The Azure Highland Action Audio Drama
At the time of this post, our boys at PPH and Dave Jones the NBC Guy are conducting a bugout and link-up operation that has been titled The Azure Highland. This operation has been and will be broadcasted live as they carry on through the night and all the way to Saturday. We will be…
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9 Essentials for choosing the perfect bug out location
Although many of us become comfortable in the idea that 21st-century society is unshakable and safe, there is always the possibility that some disaster or war could cause it to collapse. If some event causing the end of society as we know it were to occur, being in a densely populated urban area would not…
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Bug Out Bag Essentials
Bug Out Bag Essentials Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart will continue his month long discussion of prepper basics. Last week we discussed the Prepper’s Conundrum and the decision whether to bug-in or bug-out—Should I stay or should I go?…
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Stockpile Your Bug Out Location?
Stockpile Your Bug Out Location? Dan F. Sullivan For some reason, not a lot of people talk about this very important yet crucial aspect of prepping. Everyone’s got food and water in their pantry, in their bug out bags but no one seems to care whether or not they have any preps at their bug…
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Horror in the Bunker
Horror in the Bunker Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” The flash occurs followed by a timpani boom, a nuclear explosion rocks your city, that is one scenario. Or Alien invasion, forcing you into hiding. Any type of scenario that places you into a locked down, hunker room with family, friends or both, is bound to…
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Where IS the best place to be in a SHTF situation?
Where IS the best place to be in a SHTF situation? Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour” Your eyes are open. You have watched over the last few years as various aspects of our culture and society spiral out of control, seemingly ever faster. You have that gut feeling something wicked this way comes. It’s…
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Evacuation Planning!
Planning for Evacuation! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Your home is your castle and I’m sure, like me, you don’t plan to leave it all behind unless you absolutely have to. Sometimes though, bugging out is the only option, and the decision to do so may be made for you either by evacuation orders or…
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