Resilience of the Well-Rooted with The Next Generation Show

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we have to hit the reset button, starting at a very young age and still train all the way.
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1 (1m 12s):
Welcome to the next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master colon. And today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of announcements for those of you out there, listening to the podcast, we do thank you for that support. And if you have a moment, come on over during the live stream and join us and chat, you can do that by going to prepper, click the blue button to join the live chat, and you’ll get signed in just with the rest of us.
1 (1m 53s):
There’s several people in chat tonight. Welcome everyone. If you do get a chance to drop in tonight, feel free to hit me up. I’m actually, I usually have a different username, but I couldn’t log into chat. So I had to do it a different way. And now I have a completely different username. So feel free to drop in and say, hi, we’d love to have you. There’s going to be a good conversation tonight and lots of links. So if you’re listening to the podcast and you listen, you’ve heard something on the show that you want to get more information on, or you want to read up on the information that I’m dropping into the chat.
1 (2m 27s):
Shoot me an email. Feel free to do also for let’s see. Yeah, a special thanks to the folks out in. I’m going to say this wrong. Hopefully I don’t core Opolis Pennsylvania as the top listeners in one location this week also. Let’s see. I, I did want to give a shout out to the folks out in Buford, Georgia. You’re one of the top 10 listeners in this week, and I thought I’d just be fun to give, give some props because of the name of the town.
1 (3m 0s):
So thanks to the folks in Buford, Georgia, along with corrupt has Pennsylvania, and also thanks for the listeners across, upon and around the world. It’s, it’s pretty amazing how this network is growing and the audiences growing and doing all sorts of preparedness type things outside of what we’ve got going on. But, you know, it’s nice to be able to, to see that there’s folks out there who are doing some of the same stuff that we’re doing and who we’re learning from the things that we’re bringing forward on prepper broadcasting. So for those of you who are regular listeners, you might have already heard, we’ve gotten somewhat of a large announcement that we’re shifting away from Patrion and moving toward a member or member portal over it, a PBN or prepper
1 (3m 44s):
And that is going to be a different way to get folks added content. And, and in doing that, it’s going to allow us to have more freedom here at prepper broadcasting, more stability. And it also gives you as listeners more opportunity to receive additional content as members and a little bit more freedom. Cause I know that there was some, some folks who don’t want to pay a monthly tribute through Patrion, maybe you just want to, you know, or an annual thing, you know, you just want to be a short term member to get specific information.
1 (4m 18s):
So there’s going to be some more flexibility on that side too. So haven’t had an opportunity to really dig into all of the specifics of that, but it’s, it’s pretty interesting and a great way for you to kind of explore more of what we do without specifically being tied down to Patrion. So also you can reach out to us here on the prepper website, by going to the next generation show page. And there you’re going to find all of our social media contact information. And again, as mentioned before, you can always reach me
1 (4m 55s):
So let’s see tactical update. We’ve got, we had a whole slew of tests that we were able to do this, this last weekend. We got some videos forthcoming with the tuck tech kayaks that we got out of North Carolina. So, and they, they, they performed really well. I was really pretty impressed with them. So I’m excited to get those videos in that article up soon, I’ve been absolutely swamped in my writing has fallen behind quite a bit. So to my clients out there, don’t worry, I’ll catch up.
1 (5m 26s):
But for my own site, it’s, it’s kind of, it’s, it’s been behind, but we’ll get caught up here pretty quick. And then we are looking actually, there’s a, there’s a product that I got for father’s day from my wife. And I reached out to the manufacturer, you know, the guy who developed this product and we’re, he’s, he’s developing a tactical version of the same thing. Basically it’s a stuff bag sort of that folds out into a circle.
1 (6m 0s):
And it has a, basically a zip code to it that you can pull and close the, the entire bag out. So it lays completely flat. It gives you a working surface and then, you know, you can recoil it all together. And I got in touch with him today. I think he’s working on a tactical version and I’m hoping to get my hands on that to test it because I really think that it would be something as preppers we’d, we’d be able to take advantage of. And, and the tactical version that he’s producing is actually for the military.
1 (6m 33s):
So he’s kind of back and forth on whether or not he’s going to be able to release it to me quite yet, because generally they’ve got first claim on things. So hopefully they, hopefully they give us a chance to torture test some of that, some of that setup, cause it’s, it’s pretty impressive. It’s not your typical bag and you know how we are about bags. So today we’re talking about the resilience of, of being well rooted and understanding how important it is to maintain what you have, but have backups for when those things fall to the wayside, whether it be through, you know, vandalism destruction, theft robbery, you know, by force by, by the law or, you know, whatever it might be.
1 (7m 25s):
And since some of some of the things that you can watch out for, or need to be prepared for. And one of the things that, especially lately, I’ve been watching closely, a lot of the news of the food foods for shortages food, supply chain, you know, COVID-19 stuff coming back around. And you’re really, you’re really seeing a lot of this on smaller venues, not necessarily on the mainstream media side and folks like you and I are paying attention to these things.
1 (8m 3s):
But on the other side of that, you’ve got folks who are starting to pick up gardening and they’re starting to learn how to grow their own food. And, and there’s been a little bit of resurgence, especially since people have been at home a little bit more. So they’ve been looking into gardening and this time of year, luckily we’re fortunate enough to be able to do that kind of stuff. Well, on my way back and forth to work, I drive through farm fields all day long and it’s kind of a regular occurrence recurrence. And I watch, I watch what the other households around me are doing. And I do it for different reasons.
1 (8m 36s):
You know, I try and pay attention to what people are planting and when they’re planting, you know, how tall their plants are growing versus mine and, and how soon they’re getting them in the ground, how soon they’re harvesting them and all that kind of stuff. Because I start paying attention to other people’s habits to find out what is where and how I’m aligned with their growth and how my growth is aligned with theirs for numerous reasons. But one of the, one of the biggest reasons I do that is to keep tabs on my own garden.
1 (9m 11s):
I’ve been watching my own garden fairly closely, trying to do a much better job this year than last year to try and make sure that, you know, it’s sustainable, that it’s coming along well, that the weeds are down. The bugs are down. You know, the, the, the amount of plants that we have are adequate and, and we’re filling in the needs that we have, especially with this late of a growing season, as we’ve had this year and Colin himself, he’s, he’s putting in a ton of work here doing all sorts of different stuff around the house, specifically with regard to gardening and maintaining the property and pruning things and, and cleaning stuff up and getting ready for summer, but also getting ready for fall.
1 (9m 52s):
And one of the things he did recently was he built an entire trellis for our hops. And before I had hops on a strand, like a nylon rope that I had strong between the peak of one building and the top of a tree, and I had it supported with like a telescoping aluminum rod. And that rod was kind of on a tripod and it worked well for the first couple of weeks, but we’ve had a couple of pretty bad wind storms. And the weight of the hops has started to get to a point where they actually started to pull that rope down and the aluminum rod failed and it bent over.
1 (10m 27s):
And the whole thing kind of collapsed in a way. It didn’t completely fall to the ground, but it sagged so much that it looked like the plants had hardly even grown at all. So Colin went through all this work to build this, build this beautiful, Oh, I had it before, like a trellis kind of thing out of two by fours. It was awesome. It was, I came home from work one day and I saw it there. I was like, wow, that’s great. And it really looks good on the property. And then, you know, I kind of drove off and didn’t really think much of about it.
1 (10m 58s):
And a couple days go by and Colin and I were coming back from a birthday dinner that we went to with some friends. And I pointed out this guy’s garden on the side of the road. And to call it a garden was really kind of an understatement. So as we’re driving past this road and it’s, I think this particular road was paved and this guy has probably two acres of grass in front of his house, maybe a 4,000 to 6,000 square foot house with a pool on one side, treat acreage in the back and on the South facing slope on the West side, he’s got a massive garden and it’s probably at least a half an acre, maybe a full acre worth of land that’s spent worked over.
1 (11m 49s):
And he’s got all of his plants in a row in different rows, you know, very plain to see what’s there. I mean, I could tell from even, you know, two acres away that, you know, there was, there was Berry bushes, there’s kale and, and the corn is starting to come up a little bit. Plus also he’s got garlic that I can see are onions, and there might be some broccoli or cabbage, you know, that kind of plant, which looks kind of similar and a couple of squash plants, right?
1 (12m 21s):
And when I say a couple of plants or varieties, we’re talking probably 50 or 60 plants, maybe more in a row, which, you know, for sustainability, that’s what you, what you would need to, to carry you through. Now, this guy lives in the middle of a farm field, or at least, you know, if there wasn’t a street there, you live in the middle of a farm field and that would be commonplace and it is commonplace in this region. But I, I wanted to bring this to the forefront of Colin’s attention, especially as we get into today’s show is how visible that garden is, how apparent it is that that garden is there, how big it is, you know, how much food is in that garden and how much attention that garden draws to the, to even the normal person.
1 (13m 15s):
You know, anyone who knows how much work goes into a garden can recognize that that garden takes and will take a lot of work. But so someone who would have negative or, or bad intentions, that’s also a resource. So as I pulled up to my own home, after seeing this garden and kind of pointing it out to Collin here, I see those hops climbing those trellises again.
1 (13m 45s):
And, you know, I’m like, wow, that looks awesome. But it’s also, it stands out and it stands out in a big way. And as you drive into the driveway here, go here, goes the chickens, which are, you know, we got a couple of roosters out of the batch. So now we’re kind of dealing with that, but I hear roosters crowing off as soon as I pull in a turn off the truck. So I’m starting to, to recognize as I approach my own property, you know, this cleared patch of land, where my garden is, is kind of tucked in the back, but you can still see it from the road.
1 (14m 21s):
The hops that are growing on the trellis are really starting to stand out. Now, the rhubarb has been going crazy and still has for the last several weeks. But right behind that, we planted just this weekend, 40 or 50, no, actually 50 or 60 corn plants with the intention of freezing everything. When we could preserving what we could and feeding much of it to the chickens as kind of a, a way to offset the cost of their food.
1 (14m 51s):
And that’s going to stand out tremendously here in the next couple of weeks, a couple of months. So when it comes to those kinds of things, it’s important to recognize how much work goes into them and those things aren’t going anywhere. You know, it’s just going to stay there. It’s going to stay rooted and it’s going to continue to grow. As long as the sun comes out, as long as we maintain them, then it’ll be there. As long as they put in the work it’ll happen. The last week, we talked about the resilience of the bug out and being able to adapt on the move. And this week we’re talking about a different kind of resilience and how to be real resilient, even if you’re well rooted in things, if you, if you have what you need and you have it on the right path, how to maintain that and how to be resilient with regard to several different aspects of protection and safety and, and visibility and things like that, you might be wondering, what does any of this have to do with prepping well, as preppers, many of us do garden or forage, but that happened, you know, but excuse me, what happens when your garden is completely sacked when it’s pillaged, either by weather or vandals or animal predators or disease bugs, things like that, for anyone who’s ever grown a successful garden or grown a successful, anything, you kind of recognize how long it takes to grow a garden and how, how difficult it is to maintain it, and yet how easily it can be destroyed.
1 (16m 32s):
And when you see your own garden get destroyed and which I’ve seen before, you know, just overnight gone through a frost freak frost, it can be devastating. And you don’t have a backup to that in a lot of cases, because you’re relying on that as a resource or whatever it might be. The other side of that coin is how easy it is to spot a healthy garden from a distance. And who actually can see that. So either way, you’ve got to, you’ve got something that is well rooted.
1 (17m 3s):
It’s going to grow, it’s going to provide, but it’s also very fragile. And it, it presents a different challenge when it comes to preparedness. So either way, you know, mitigating the hazard of the after destruction, especially as a prepper is a big part of resilience. And that goes for your plants along with many other things. But for today, we’re going to be talking specifically about how to maintain the resilience of your garden.
1 (17m 34s):
First, before we get on with today’s show Colin, would you like to share your fun fact of the week?
2 (18m 16s):
3 (18m 40s):
Really? Okay. Hold on, buddy. I think we might have to just repeat that. Let’s see if we don’t, you know, yeah. We’re going to have to go back to the beginning. Sorry. We didn’t have our audio settings right. Again. So thanks for, and for giving us a heads up Colin, when you like to prefer your, your fun fact of the week,
2 (19m 1s):
What do fellow podcast listeners who may or may not have heard me before? My name is Colin and I’m the cohost here at the next generation show. I’m just going to quickly give my fun fact of the week for those of you who have been here for a while. You know, that it’s just a short segment that gives you a fun tidbit of information. That’s typically related to the show topic. So let’s get right into it. Today’s graphical and fun fact of the week is there are more microorganisms in one teaspoon of soil than there are people on earth.
2 (19m 33s):
It may be hard to wrap your head around, but fresh soil needs microbes in order to give it the proper nutrients, you know, for whatever. So yeah, 7 billion plus microorganisms and a single teaspoon of soil.
3 (19m 49s):
That’s crazy. That’s an interesting perspective too. I mean, if you’ve got, if you’ve got that much, I mean, for, for a single micro compared to a single person in a teaspoon, I mean, it kind of shows how either how big we are or how small we are in a lot of different ways, so.
2 (20m 7s):
Right, right, right. Yeah. Thanks buddy. So yeah,
3 (20m 12s):
On with the show, the resilience of being well rooted. So I wanted to share something right off the bat. This is actually something that I found right before the show. There’s actually a FEMA website dedicated to resilience. And some of the things that they focus are on our continuity insurance mitigation, basic level of preparedness and funding. So some of the things that, that they talk about in re when it comes to resilience, it’s not, it’s not based solely in preparedness.
3 (20m 50s):
There’s other things in this that I wanted, that I wanted to kind of point out like the idea of continuity. What happens when something fails? How do you progress to the next step seamlessly? Or how do you allow the next thing to happen or take place insurance? You know, so what, what happens, what, what’s the, what’s the backup for whether it be financial or, you know, you know, what’s a good other, I, insurance is probably the biggest idea with financial side of things.
3 (21m 21s):
Like, you know, how to pay for something or how to cover something that’s been destroyed mitigation, which is a big part, you know, taking care of, you know, whatever problems there are and solving them before they start preparedness, obviously for, you know, being ready for something that, you know, is, you know, you’re going to face like, you know, a cold snap or even a wildfire and things like that. And then funding their funding is geared more toward grants that they provide through FEMA with regard to resilience.
3 (21m 52s):
So if you are in a region or area where you’ve got a farm or farmstead homestead, or other sort of challenge that you’re continually facing, there might be options for you to tap into federal funding, to help alleviate some of the financial strain that comes along with it. You know, maybe it’s a matter of clearing brush or trimming trees to prevent wildfire, or, you know, if you’ve got an earthquake, a potential and you need to make sure that your water systems stay intact, things like that.
3 (22m 24s):
So check into that, that’s something that you can, you can kind of mess around with what you, if you want. But again, it’s just, just for slash resilience. And I never knew that existed, but there’s a lot more action and activity when it comes to this kind of stuff, which is good to see, it’s going to see that people are, are paying attention to some of the things that you need to be ready for. And not only saying, yeah, you know, take care of your old self, but you know, we are, you know, they’re, they’re offering money to folks who are willing to put forth the work and effort to keep their own livelihoods intact.
4 (23m 5s):
And that’s
3 (23m 5s):
One side of the government. There’s another side of the government that we’ll talk about a little bit later in this show, but I did want to at least preface it with that, say, Hey, look, you know, there, there are agencies out there that do help and fall in line with what we do and promote here on the show. So when it comes to gardening,
4 (23m 24s):
There’s a couple of challenges right off the bat
3 (23m 28s):
When it comes to resilience. And using that example that I mentioned earlier in the show,
4 (23m 36s):
I wanted to
3 (23m 37s):
Talk about three different things. So I broke this up into three different general frameworks so that we can talk about them on the show, but one, a disguise, two is diversify and three is defend. So these are three main things that I have found that are effective in at least maintaining a garden from the viewpoint of a predator. Now, whether that predator is an animal plant, a chemical or insect vehicle, whether whatever it might be, these are the three things that are best or are the best ways to try and be resilient when it comes to your garden.
3 (24m 17s):
So before we get into too much of these individually call it, did you want to jump in at all on, on any of the stuff that you found when it came to garden or comment on the, the, the garden that I pointed out earlier in the show?
2 (24m 33s):
Well, so, so some of the methods I found, I’m pretty sure are probably very similar, if not the same as yours, except you use bigger fancier redundant words. So, you know, I mean, I guess I I’ll just leave it at that and then maybe we can get into them a little bit whenever, whenever you plan to. Okay.
3 (24m 59s):
So let’s just jump right into it. So the first one, well, let’s talk about disguise. So there’s a couple of different ways to disguise a garden, and there’s a couple of reasons for doing so now I’m going to drop a couple of links into the chat room. For those of you who are with us tonight, one of them is the survival garden on how to hide in plain sight, hide food in plain sight.
3 (25m 29s):
And the other is planting enough for what you need. And then some, so if we look at the gardener, we take that, that house example that I mentioned earlier in the show, and kind of build on that when you drive by and you see a garden with rows and rows of food that are popping up, if you look at that garden from the perspective of a predator, or as from the perspective of, you know, a potential risk or threat, there are several things that you need to consider like, okay, well, if that was my garden, it would be completely exposed.
3 (26m 9s):
You know, there’s no fence guarding it. There’s no other plants surrounding it. There’s nothing. I mean, it’s wide out in the open as far as I’m concerned. That’s, I mean, it’s like walking outside with your firearms on your, you know, or walking out of a bank with a wad of cash. You know what I mean, if you kind of think of the visibility of your garden in those terms and the potential of harm, I mean, how many of you out there listening would walk out of a bank, for example, a wad of cash.
3 (26m 45s):
You just drained your savings and walked out and you just held it right in front of you. Would that be the smartest thing to do? Probably not. Because people who seek out opportunity will seek out the opportunity to take what you have. And then once you lose your cash,
4 (27m 3s):
Did what,
3 (27m 4s):
What’s your backup at that point? You can’t just make new cash. You have to work for what you’ve lost, same thing. You, if someone comes up and ran that entire garden, you know, because it’s just sitting right there out in the open, you don’t, I mean, you can’t just go and drop a clove of garlic in the ground and expect it to pop out at the same rate and be right where you left off. So that’s kind of where having a survival garden is important and also planning enough for what you need.
3 (27m 34s):
And then some, so the survival garden idea centers around this, this premise that you, you plant what you need in places or in regions that are completely disguise, but they’re disguised in plain sight. So an example of this, I remember being in Seattle one time, which by the way, the survival garden in the, the Chaz zone only lasted a couple of days. I think it was down by June 12th, it was already gone. And they had probably established that, I think on the 10th.
3 (28m 6s):
So within a couple of days, their whole quote unquote survival cart was completely ransacked. And it was, I think if I remember right, it was ransacked by a homeless guy, you know, or, you know, it was just for whatever reason it was gone. So they went from planted food potential to bare dirt in a couple of days. And it’s just when people seek out the opportunity, they’ll take it. Well, when I was in Seattle, I was doing some training for a particular course that I had to take. And I walked out of the hotel room and they had this big planter box kind of thing, just sitting outside.
3 (28m 41s):
And it was probably November, December, January, something like that when I was there and they had plants growing out of it, there were only a few of them because there was even snow on them, but there were plants growing out of them. And I was like, wow, that’s a pretty, pretty cool complaint. And I looked at it and I realized that it was a variant of kale. It was purple kale. And they were using it as a decorative plant.
4 (29m 5s):
3 (29m 6s):
To the comment to the every, probably 99.9% of the people who walk in and out of that building, there’s only a very small percentage of people who would actually recognize that plant and realize that it’s food, not just decoration, but from a survival scenario or standpoint, that’s exactly what you need to do. You plant it in plain sight, even as decoration. And those who understand that it’s edible, we’ll be able to eat it while those who don’t understand that settable will walk right past it and not even recognize it.
3 (29m 42s):
Now there’s a side to that that goes with foraging. But the idea here is that if you’re gardening for survival, you’re hiding your food in plain sight. So you’re growing things right where it’s common, but you’re using it as a form of landscaping, or you’re doing it in a way that it’s disguised or sheltered or shielded. The other part of that is planning enough for what you need. So if you don’t have enough food, I mean, planting one corn plant, you know, as a hobby to see a grow. Yeah. You know, you might get a meal out of it, a meal one, maybe, but if you don’t plant enough, your, your potential of losing that crop in a matter of seconds or, or even, you know, days or, or whatever, from, you know, even wind or animals, it could go instantly just gone to wake up one morning and it’s gone or dead or whatever.
3 (30m 36s):
And your only chance, if you’re relying entirely on that one plant will fall off the grid. It just will not be possible. So planting more and planting extra is very important. If you have more harvest time, you can give it away. You can always give food away. If you have more harvest time, you can always preserve it. You can always set some more aside. If you don’t have enough, then you got to look elsewhere. When you start looking elsewhere, then you got people who have gardens that are successful, who all of a sudden have cash in our hands, walking out of the bank, kind of see where I’m going with this.
3 (31m 14s):
So that’s kind of, that’s kind of where I want to stop when it comes to disguising the garden. Did you want to comment at all on that buddy? Or do you have anything for that?
2 (31m 27s):
Well, yeah, so that was the diversity side of things, right?
3 (31m 33s):
Diversity. Well, there’s more disguise, but
2 (31m 39s):
So, so I went ahead and found like you three different methods for, you know, camouflaging or protecting your garden from whatever people, animals, anything like that. And one of them was blending. So basically the same thing is disguise. And one way to do this that I found was trying to plant the, you know, this is kind of extreme, but as long as you know, what you’re doing, it work is trying to plant the desired crop near other plants that look similar.
2 (32m 23s):
So if you’re in an urban area, this probably wouldn’t work as well, because you probably don’t have a bunch of plants that look like tomatoes or a bunch of weeds that look like Baisil or, you know, whatever it might be. But if in an area with more land and you’re able to sort of spread your garden around, then that’s also an option.
2 (32m 53s):
1 (32m 55s):
Well with, yeah, just kind of disguise and diversify, and that’s a great point. So,
2 (33m 1s):
And maintaining those crops is pretty crucial. Like for example, a tomato plant, it’s important that you don’t let that plant Bush out to the point where it’s going to look like a tomato plant. If you put it next to something else that looks like a tomato plant, then you know, you need to prune it, you know, to the point where it’s going to stay alive, but not to where it’s going to look and, you know, it’s still going to sort of blend in and then yeah.
1 (33m 36s):
Yeah. And you’re kind of, you’re kind of touching on another form of gardening that I w I would like to try and tackle a little bit later this year, personally, and that’s called gorilla gardening basically. And I think James Walton has mentioned this on his show, a timer or 10, but it’s basically where you take plants, especially bulb plants work well with garlic, onions, potatoes, things like that, where you don’t have to plant the seed or get starts going. They just come back every year and you put those in regions where they can be disguised that are just, you know, that you can go to that region.
1 (34m 15s):
And, you know, just the self propagation of that plan will provide a potential for food. That’s not necessarily on your property. It could be, you know, in a parking lot, you know, space, or maybe just tucked behind an apartment building or in a ditch bank somewhere, you know, there’s, there’s opportunities to be able to do that. In fact, I’ve got asparagus that grows in my ditch bank and it’s been there for awhile that just kind of comes up randomly.
1 (34m 46s):
And so the idea of having rows of asparagus that are kind of right in line with all my other tall grass and stuff like that, it’s very well disguised. And to the untrained eye, you walk right past it and never see it. So gorilla gardening is, is a, another way to diversify and kind of do that garden gardening for survival. So,
2 (35m 12s):
Right. I didn’t realize it had a name. I was just sorta, it’s kind of a neat thing
1 (35m 18s):
Bit more of that later this summer. I think I’ll, I’m gonna go stitch some potatoes and garlic in the ground in the fall. So
2 (35m 24s):
Especially if you do it with perennials.
1 (35m 26s):
Exactly. Because then you don’t have to, you just know where it is. So let’s, let’s get into a little bit more of the diversification. So obviously location is one thing we’ve been touching on that, but what about the other things like the actual plants
3 (35m 38s):
2 (35m 44s):
3 (35m 45s):
Single crop gardens calling? What do you think
2 (35m 49s):
Single crop gardens? Yeah. Well, I don’t, I didn’t realize that those could be effective, but if you have multiple single crop gardens that are dispersed, then you can have, you know, these mini gardens, these, this, you know, these multiple single crop gardens, then that way it’s, it’s not together, but like you were saying, you can go to this region and you know, where they are. I don’t know if that’s what you’re talking about, but yeah.
3 (36m 20s):
Yeah. Well, I mean, let’s think about this in a neighborhood environment, you know, so if you have a single crop garden and I say, I grew a hundred corn plants, you know, it’s way more than I need. If they all took, I’d have probably four to six years of corn on each plant. So I’d had up to 400 to 600 years of corn to myself, which would probably last me, but I get so fatigued by that one crop that it wouldn’t serve me any purpose. However, if I grew a hundred corn plants and got 400 years of corn or 600 years of corn, and my neighbor grew pumpkin plants and got two dozen, three dozen pumpkins, and my other neighbor grew, I don’t know, has a extremely good plum tree or Hazel nut tree or Mulberry or Blackberry bushes or whatever.
3 (37m 14s):
There’s a potential for single crop gardening or single crop food sources with exchange among a community. So there is a value to that. However, it’s very dangerous if your crop fails. And that’s something that, that big scale, large scale farmers learn fairly quickly that, you know, Hey, if we plant nothing but canola this year and canola prices tank, then we lose money or wheat or barley or corn, or if the cornfields flood, do you know, if you have a single crop and that’s your basis, then you have a potential for major loss.
3 (37m 48s):
So it kind of goes both ways when it comes to that. And that’s why it’s good to diversify either diversifying within your own garden or maximizing your diversification with a network of other gardeners. And there’s a term for that, but I can’t remember what it is there, anybody in chat know what I’m talking about? It’s like garden sharing or plot sharing, that kind of thing. So diversification of, of what plants you plant is pretty critical. Another thing too, is diversification of resources.
3 (38m 20s):
So your water, you know, where are you getting your water from? Is it from us, the single spigot or you get, do you have rainwater as a backup? Do you have, you know, stored water as a backup? You know, are, are you able to go to a Creek or a stream nearby and collect water and transport it as a backup lighting? Also, we’ll get into security here next, but lighting triggers for different alarms or alerts, power type things. You know, how close is your garden to power audible alarms, whether it be a bunch of beer cans on a string or, you know, an actual projectile that goes off, you know, that kind of thing and visible alarms.
3 (39m 2s):
So we’ll get into some of these kinds of things with regard to the defense side. And let’s tackle that after the break. We’re a little bit late on the show kicking off tonight. So hopefully the folks in check and stick with us a little bit longer in the meantime, have a quick listen. And when we come back, we’ll tackle the next half of tonight. Show, hold on everybody. And we’ll be right back.
5 (39m 26s):
This is a special announcement from the prepper broadcasting network. Contact us now for preparedness consultation, we use a network of professionals to build your base of essential preparedness. Let us put you in touch with those professionals in emergency response planning, first aid and medicine, security tactics, and training, gunsmithing, food, safety, and community. Organizing our experts, cover homesteading to bushcraft and everything in between build a real emergency response plan for your family or business.
5 (39m 60s):
Create a written contingency plan complete with drills guides and annual goals. Customize your strategy to threats you face today. PBN experts can write your plan to address the six categories of base level preparedness. We will discuss how to meet each need within your budget. Create an effective bug out plan. There is a lot to the bug out. If you are truly going to evacuate in an emergency, let’s talk about it. Go deep and build out your prepping dreams.
5 (40m 30s):
Have you tackled the basics? Take it to the next level with tactical and investment advice from our subject matter experts, let’s set up that initial consult and get your preparedness goals. Met, go to prepper forward slash preparedness dash consultation. Affordable preparedness consulting starts with a $50 initial consult. This is the prepper broadcasting network building self-reliance and independence across the nation.
3 (41m 4s):
This is an important public service announcement. Every year. Millions of people in the U S are impacted by natural disasters. You or someone, you know, might even have been affected, be prepared, not scared. Citizens assisting citizens can help you build new skills and your local network as a CAC volunteer, you’ll be better able to help your family and your community. So please sign up That’s a CAC T E a Thank you
6 (41m 46s):
1 (42m 1s):
And we’re back ladies and gentlemen, friends, family from across the pond around the world. All of you great sponsors, great shows and great audience as usual. Thank you. And stay tuned. Don’t forget to keep our other sponsors and show hosts in mind on your path toward preparedness. I got a notification over the break that something strange has happened. That’s right. A transcript for the Patriot power hour just came through, which is amazing because what this is, it’s a brand new thing that we’re doing here at prepper broadcasting.
1 (42m 36s):
That is it’s something that I’m completely new to, but I think it’s going to be something that you, as a listener can really connect with. And it’s, it’s something that I believe we’re offering through the, the member channel or member portal over at prepper broadcasting. And what it is is it takes the podcasts and puts them. It completely transcribes the prop, the podcast and allows it to be searchable. So let’s say that, you know, if you’re listening to a show and you want to know what the pint size prepper project is, and that’s it, that’s the only thing you want to hear on our show.
1 (43m 16s):
And you don’t care about any of the other garbage. You can fast forward through everything by using a keyword, to just what the prep, the pint size pepper project is. And listen to that part of the show. It’s pretty amazing. And the transcript side of thing is something that, that we’re just now kicking on. I really hope the folks of you out there who are listening, take advantage of that. And I know I’m going to be looking into it, cause there’s always a time when a podcast where you hear something or you see something, or, you know, you want to take advantage of something that was said, but you know, you’re in the middle of a farm field, or maybe you’re shoveling snow or maybe you’re driving to work and you just, you can’t jot it down.
1 (43m 56s):
You know, you just hear it, but you can’t quite connect with it beyond that moment. But you know, it was really worthwhile and you want to listen to it again or share it with a friend or whatever, that’s how you do it. So check it out. It’s going to be a really cool way to do that. So, so what’s that buddy? Sorry, I had you muted. I was going to say it’s a, it’s, it’s especially ideal for our podcasts because here I’m guessing a lot of what we do is informational and it kind of shares a
2 (44m 32s):
Lot of the underground information or the information that can be useful to the everyday person. And that’s why if you’re listening and you know, like that was saying, you can’t write down everything that was happening or, you know, you’re busy doing something else then, you know, you have, you have all the information right there for you on that transcript. Yeah,
3 (44m 57s):
That’s right. So if you’d like to catch up on some of the other shows through a transcript, check it out. Some of the other shows we’ve got going lined up for this week. Obviously my man James Walton, who’s also in chat tonight. Welcome James. Great to have you. He’s putting out the, I am Liberty show on Wednesdays. Dane D done metal armory on Thursday nights. We got rotating hosts, Dave, the NBC guy or Michael Klein who had a great show last Friday on Friday nights.
3 (45m 27s):
Of course we got Jay Fergie on Saturday nights with a family affair. And Sunday, we always have the reliance broadcast medical Mondays come around to start the week with the COVID cast handlers archives that we pull out of the, out of the vault for medical preparedness tips. And then we come back full circle on Tuesday to kickoff the first round of double barrel Tuesday with the Patriot power outer. So great shows every day, this week don’t miss out. And again, here on the next generation show, just as a quick set aside, we’ve teamed up with power from solar to bring you a special partner deal.
3 (46m 7s):
These guys were actually interviewed on the, it was the prepping 2.0, which is Glenn Tate and Shelby Gallagher’s podcast. Back in June 10th. We’re going to have those guys on the podcast here, probably in August. We’re hoping to do a big solar group of shows in, in August. So look forward to that and we’re going to have those guys on and talk about these solar panels. These rollable solar panels. If you’re interested ahead of time, you can get any of their solar panels or their rollable light saver products for 10% off using our promo code PBN 10 that’s PBN with a number 10.
3 (46m 44s):
So check them out Also they’re listed on our vendor’s page So all that being said, we’re running a little bit behind on the show tonight, but I have a ton of stuff that I still want to get to. So if the folks in chat don’t mind, I’m probably going to run a little bit long today. I think this, this information is worthy of the time that we have tonight, as long as Colin can stick around and you guys are bored out of your minds yet. So, so far we’ve talked about, you know, some of the gardening challenges with regard to disguising and diversifying the garden to make sure that it stays intact, right?
3 (47m 23s):
So that you can do what you can to keep it alive longer and survive. You know, as much as you can, if something fails and you can reach out and you need to hopefully go to another garden plot or whatever. So the last part of this has to do with,
4 (47m 43s):
With defense. So defending what you have
3 (47m 46s):
Now with a personal garden, a lot of people don’t think on the terms of defending their garden.
4 (47m 52s):
And a lot of times
3 (47m 55s):
You don’t need to worry about defending a garden, but historically, you know, people resort to stealing food right out of gardens all the time. And you know, when it comes down to hunger, you’d be amazed at what people are willing to do or what they’re, you know, how many, how many ways they’re willing to trespass upon their neighbor and food and a garden is no exception. So, you know, your personal garden is one thing. What about community gardens?
3 (48m 25s):
You know, how are you supposed to defend a community garden? How are you supposed to, how do you supposed to even maintain a community garden when you’ve got social distancing in effect or bands on public places in effect, you know, we’re, we’re looking at a whole new, you know, spike and whatever you want to call it for the COVID 19 and the second wave or, or whatever it is, you can pretty well guarantee that it’s either going to be, it’s probably going to be worse than the first in, in a different way.
3 (48m 58s):
And I think a big part of that is, you know, the rejection of certain things, you know, in position of, you know, federal laws, regulations, state laws, regulations, governors dictates, or dictatorships and things like that. But how are you going to be able to maintain a community garden this time of year, if bands start coming out and start being in forest, how are you going to be able to maintain it? How are you gonna be able to defend it? Have you communicated that kind of risk or threat with your community garden partners?
3 (49m 30s):
You know, and if you’ve got a network of gardens, like I mentioned before, with regard to, you know, having one person with a bunch of bumpkins, one person with a bunch of, you know, corn, one person with a big cherry tree, you know, whatever it might be, have you got enough defense lined up and intrinsically built into those gardens, into those systems, into those locations, wherever they are to make sure that those will maintain regardless of what happens around other areas of the neighborhood,
4 (50m 6s):
You know, and, and just kind of
3 (50m 8s):
The other side of it, you know, if you’ve got a personal garden, that’s one thing, you know, in your backyard, I know volcanic has got a great one going for the amount of space that she’s got a community garden where you’ve got groups of people coming together. And then you’ve also got, you know, like this medium sized garden that I referenced earlier in their show where people where you might have one household and a massive, well, how was one individual going to be able to defend that particular guard against whatever different threats that might face? Well, without getting into every nitpicking threat that there is out there, I’m going to touch on a couple of them.
3 (50m 44s):
This is an article I wrote not too long ago for the homesteading hippie on a homestead predator, excuse me, homestead predators, day and night, basically the animals that can wreak havoc upon your household, whether it be your pets or your livestock or your gardens. There was one year. I don’t know if Collin remembers that a moose decided to come right onto our properly property.
3 (51m 15s):
And it kinda just walked right through the garden and started saying, yeah, do you remember what happened?
2 (51m 26s):
No, you, you, you go ahead. I mean, I do remember what happen. Yeah. I wasn’t there, but I, when I came home, you told me about it and you know, you could see the damage that had been done. Yeah.
3 (51m 39s):
So it had this one moose had come by and I just walked through the garden and, you know, I’m sitting there watching this thing, this 700 pound beast, and it was a bull moose. It didn’t have any horns, but it definitely wasn’t a, it had, no, it did have horns. It had small horns, but it was definitely a bull moose. And it walked right through the garden and beelined it to the raspberry bushes. And it just sucked the leaves right off that raspberry Bush. Like it was nothing like a spaghetti straw, you know, and it just, by the time it had trumped through the garden and taken what it wanted from the, the raspberry bushes, it worked its way over to the Apple tree and sat there for several hours, feeding on the apples that had either fallen or were still on the vine.
3 (52m 28s):
So I’m not about to go out there and defend my garden against a moose. I don’t know you guys, Mike, and, you know, and in a world ending scenario, I might’ve taken it for the meat. I mean, talk about a golden opportunity right there, you know, taken out a moose right on my own property, except for the part where, you know, it wasn’t necessarily a, a golden opportunity. And I, I, I didn’t have my hunting moose permit, which you have to usually draw for it. If you’re lucky enough to get one in the state that you live in.
3 (52m 58s):
But, you know, I didn’t have that. I didn’t have at the ready and it would have been considered poaching even on my own property. So animals are, even though there’s, you know, you can have a small animal, like a rabbit that goes in and destroys your leaf. You know, your, your loose-leaf plants, your Greenleaf plants and things like that. Or if you have a massive animal that comes on and do that, you know, Madeline’s can be a pretty significant threat. I also remember in Washington state, there’s an area called the Wenatchee Valley and they have Apple trees lining the hillsides.
3 (53m 35s):
I mean, just fields and fields and just valleys and valleys of Apple trees. And if you are driving down a certain highways in the middle of summer, you’ll notice that the trees are all sparkling and they’re, they’re all shining. And when you look closer, you realize that what they’ve done is they’ve taken a silver ribbon, kind of like a, like a foil. And they tied it to some of the trees or along a line where the trees are.
3 (54m 7s):
And I asked the guy what that was for. And it come, I come to find out that they ask the farmers will put those along the tree lines. And in some cases inside the trees themselves, because the wind will spin that foil like a wind sock. And just that reflective light is enough to keep the birds away. So the birds don’t eat all of the produce. And so they don’t ruin that produce. So for them, that is their, that’s their form of defense. And that’s some of the things that you might be able to achieve on your own.
3 (54m 38s):
If you have a, you know, a young fruit tree, you know, and you’ve got bird predators through, I mean, so you’ve got it coming from underground sometimes, you know, big monsters coming across the land and also from above. So animal predators are no, there there’s really no, no good reason to neglect the potential of an animal threat when it comes to your guard. People are the other side of that. So, you know, friends and neighbors, I mean, let’s face it.
3 (55m 10s):
Your friends know where you live, your neighbors know where you live, your friends, see what you got your neighbors, see what you got.
4 (55m 17s):
So if push comes to shove,
3 (55m 20s):
If you don’t have enough, or if you don’t have the right relationships with folks, or if those relationships go South in a dire situation, your friends and neighbors, aren’t going to be your friends and neighbors anymore. And that’s just a sad truth. I mean, it, you, unless you’re able to have enough to sustain and provide a little bit for your self and for them and spread that wealth. So that’s kind of a whole other side of it, you know, cause you don’t want friends and neighbors to go the other way. They’ve got way more information on you than anybody.
3 (55m 53s):
The other side of that is strangers. You know, obviously I’m a stranger to the guy who’s got the massive garden and his 4,000 or 6,000 foot hole. I know where it is. You know, I I’ve seen him out there on his lawn mow in that two acres of grass. I could easily set up shop nearby, wait till he leaves and ransacked that entire garden. If I’m willing to take that threat on and the potential that he’s willing to defend that guard. So if he’s not to defend the garden or doesn’t care, or if he’s sleeping or, you know, there’s no alarms that I could tell or whatever,
4 (56m 30s):
You know, I could just walk up and take whatever I wanted. And that’s just kind of that that’s not good
3 (56m 37s):
Thing. I wouldn’t do that. I’m just saying that there, there is the potential for that. If it’s, if you’re a stranger or if strangers have access to visibly, see what you have on your property, that’s something that you need to take into consideration. So I mentioned earlier, earlier, right off the bat and the show about FEMA and their resilience program and how the government does have tools in place to help when it comes to resilience and preparedness and things like that, they also have some, some gardening programs and things like that, but there’s another side of the government when it comes to gardening and it’s, it can be good and it can be bad.
3 (57m 24s):
So this is an article that came out in 2012, I believe total. Yeah, 2012, which is an executive order that came out from the white house that had to do specifically with national defense resources and preparedness
4 (57m 40s):
And what, what
3 (57m 42s):
The government is capable of doing
4 (57m 44s):
Wait, when it
3 (57m 46s):
Comes to acquiring goods, acquiring contracts, acquiring food for the sake of national preparedness or disaster relief. So for the average farmer, you know, or a small scale homestead, probably not going to see a whole lot of activity here for the large scale farmer,
4 (58m 4s):
It’s different when a government can step in
3 (58m 8s):
And acquire a contract. So let’s say you’re a corn farmer and you’ve got a contract with Walmart or Fred Meyer or some other grocery store, whole foods.
4 (58m 20s):
3 (58m 21s):
The federal government can step in and acquire that contract at whatever price they want.
4 (58m 28s):
And I mean,
3 (58m 29s):
You kind of hoped that they would give a fair market value for whatever it is, but you know, that may or may not be the case depending on the situation they could acquire that contract and pay you out for that contract, which would limit you as a vendor from maintaining your obligation to your original designate, the person who you’re providing to in that, in that effect. Now this particular executive order went into effect in 2012, but it gives the power to every president beyond that point to take this action.
3 (59m 4s):
In the case of a national emergency, there was a lot of concern around this for obvious reasons because of the potential that, you know, the language in the executive order has enough flexibility to where a government could step in and acquire food or water or rations directly from your land in the case of a national emergency. So there’s some debate on whether or not that’s constitutionally, right?
3 (59m 38s):
Or if that, if this executive order allows that. But it’s interesting to point that out that the federal government and the president of the United States can provide that kind of power to his people and the people who succeed him to be able to do that and, or modify that order. So there’s a precedence there when it comes to what the government can step in and legally take or acquire to be able to fulfill whatever need it is that they have.
3 (1h 0m 13s):
And that’s from a big picture standpoint, that’s a little scary, you know, a lot of times we hear about in this region government subsidies, where the government will step in and pay a farmer, not to work a specific percentage of his land. Basically it allows the land to recover on one part, but it also controls the volume of food that enters the market so that it doesn’t inflate the, or cause like a, a grain deflation.
3 (1h 0m 46s):
Basically, if you had everybody planting wheat, there would be so much weed on the, on the market that, that we would be worth nothing and nobody would make any money. So it’s kind of a checks and balances with regard to agriculture and farming. But there actually are times where they would say, you know, you have 3000 acres, but we only want you to work 2,600 of those acres. And because you’re not working the other 400, we’re going to give you a stipend for that, a cash payout to not work the land.
3 (1h 1m 20s):
So there’s, there’s a lot of different angles to that side of things. The way government can step in when it comes to massive farming and how they can control the food and where it comes from and where it’s going. Because if the government controls fruit for a national emergency and you can no longer get that farmer’s corn from Walmart, then you have to step in line to get the food that was designated for the national emergency, along with everyone else, who’s doing the same thing. So that’s a really kind of 10,000 foot view of the dangers of, you know, government interference with food and gardening.
3 (1h 1m 59s):
But here’s another one that I found. This was actually something that happened in 20 2013. And it has to do with local ordinances. This happened to a woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There’s a gal who I’m gonna have to open this up to get name. Cause my, my previous tabs, I shut them all down.
4 (1h 2m 24s):
There’s a, a woman who
3 (1h 2m 27s):
Was that a Tulsa, Oklahoma named Denise Morrison. And what she had done is she, she had some sort of issues with, to 2013, March 20th, she lost her job or for some reason she couldn’t couldn’t go to work. And so what she did is she turned to her house to create a massive garden with over a hundred different plants. And they were all edible plants, every single one of them. Well, when she did that, there were some sort of local ordinance or code violation
4 (1h 3m 2s):
That, that was imposed on her. And,
3 (1h 3m 6s):
And the city came in and required that she take down her guard.
4 (1h 3m 13s):
She couldn’t have it.
3 (1h 3m 16s):
So she refused, refused, refused. And then eventually after not being able to work it out, cause she was like, this is my garden. It’s not, you know, junky land, it’s all edible foods and it will plans, blah, blah, blah. She was trying to make it work for herself and be something
4 (1h 3m 30s):
It’s sufficient. But
3 (1h 3m 32s):
The, the folks at the city of Tulsa decided that Nope, that, that wasn’t gonna work and it wasn’t gonna work for them and didn’t fit within their rules and regulations. And they went in and cut her garden down the entire thing, a hundred plants that she had worked hard for set up,
4 (1h 3m 47s):
Came in gone. So yeah,
3 (1h 3m 52s):
There’s a couple of different sides to that story because a lot of people saw what happened to them,
4 (1h 3m 57s):
This woman, and came out
3 (1h 3m 59s):
In force to try and support her and to try and do what they could to help her out. She got all sorts of different seed packets and cash donations and things like that to try and get her garden back as to what it was before. And that was all an external support system that came about from this story. But the fact remains that the city, the region, the homeowners association, the County, whatever it is, if you’re not in compliance with their rules and regulations, there’s a good chance that you could lose everything that you’ve put down into the ground.
3 (1h 4m 37s):
So on one part you have to stay within compliance, but on the other part, you need to be prepared for the potential that, you know, even if you’re within compliance or you’ve understood the regulations in a certain way, you might wind up in court fighting for your own guard. And that’s a different side of gardening that a lot of people don’t really consider. So it’s really, it’s really critical that you kind of keep some of that stuff in mind. This is more recent articles that I’m dropping into chat from 2018.
3 (1h 5m 13s):
Let me see if I can get this in here and open it up. It’s called from the college Yeah. Quote and chat. Homeowners associations are another evil and they really are. That’s why I got out of one and I’ll never go back. But yeah, the, the niece, Denise Morgan story sparked this other article that kind of brings forth a whole lot of, you know, several other different scenarios and events that took place where, you know, people who have created gardens as a source of app as a source of at-home agriculture have been fine or forced to sack their own gardens just to be in compliance with the regions that they live in.
3 (1h 5m 57s):
So another reason to disguise your garden and to defend your garden when it comes down to it, because there’s a lot of work that goes into it. And someone with a weed Wacker or bad intentions could easily take it. If you’re not willing to defend it or not able defense options. Collin, do you have anything for defense options?
2 (1h 6m 22s):
I do. So I was kind of looking into it and protecting, or I guess you could say defense was one of the methods for keeping your garden safe. And one of them was just very simply plant roses around your garden or any other thorn plant that you can think of. Because typically though, if you have enough of them or if you grow them in a way that Dale Bush out or spread out, then you have this sort of natural grown, protective fence.
2 (1h 7m 3s):
And typically you planted it around the fence. You already have, or you can use it as a regular fence and then it’ll keep plants or animals or people out that way. Especially if you are the only person who knows how to actually get in. And then there are the very, there’s the very obvious scarecrow, but you can make it a more low key scarecrow if, if you’d rather have it, you know, camouflaged or a lot more minimal so that it isn’t as visible to people.
2 (1h 7m 37s):
And then, you know, you kinda mentioned this earlier, but planting unfamiliar plants in obvious places like one example would be a lemon cucumber. It looks different from a normal cucumber. A lot of squashes have diff there are different types of squashes that look very different than the kind we typically use, but they’re very similar in other ways than other properties, but they grow and look differently. So that’s another thing to consider just to sort of, you know, that’s kind of the disguise kind of goes back to the disguise.
2 (1h 8m 16s):
It kind of goes hand in hand. Yeah. Yeah. Cause when you, when you are disguising your plants, you’re protecting it. And then another one you can do is plant perennials kind of like you were talking about, but plant them around your fence so that every year as your garden grows, this fence grows. So your garden is less likely to get disturbed as it gets larger because these perennial plants that you’ve planted will hopefully help protect it somewhat.
2 (1h 8m 51s):
3 (1h 8m 53s):
Yeah, we do. I mean the, the physical barriers around the outside is something that we do. I mean, I’ve got a grows of raspberry bushes that eventually I hope to fully encircle the garden that we have right now. It’s easily taking up two sides. So, and there’s so much of it now it’s grown so well that even if a moose were to come up, any half of the raspberries, I’d still have enough for myself, plus there’s enough of a thorny presence there to keep the neighbors kids out of the garden.
3 (1h 9m 25s):
And that’s just, you know, just a plain Berry, it’s more of a deterrent like, eh, I don’t don’t really want to get in there. So it’ll turn the weakling away. Some of the other types of barriers that you can introduce, especially to a garden are things I know I mentioned the kind of the visible barriers, like the, you know, the, the little foil you can do that on a fence or a pole or whatever string chemical barriers are another one. So we use dry blood to be able to put around the basis of trees to keep the deer off of them.
3 (1h 9m 59s):
It’s also a great way to keep the moles down or at least away from your garden. So they’re not, you know, putting holes in a subterranean system underneath her garden, but dried blood is a form of chemical barrier. That’ll allow that to do, to at least alleviate some of the pressure from, from predators and stuff like that. Sound barriers are another thing I kind of mentioned the beer cans and the, the guy, the other, you know, explosive devices, you know, trigger devices, things like that, whether it’s a, you know, a, a light that goes off or, you know, a trip wire or whatever, just to alert you, if there’s any kind of movement within your garden or around your garden, that you’re, that you don’t want even a bell on a door.
3 (1h 10m 44s):
If you’ve got a gate to your garden or something like that. You know, another thing too. I mean, if you’ve really got valuable plants or if it gets to the point where it is valuable, I mean, what about, you know, dyes, things like that, where if you, if you suspect somebody is stealing from your plants, you know, sacrifice some of your plants and just put a bunch of dye on the plant that that would allow you to track down that individual, you know, just like a bank by a bomb.
3 (1h 11m 14s):
You know, those, those things that explode when they open up bag full of cash, same thing, not necessarily that violent, but you know, you get, you get the idea and then game cameras are also a great way to at least identify what is taking your garden. Cause sometimes you don’t know, it could be little bite marks or it could be full plants that are disappearing. So identifying what the thread is, is a different, definitely a form of defense. And you can do that through game cameras that are strategically placed. And then finally self defense is the last one that I have.
3 (1h 11m 46s):
Like how, how many of you are willing to go to task? If it comes to chasing off someone, who’s jumped a fence to get into your garden, you know, what are you if you’re in there in your pajamas and, and you got someone raiding your garden, what are you willing to do with it in a form of self defense? And what are you legally able to do? In some cases, if someone’s in your yard, you got no recourse. You can tell them to leave, but you know, sometimes the castle doctrine stops at your doorstep threshold and pulling a firearm on someone, you know, even in your front yard or backyard, it’ll land you in jail.
3 (1h 12m 30s):
So looking into your self defense options, as you know, a lot of time in a normal scenario, you would never even have to think about that, but what’s the potential of food rationing or, you know, changes to the food chain and distribution chain system and all that kind of stuff. You know, there is a potential for people to act out of the norm and, you know, with that potential comes the responsibility of the homeowner and whether or not as a homeowner or, you know, landowner or apartment dweller that you’re willing and able to defend that if you’re even able to, because it may not be your land, it may not be your property.
3 (1h 13m 13s):
It may not be, it may be part of the, the community garden, you know, are you going to post guards and the community garden, maybe, maybe not. Who’s willing to sit there and defend a community garden with a bunch of firearms. Are you, is your neighbor down the road, the guy in the pink polo shirt, you know, who knows? So it’s definitely some of the things that we’ve brought up today are a little bit dark, but you know, on the other side of it, it’s all stuff that hopefully brings forth a question on whether or not you are prepared to lose your garden and what you can do to defend it, to diversify it, or to disguise it, to kind of re reduce that threat.
3 (1h 14m 7s):
And I think that’s probably a good point to switch gears and go into the pint-sized pepper for this week. So we talked about the project this week is brought to you by power film, solar. And again, there’s a promo code if you guys would like to use it, but this week is we’re talking about how to make in kind of like a massive, not massive, but a rapid response resilience garden, you know, even in your own kitchen. And that’s just the basic of growing sprouts and seeds for survival.
3 (1h 14m 37s):
So Colin, why don’t you go ahead and get going on this? And I’m going to drop a link into the chat room for some great sprouts that you can kick off.
2 (1h 14m 46s):
Okay. Yeah. So the folks in the chat will obviously be able to see if they, if they bring themselves to check out one of those links or, you know, however, any links you put, but I don’t know that there are any plans that are ready to eat within a matter of a couple of days from sprouts, maybe, but there are no plants that produce, or, you know, there are no plants that end up producing a crop or a veggie or fruit within a matter of a couple of days, but you are able to, if you’re looking to eat the sprouts, or if there are edible sprouts, you can do it that way.
2 (1h 15m 41s):
Or you can create a cycle, an indoor plant cycle because the climate doesn’t have to be, you know, it doesn’t have to be focused on your growing season season if it’s indoors. Right, right. If it w if you’re able to do it indoors, then you can create a cycle so that you do have a certain amount of crops ready within a however many days, you need them, right.
2 (1h 16m 14s):
Two or three, four or five days before you need them. And then you can preserve them from there, but you might have to do a little bit of digging to find a few plants that are edible from sprouts. And we’ll actually do you some good within a couple of days.
3 (1h 16m 36s):
And that’s kind of where that link comes into play. There’s a handful, I think broccoli sprouts or big one bean sprouts, lettuce sprouts. There’s a couple of different kinds. And it depends on how you, you know, what your plan is, but growing sprouts as a form of eating them in that stage of development is a great way to, it’s a great way to at least get into that habit and not so much for full sustainability, but for supplementing a diet.
3 (1h 17m 8s):
So obviously you’re not going to survive off of the, your sprouts, but it will help to at least provide some nutrients that you might have a hard time gaining otherwise. So obviously some of the stuff you need just basic tools and materials. Yeah. Like they’re saying in chat, you know, they, they grow, they grow quickly and, you know, after about three days, they’ll kick in, but you know, after about a week, you probably don’t want to use them anymore.
3 (1h 17m 40s):
So there’s some great methods for doing that. Obviously gathering enough seeds and taking the time to, you know, let them sprout and then cycling through that garden system. It’s, it’s also a great way, especially if you have at the end of the season, if you have a lot of plants that have gone to seed collecting those seeds with the intention of using them for sprouts, you know, lettuce, if you let butter leaf lettuce go to seed, their seeds are like, you know, a hundred dandelions on one plant and they will go to town and each one of those will produce a sprout.
3 (1h 18m 25s):
And they’re really easy to collect. You can collect them all day long, and if you don’t collect them, they’re going to spread all over your garden and you’re gonna have to deal with butter leaf lettuce and just kind of like never ending propagation. So if you do collect them and control that growth, I can actually help significantly, especially if you’re kind of doing a, a sprout sub supplement or something like that. So some of the skills that are learned or encouraged through this project are things like food, independence, survival sprouts, and learning how to grow food quickly, and the importance of resilience and planting what you can when you can.
3 (1h 19m 5s):
So, Hey, we hope to keep these coming. And if you’d like to see more of these types of projects and support our work here directly on prepper broadcasting at the next generation show, head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Collin’s name or pipe size prepper project, and our books should pop right up. Or you can always click the link on the show page and download a copy today. There’s also a print version available over at Amazon and Barnes and noble. And in that copy, and that edition first edition you’ll have 28 more projects just like this one that you can do with your family.
3 (1h 19m 36s):
We’ve been delayed significantly on the volume too, but we do have that in the works. So hopefully we’ll be able to tackle that and maybe drill down and get it done next month. Hopefully we can get a volume two out here one way or another in 2020, because I think it’s pretty critical that, that we get a volume two out with all the projects that we’ve had. So I think for the final takeaway today, last time we talked about how it’s important to be resilient on the go, but that’s just simply not realistic.
3 (1h 20m 6s):
The majority of the time, we’re all rooted in our ways where we are in life and what we’ve got going on, but keeping in mind that the threats to that stability and what you do to defend disguise or diversify, it is key. And we’ve been talking about a garden today and it could be a garden, or it could be something else. It could be income, it could be transportation, or it could be firearms. You know, all the different things that we hold as things that we rely upon could easily be taken or destroyed or altered in a way that we have to seek out some other form to achieve the same goal, whatever it is, when you’re relying upon something to get you buy, you have to be prepared for what happens when you have to do without it.
3 (1h 21m 1s):
We’re obviously talking about gardens today, but it goes much deeper than that. It, it gets into what you’re willing to do to protect or defend what you have. You know, maybe it is just a visual barrier, you know, maybe it’s more than that. And a big part of that is understanding what needs to happen to be resilient and either make, do or do without, you know, until you can get to that point of health and sustainability, you know, it could take a couple of moments. It could be a couple of days, like if you’re growing sprouts or it could take months, and that’s what you really need to be ready for.
3 (1h 21m 35s):
Can you endure without, for just a couple of days, or can you stretch it out? Can you react and respond to mitigate the hazard? You know, do you wear your firearms like a, you know, a big old garden in the front yard for everyone to see how about your food storage or your solar equipment? You know, keep in mind that the more things you flash, the more things you have out there, the more you stand out and you may very well be drawing the wrong kind of attention without even realizing it even with a garden.
3 (1h 22m 11s):
So take the time to put your own doorstep into perspective, see how that garden or tool or vehicle or social media post or whatever it is might be perceived or used by others or taken or disturbed or destroyed. Lastly, in case you missed it on last week’s show, we did talk about the resilience of readiness bug outs style, where we talked about the most recent bug out adventure, camping scenarios that we went through. And what we learned from it. Remember if you missed out, you can always check out our previous episodes on the show page or on your favorite streaming service.
3 (1h 22m 45s):
And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence. And it allows us to share this message with others next week, we’re going to be opening a whole new can of worms for the month of July. So stay tuned. Hopefully we’ll get some announcements out on that. And I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on this extended version of the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost Colin Buford, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody, and be a great and make it a great week.
0 (1h 23m 60s):
Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit