gives you lung cancer and all sorts of nasty stuff.
1 (50m 37s):
So if you’re working with breaks, you want to make sure that you do it in a way that doesn’t expose you to hazardous dusts or hazardous oils and things like that. So that means that project is done. It’s a total success we’ve got front and rear brakes done. We might need to touch up a few things here and there, whether it’s cleaning the dog or dialing in the calipers or hydraulic system at the end of the day, it all boils down to the hard facts.
1 (51m 9s):
So Colin, do you want to read through this list of parts and prices and provide the total that we spent just to do this?
2 (51m 20s):
Yeah. So is this per, because I thought I
1 (51m 22s):
That’s total. Okay.
2 (51m 24s):
So like one wheel cylinder. No.
1 (51m 27s):
So two of them was that, so this is all total. Some of these are paired, but all right.
2 (51m 34s):
So I, okay. So the total cost came out to be $220 and 77 cents. But if we break that down into everything that we put into it and everything that we replaced, we’re looking at the wheel cylinder is coming in at 31 98, which we ended up having to buy three because one of them wasn’t the right one. So we went in to get one more, but it wasn’t the right one. So that wasn’t okay.
1 (52m 3s):
No, he’s an extra for doing the right parts and getting parts from someone who knows what they’re talking about. That’s also a good part. A good thing to have.
2 (52m 9s):
Yeah. Shout out Riley’s professional parts, people for sure. The drum kit was
1 (52m 16s):
What was the drum kit Springs.
2 (52m 20s):
Oh, okay. Yeah. So that came out to be nine 99, 99, $10 brake pliers.
1 (52m 28s):
And this was a specialty tool. Pretty much if you’re planning to do something like this expect to pay for some kind of specialty tool,
2 (52m 33s):
Right. So you got break players coming in at 10 99 brake shoes themselves, which those are for the rear, right. Because the shoes are different from the pads. Those came in at 42 99, a spindle socket, which is what you use to take off the axle nut.
1 (52m 54s):
Yeah. Kind of what custom thing that helps you take off the drum. Right? Tufts take off the axle.
2 (53m 5s):
No, cause the axle is just bolts,
1 (53m 7s):
Right? Yeah. Oh yeah. You’re right. Yep. That’s how you get the drama. Okay. Yeah. Okay. And then
2 (53m 18s):
The wheel bearings themselves, like I mentioned earlier, there are two inner bearings and two outer bearings that set in the drum itself that are kind of ConEd inward that came in at 25 98 for all four.
1 (53m 33s):
No, there’s probably another pair. That’s about the same price. So maybe 50 bucks maybe add another 25 bucks to the bottom line.
2 (53m 40s):
Okay. So that’s probably closer to two 70 then no, two 40. And then the break cleaner, two $58 and 50 cents. Oh yeah, yeah, no, not too. That’s a lot of brake cleaner hand cleaner, which was four 49, the gasket or gaskets for the, the, the axle, the axles then. Okay. I wasn’t sure. And then those came in at eight 88 and then the wheels seal or the, the, that seal that I was talking about that failed 2198 and then the brake pads, which are for the front where the only thing that we had to replace for the front came in at $48.
2 (54m 23s):
So that’s probably close to 245 ish. Yep.
1 (54m 27s):
245 bucks. So part of this, and when we do these kind of a bug out vehicle updates and we do repairs on stuff, we try and incorporate what it would cost to do this. If you were to just take it in for a brake job. And I called before the show to get a total price for the, basically a brake job. So this doesn’t include the actual bearings that we did. It does not include the wheel cylinders that were overlapping layer, overlapping labor.
1 (54m 60s):
So just for the brakes on this particular vehicle, they require that. So when I made the phone call, the guy asked, you know, a handful of questions, obviously what the make and model was a four wheel drive. He asked if they were disk on all four or if they were disc and drum, he asked if it was a half ton or three quarter ton, and what the gross volume weight or gross vehicle weight was knowing what your vehicle is and what you have is important to be able to make the right decision.
1 (55m 32s):
Right. So I gave him the right information. He knew exactly what the price would be based on that. So a five minute phone call was all, it took to be able to get a price. So for the fronts, do you have any guests, what it would cost to do that? If you were to take that in to a shop,
2 (55m 51s):
I’m going to pretend like I didn’t see the paper. Oh, I think, I think for the fronts, just the fronts. Yeah. I’d say probably
1 (55m 60s):
So 50 bucks for the brake pads. And then the time that we put in to do the work,
2 (56m 3s):
I’d say they’d probably charge like first impressions, probably close to two or $300 because of how I don’t know, just cause it’s expensive, but yeah. And it’s a couple of hours of labor, but that’s it, that’s all you have to do is replace
1 (56m 21s):
Those pads. So when I asked him, I was like, okay, you know, I want to be able to do this. And he’s like, okay, well this, this is what we’re going to do. We got to, you know, we’re going to replace the calipers and we’re going to resurface the disc and do this and do that. And then you know, that that’s part of their break job. That’s what they have to do to be able to guarantee their breaks. So for, I asked two different ways. One is what it would be to just do a brake job. Just a typical, if I call them and set out outright, I just want you to do a brake job, do it right.
1 (56m 54s):
To do just the fronts. It was $615 and 51 cents. That’s just the front two disc brakes, if, and that includes new calipers. So the calipers, we don’t have priced in here. They’re probably, if I were to buy them 50 bucks maximum a piece, but probably 50 bucks total, if they didn’t, if they just replaced the pads, it would be $345 just for the fronts.
1 (57m 24s):
So what about the rears $1,500? Not quite. So the rears came out to where, you know, if they didn’t have to do anything fancy, those, they’re just replacing the brake pads. Again, they’re not handling the axles or the bearings. They’re not touching the desk, not the disc, the cylinder, the wheel cylinder, all they’re doing is replacing the pads, right? So they take the drum off.
1 (57m 55s):
They don’t even replace the Springs. No, they might replace the Springs, but I doubt it just the pads $790 and 15 cents, that that would include resurfacing the drum without resurfacing the drama. It was $347. So grand total on the lowest end. If I were to take it in and say, just replace the pads out the door, I would have paid $692.
1 (58m 30s):
If I wanted them to go ahead and do what they needed to do to do an effective break job, it would have included, you know, resurfacing the flat, not the flat wall, resurfacing the rotors, replacing the calipers, replacing the brakes, bleeding the system and replacing the, the rear shoes and resurfacing the drum. It would have been $1,400, excuse me, $1,405 and 66 cents.
1 (59m 2s):
So looking at this weight with the cylinders, with everything that we did, no, Oh, that doesn’t include the cylinders or the, any of the work on the axle that we did. So this is just the brakes. So for us to be able, if we took out the wheel cylinders of $30, $32 and the wheel bearings of $25, there’s probably actually $50 there. So almost $80 probably could have done with that.
1 (59m 34s):
So two 20 minus 80 is what? 160? 60, no, yeah, no, 140. So total break job would have been $140 basically doing what we did. We didn’t surface anything or anything, which is almost one 10th of the cost. If they were to go through and do the system. If I just took it in and said, do a brake job, I walk away. So this is where having value when it comes to knowing how to handle your own systems and do your own work really starts to take hold.
1 (1h 0m 11s):
Now, for some of you out there, 1400 bucks, that’s well worth your time that you spend in there, you know, dinking around with oil and dust and dirt and dogs and everything else. Plus not to mention any, you know, knuckle busters or sprained ankles or anything else from dropping tools or heavy brake drones. But for those of us who understand the value of doing the work ourselves, to be able to not only have to shell out 1400 bucks, but save that kind of money, you recognize how important it is to be able to understand your own systems, how important it is to be able to do your own work and how important it is to be independent when it comes to your own vehicles and your own life for that matter.
1 (1h 1m 5s):
So I think with that, if you don’t have anything else, I think it’d be a good idea to jump right into the pint-sized prepper project this week, the bite size prepper project this week is brought to you by a power film solar. And this is really basic. Just explain a brake system on a bike, a bicycle, and explain it to a child and extrapolate that to, you know, other systems, other systems that use brakes. So real simple, all you do is you find a bike, it can be a used bike.
1 (1h 1m 38s):
It could be something at a thrift store. It can be a bike that you have in your garage that you haven’t used in six months or two years or 12 years, or however long, and have them identified the brakes, have them identify how they work and then demonstrate how they are used and how they function. So any child that has ever had a break or a bike knows the importance of getting up and going that’s centrifical force that allows you to move, but they also understand the importance of stopping, you know, before they hit a wall or another biker or a person or a dog, or, you know, a building for that matter.
1 (1h 2m 18s):
And usually they’re on the, or they could be on the pedal itself, understanding how these different systems work together or it’s very basic. And it’s a good idea to demonstrate with kids how brakes work. So it’s pretty simple, you know, you can attract on a bike and show them for example, and, and bikes are good for this because you can even go to a bike store and see different styles of brakes. You can see the friction brakes, you know, with a rubber pad that squeezes in on the wheel.
1 (1h 2m 51s):
You can also see, especially on some of the higher end bikes, a disc brake, exactly like what you would expect to see on a vehicle. And you can demonstrate how these different brake systems work on a very small scale and see how they can be applied to a larger system. Some of the skills that are learned or a courage through this project is, are the basic concepts of mechanical systems, understanding the function for repair methods and, and you know how to fix things to this day.
1 (1h 3m 27s):
I’ve never really been able to figure out how to adequately adjust bike brakes. That’s definitely something that has escaped my knowledge, but I can fix other things. So if you can figure out how a bike brake cable system works, you know, you’re already ahead of me. So, and then lastly, the, the idea of scalable troubleshooting and critical thinking. So a lot of us learn how to survive by fixing our own bikes by maintaining our own bikes as kids.
1 (1h 3m 57s):
You know, you flip it upside down on the handlebars and the seat, and, you know, you spin the wheel, run some grease in it, you know, put a little oil on the chain, hit the brakes, see how they work, see how they don’t work, fix them. If you can. Sometimes it means replacing parts. Sometimes it means cleaning things up, getting the oil off, getting the old rubber off that kind of stuff. But that idea of troubleshooting the problem and critical thinking is an essential skill. That’s really easily to develop by something as simple as inspecting a bike.
1 (1h 4m 30s):
Hey, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work here directly on the next generation show, head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or just pint-sized prepper project and our books should pop right up. You can also click on our link on the show page and download a copy today for 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with your family. For the final takeaway. I think a breaks are a very strange concept, but they are a critical one.
1 (1h 5m 0s):
They can apply to small things like a bike or everyday transportation like a car, but they can also expand to massive break systems like on trains or hydroelectric facilities or planes. And even more than that, they can apply to mental States and preparedness as a whole, the whole idea of tapping the brakes. When’s the last time that you tap the brakes on your preparedness. When’s the last time you tested and failed and made progress toward a repair or made a complete repair or made a repair and thought it was complete and realize that you’re only halfway done.
1 (1h 5m 41s):
These things happen. Today’s show is more about than just fixing parts on a truck. It’s really about tapping those brakes sometimes on life in general, if you’re racing towards something and don’t realize what’s waiting around the next corner, are you confident that your brakes can get you through that mess? Is there a component in your life that’s already getting away from you? Maybe it’s time to tap the brakes, to put things on pause until you’re confident of a safe path forward.
1 (1h 6m 16s):
There’s a lot of theory there, but you get my drift and teaching systems like brakes allows us to step back and figure out how things work and how to make them stop. And it’s a system that is rightfully one that merits both mechanical and mental attention when it comes to prepare it this last week. On last week’s show, we talked about politics and preparedness, where we talked with dr. JJ Walcutt on her journey in the political arena as a 2020 presidential candidate.
1 (1h 6m 48s):
Remember if you missed out on any of our previous episodes, you can check them out on our show page. I do need to update some of the links on that, but I will focus on that hopefully this week, if I get a chance, or if you’d like, you can scroll back through your favorite streaming service and pick it up on the, on whatever that is, iTunes, Stitcher, that kind of thing. But when you do be sure to leave us a five star review, because it does help to boost our presence and it allows us to share this message with others.
1 (1h 7m 17s):
Next week, we are looking to focus our work on solar. We’re going to focus the month of August on solar and really pay attention to some of the products and services and potential of using the sun to its fullest advantage, because this is pretty much the only time of year when we can do that here in the Northwest. So look forward to joining you then I think that’s gotta be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world.
1 (1h 7m 54s):
This is your host, Ryan Buford, along with your cohost Colin Buford, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a safe week.
0 (1h 8m 42s):
Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us@prepperbroadcasting.com.