Preparing for a Year Without School w/ I AM Liberty

Preparing for a Year Without School w/ I AM Liberty

July 16, 2020 Homeschooling I Am Liberty Kids Shows 0

Listen to “Preparing for a Year Without School w/ I AM Liberty” on Spreaker.

0 (14s):
Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button, create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up

1 (36s):
PVN family. Hey, when a government operates outside of limited boundaries, it achieves three things, right? So when these governments were set up, it was clear that be careful. Now be very careful with these governments stayed in local and federal because as we can see, when they work outside of their limited boundaries, they achieve essentially three things.

1 (1m 18s):
They kill either on purpose or inadvertently. They divide so good at dividing and they collapse. They collapse things, and we can look back and very easily see over the last six months that the actions of local governments with immeasurable power, which is exactly what they have at this moment have done all three of those things.

1 (1m 51s):
All three, all three, the mere conversation about the funding. Police has cost us exponentially more black lives than the police themselves, right? There is a fog folks that needs lifted in our nation so badly. I mean, we are just, I can’t, I’ve never seen a moment in time where, where the nation is in such a haze, that there are factions out there starting to look like religious cultists.

1 (2m 38s):
To me, I see religious cultists behind whether or not to wear masks. I see religious cultists behind whether these, these incredibly grading great ting decisions and that we feel we must take at a time like this. And I, I need you to Mark my words and understand this concept, that the head of the show, okay.

1 (3m 13s):
When a government operates outside of limited boundaries, that achieves three things, it kills it divides and collapses. And when I say collapses, I don’t mean the government itself. They have collapsed the business in this nation and it will take decades to recover from what they have done and are still doing based on the science. Listen tonight’s show is going to be about tonight’s show is going to be about preparing for a year with no school.

1 (3m 56s):
Now preparing for a year with no school, I understand is very different. A topic depending on where you are in your life. You know, if you’re out of college, looking for a job, preparing for a year without public school or ups, you know, school in general is probably not that big a deal to you. But if you’re a parent or a grandparent, this is something that Americans and American parents have to really react to right now.

1 (4m 28s):
Well, we don’t have to react just yet. We have time to take preemptive measures, which is where I like my listening audience to be. It’s where I like you guys to be. I’m not a big fan of seeing my people backed into the corner and being reactive. All right. We, as preppers, we all understand this. This is one of the fundamental things about being a prepper, right? We don’t want to be in a reactive state. Sucks.

1 (4m 59s):
Are you feeling lucky? And Chad says, prepare for no Twitter hole. No, whatever shall we do? I gotta read it. Twitter support. Oh cool. We’re continuing to limit the ability to tweet, reset your passwords and some other account functionality. Look into this. What happened? We’re aware of security incident impacting, Oh God, Well Saya Nora Saya and our Twitter.

1 (5m 33s):
They got hacked. Well, what do you want me to say? What do you want me to say on that topic? I don’t know. You know, if you want to get upset, go on Twitter. That’s that’s about all I can tell you about Twitter, but anyhow, just last night here in Richmond, Virginia, our school board and the public school system decided that they’re going to take the first semester and attempt it virtually.

1 (6m 14s):
And I don’t know where other States are or other localities are in making this decision. But I knew from some, some months ago that this school year was going to be a nightmare. And more, more importantly than it being a nightmare, this school year was going to jeopardize the education of those kids who need it. And who needed most now to be fair, I have no idea what a virtual semester looks like after making the decision.

1 (6m 55s):
There was no announcement. There was really no, there was nothing other than the fact that we’re going to do the first semester virtually. Okay. So now I’m, I’m scared for them because I can’t even imagine the amount of work that they have to do to figure out how they’re going to do a virtual semester with children of all ages, right? K through 12 public school kids in a city varying, you know, varying demographics and the struggles that go with that.

1 (7m 34s):
And to be quite honest with you, we are in a wishy washy point with pandemic response from the state level on whether or not we are going to keep things as open as they have been. So the entire experience, at least through winter is up in the air. And the way I want you to look at it is while your child may start school in some form or another, they may be back out of school again, before you know it, because we are no longer making decisions based on we’re no longer making decisions based on how many people are dying from this virus.

1 (8m 23s):
We’re making decisions based on how many people have contracted it and whether or not those people have symptoms is irrelevant. I mean, that’s, that’s the real God’s Don is truth. We are making decisions based on cases, not based on deaths and those case numbers are being influenced by tests that are given now, in case you’re wondering is James, where does James come up with this stuff? Is he a doctor?

1 (8m 55s):
Listen, I know people who do things who save lives, who take people to hospitals. And I talked to them, okay. And I know what happens. And they tell me exactly what goes down. When someone arrives at a hospital, there are a bunch of tests that they undergo. And one of those tests is a COVID-19 test.

2 (9m 19s):

1 (9m 21s):
Imagine you go to the hospital because you fell off your roof, putting a, I don’t know, gutters up and you break your leg and you get, you know, you get a myriad of things done to you in that hospital. One of which is a COVID-19 test now without having any, any symptoms whatsoever, you test positive for COVID-19. Well, now you become a statistic that goes to feed that overall number.

1 (9m 52s):
And that overall number goes to make, goes toward making decisions that are going to affect your life, your children’s life, your business, everything. I’m just telling you what I hear from people with boots on the ground. Not people who do radio shows on, on am radio. I’m talking about people who, who save lives and how it goes down when they bring people to a hospital, okay?

1 (10m 24s):
This is how your life is being decided for you by governments operating outside of a limited boundary that they’re designed to work in. You understand all it goes back to that. It all goes back to the fact that the governors, the mayors there’s too much power. They’re ill equipped to make these kinds of decisions. And that’s that folks. So now we have to figure out, we have to take the reigns. You have to take the reigns in your life where you cannot sit back and let people decide for you how your child’s education is going to go.

1 (11m 2s):
Do you understand? You can not sit back and say, well, whenever they start, they’ll start and little Timmy, he’ll be just fine. Hell. He hasn’t been to school in about six months, but I’m sure he’ll jump right on to that virtual learning screen and latch onto it as though it were a video game. And you know, he’ll be right back up to par and no time. And then when new things come along, that’ll go just fine as well. This, this school year, here’s the mentality.

1 (11m 35s):
Okay? This school year, you are the teacher. You are the teacher and you have some version of help coming from the public school. That’s the mentality you have to take. Now, if you, if you find yourself in a place where your kids going back to school and everything’s hunky Dory, good, I’m glad for you. I want to see as many kids back in school, buildings as possible because that’s what kids need from more than just the, you know, learning four times four, I’m a public school kid.

1 (12m 12s):
Okay. I didn’t realize the survival skills that I was learning in public school until I started learning about survival skills. Okay. You think, you think the gray man theory is something the military thought up or something that somebody who survived an urban collapse in some third world nation figured out? No, no, no, no. The gray man was developed in public schools a long, long time ago.

1 (12m 45s):
How do I get from sixth to seventh period without getting beat up? Alright, mastered the gray man because of public school. You know, KIPP people learn a lot. Kids learn a lot. They learn a lot about how to deal with life and they’re gonna miss out on a lot of that. So I want you to be in that mindset. Okay? I’ve told you over the past couple of weeks as this world changes, ownership, and support are going to be, what, what, what builds the base of your life going forward?

1 (13m 22s):
What do you support? And you, you know, my recommendation is to find the people local to you who are supporting the second amendment and they should get a healthy helping of your support. I’m not going to go into the details, but I think you all understand the importance of the second amendment at a time like this, taking ownership of things like your income and career. You know, you, you should not be in a position where your career can be pulled out from under you now is not the time for that.

1 (13m 57s):
And to be quite honest with you, I mean, it can happen to any of us at any time, but you can set yourself up in a way that it’s a lot less likely, right? Make those moves. And here we are now in July 15th, most schools aren’t going to kick off or don’t typically kick off till after labor day gives you a lot of lead time to act as a teacher.

1 (14m 27s):
Now I don’t mean to start teaching lessons, but I mean preparing your classroom and we’re going to get into that later, but I’m telling you right now, the mindset is there’s no school in 2020. What is the game plan? Mom? What is the game plan? Dad do not leave it up to these out of control governments to dictate whether or not your kid gets to go back to school. When they go back to school, how they go back to school.

1 (14m 58s):
And if they roll out some shitty plan,

0 (15m 4s):
It’s is going to be near impossible

1 (15m 8s):
For kids to get a quality education. You cannot sit back and say, well, you know, he’ll, he’ll catch up next year. You cannot sit back and let that be the, you know, the fate of your child here. I mean, that’s what we’re talking about. That’s what we’re talking about. But the problem is we’re not talking about it, right? The problem is they’re not talking about it. The governments, the media nobody’s talking about, they’re talking about nuns stories.

1 (15m 40s):
As usual. They’re talking about celebrities who died and singers who have passed away. Kanye is out of the race. Don’t you worry? Everything’s going to be okay. Kanye dropped out. They’re talking about nonsense.

0 (15m 56s):

1 (15m 56s):
I don’t even know if the average American listens to it anymore. When these governments that are operating outside of their limited boundaries, they’re working in tandem with a terrorist Marxist organization. Meanwhile, who is undoubtedly gathered together across this nation and spread the cases and advanced the cases of this virus, right? When are people gonna wake up and realize that whatever this movement was and isn’t in its inception,

0 (16m 38s):

1 (16m 38s):
It’s been hijacked by black lives matter and black lives matter is one of the greatest fronts that I’ve ever seen. And if I didn’t understand the Marx’s, his playbook, the communist playbook and how they look to overthrow the United States, using the tensions between black people and white people. I might be confused.

1 (17m 8s):
It’s exactly a game plan that has been written into, into this, this whole thing. I’m so sick of hearing about any quality while black people are massacring each other in the cities. Can we please fix the ghettos in this nation? Can we focus on a problem that will actually make life better for our fellow Americans? Can we stop living in Wonderland and actually help the Americans who are trapped in these inner city?

1 (17m 41s):
Firing ranges, where the only, the only equality is the indiscriminate sprays of gunfire that take one year olds, 30 year olds, 80 year olds of any race, far more deadly than what we’re running from with masks right now. Now they threatened to collapse the school system. Imagine that they were in bed with terrorists, these mayors and governors.

1 (18m 16s):
They don’t want to clean up their cities. They’ve never wanted to clean up their cities. Now they fit into collapse. The school system. Again, another attack, a real attack on impoverished black Americans. How do I not hear a peep from black lives? Matter about the fact that over 60% of black children live in single parent homes, how the fuck is virtual school going to work for them?

1 (18m 49s):
How are they going to pull that off? If you want to talk about the future, an opportunity. That’s the conversation to have listened to be America. There was a real threat to black communities. It’s the rampant lawlessness that will take tens of thousands of black Americans this year through murder through murder.

1 (19m 21s):
Give me a minute.

3 (19m 24s):

1 (21m 10s):
No right PBM family. You know, sometimes you got to cool down a bit things. Get going off the rails, things get going off the rails. I hope you enjoy the jazz for a minute. We’ve got a good show tonight. I’m not going to lose my cool to this. Okay. I just wanted you to understand 7,000 black people were murdered in our nation last year And 6,000 white people were murdered.

1 (21m 50s):
I’m sorry. There’s 2018 stats. So it drives me crazy too, that we are in this cult, like focus on issues that aren’t going to save lives and aren’t going to make lives better. You know, the education of future black leaders is being shelved over a virus that is essentially benign to children. That’s the real story I could probably just call it right now. I probably could just end the show with that.

1 (22m 22s):
We had the music, we had the, you know, the whole thing. We had the music, we had the outrage, we had the updates. We had some statistics. We had some of my motivational speaking. Yeah, there you go. Good night, America. It’s your host James Wall. It’s been the, I am Liberty show. I hope you enjoy it. Has anybody else noticed this?

1 (22m 53s):
Or what does anybody else look out upon the masses of Americans and see them in this crazy fog, this cult like behavior that is taking control of people. I mean, it’s, it’s a tunnel vision. It’s a tunnel vision. Like I’ve never seen, it’s an unbelievable to me. It would be laughable if it weren’t affecting the future of the nation, but you see that’s the problem.

1 (23m 27s):
This religious cult like behavior is having a real effect. He run the Homeland and that’s a terrifying thing. So tonight we focused on the fact that we need to be prepared a year without school and what that might look like, what can you do? What should you do right now? I remember years ago before I even had kids, I think I may have had one kid.

1 (24m 1s):
I may have had one kid, very young. I remember downloading this criteria or this curriculum and printing it all out from prepper website. I think Todd either uploaded it on this site or gave me a link to it or something to that effect. But I remember, yeah, I remember downloading this stuff and wrapping my head around this idea that, Oh man, somebody may have to teach kids one day, right?

1 (24m 32s):
Because the schools might be gone. My father, my father a couple years ago told me that schools were going to go away. And you know, a lot of you reach out to me and say very nice things, complimentary things about the way that I think and the things that I see coming in that type of thing, you know, my foreshadowing or whatever.

1 (25m 3s):
But a lot of it has to do with growing up with my dad. You know, who’s, he’s been on this, he’s been this on this undercover kick of rooting out communism and watching from the sideline, you know, for certain signs of things. And when he sees those signs, man, that’s like bells go off and you, couple years ago, he was telling me that he thinks school is going to be a thing of the past.

1 (25m 34s):
It can only be adulterated so much. It’s kind of his is his mindset. But I remember downloading that curriculum and looking at over an, a, B, C, D, and pictures and addition, and some geography and really wrapping my head around this idea that, wow, in the worst case scenario, I guess, I guess you go back to that homesteading family, right? Where you’re, you’re, you’re in a one room and the kid’s learning his alphabet from his older sister, whatever it looks like.

1 (26m 6s):
It’s amazing to me folks. And I, I thank all of you because it’s amazing to me, how much of being a prepper has zero to do with the end of all things. You know, when I got involved in this thing in prepping, it was because I was legitimately scared about the end of all things to come.

1 (26m 41s):
I thought that there was going to be a collapse of the U S I thought that there was going to be massive civil unrest, shortages of everything, you know, a true end of all, things scenario, maybe the sun would hurl a, a nice solar flair in our general direction during all of that, that would shut the power out. This, these were my concerns at the beginning of this. This was why I started prepping.

1 (27m 13s):
And now, as we’re living through these calamities, I’m seeing, wow, the steps I took back then to prepare for the worst, have me in such a mindset in such a good place for what is happening now, which is not the end of all things by any stretch.

0 (27m 33s):

1 (27m 36s):
It’s not the end of all things by any stretch, But there’s still work to be done. There’s still work to be done. And the whole point behind tonight shows to make sure that parents don’t get caught off guard by this thing. No, late last night.

0 (27m 57s):

1 (27m 57s):
I was up late anyway, doing some work. When I found out that my child’s first semester was going to be virtual. And then I knew I wasn’t going to sleep. You see? Because when, when radical decisions are made, that affect the future of me and mine, my mind turns into some sort of massive processing unit and it goes, it goes off.

1 (28m 27s):
I don’t even know the things that it’s comprehending and calculating, but I know it’s on and it’s not going off for a while. So I knew I was going to be up late. Writing helps, you know, so I crafted a letter to the editor of the Richmond times, dispatch sort of an honest look, a simple 200 word, two 50, maybe word, honest, take on virtual learning, you know, and really just kind of breaking it down.

1 (28m 57s):
You know, it wasn’t an, an attack. It wasn’t, I wasn’t attacking anybody or anything like that. It was just a very clear set of examples. You know, what, what is the best case scenario for virtual learning and in for a child? What does it look like? Best case scenario, kid at home, he has the undivided attention of, of a good teacher and a class that’s behaving. And parents there to support this new virtual learning thing. And to assure that the work gets done and, you know, we’re talking best case scenario, what’s worst case scenario, right?

1 (29m 31s):
And I lay that out. You know, basically the forgotten child, the child who is as a babysitter or not maybe, or no one at home, maybe an Eaton, maybe not even access to the virtual learning program. And they’re forgotten, they’re left behind, you know, that’s the worst case scenario. And the vast majority of kids will fall somewhere in between, between the best and worst case. And I don’t think you want your kid in that, in that, even in that category.

1 (30m 4s):
Right? So I sent that letter to the editor. They got back to me today. I’m sure they’ll publish it. They said, they’re going to publish it sometime this week. I don’t know what it will do. I have no idea. You know, sometimes you have to take action at 12 midnight just so that you can help yourself sleep. The newspaper got Mack back to me quickly. The city Councilman woman that I emailed has yet to get back to me.

1 (30m 36s):
Now, I almost fell out of my seat because these people have the goal to refer to themselves as the honorable yada, yada, yada, the honorable Riva, somebody or other. I don’t remember her last name, the honorable now. So they’re on city council. So that makes them honorable people. I just couldn’t stop laughing over this designation. The honorable, I don’t know if it’s like that in all city councils.

1 (31m 8s):
It shouldn’t be, I mean, w what’s the honor, why do where’s the honor come from? Why? Why honorable? What’s honorable about this person? I’ve do, I don’t know you the honorable. So I emailed the Annabelle Riva last night. I haven’t heard from her yet. And I was a little more coarse with her. These people are the voice of the people, right? That’s what your city council’s supposed to be. And basically I took a little more of a hard financial angle with her.

1 (31m 41s):
And I said, I’ve got my concerns about how this will go. I don’t like the idea that parents are going to have to choose between making money and teaching their children or assuring that their children are taught in this new virtual vehicle. I also don’t like the idea that we’re paying full taxes for buildings that aren’t going to open for teachers that are not working full time jobs. Again, this is where you step into the mist with people, because you’re not allowed to say anything about teachers, right?

1 (32m 19s):
What do you mean? They’re not working full time? Why are you talking about you just can’t say that. Well, I said it. I said, I said exactly what the hell needs to be said, right? We, if parents are going to have to decide between income and the education of their child, There should be a tax credit involved. Why, why would we pay the full amount of, of tax for schools, which is an outrageous amount of tax already.

1 (32m 52s):
And it’s a tax in this state that expands to a number of different things, a number of different products and services here in the state, all trickle into some fun that is supposed to make schooling better. Well, if there’s nobody in the school and the lights aren’t on the kids, aren’t there and the bus drivers aren’t there and the cafeteria is aren’t open, but parents are making sacrifices to assure that their kids get what they need, learn what they need to learn to be successful, because they will inherit the very cities that are, that are closing the doors on them.

1 (33m 30s):
In my opinion, why not a tax credit, honorable Riva. Tell me the honorable answer. I don’t know. I’m not honorable. I’m just a freelance writer. I don’t know. I’ve never waited into an honorable title. So they’re obviously better than me. Maybe they have some better answers. I’m tired of everything falling on our shoulders as parents. And we still have to foot the bill, right?

1 (34m 3s):
I’m talking at the state level. I’m talking about it. These services that are to be provided by States based on a collecting our tax money based on massively inflating the value of our property so that they can, you know, siphon off a few more dollars from every person that can go into better schools and better teachers. And we’re not even going to open them By the way, I can’t help, but wonder what dark things are happening in schools while we’re away.

1 (34m 44s):
Hmm. What changes? This is where I Wade into what Ryan Buford was talking about. All right. Or last night, Ron foster, Ryan Buford. I mean, if you ran into those two guys in real life, you’d be like, Oh, look at this cool father son tenant group here. Right? When I look at Ron foster and Ryan, and I think about them and kind of what they, who they are and what they’ve done, man, they’re like, they could be father and son.

1 (35m 16s):
They’re awesome. When they get together, I dig it. I dig it. So this is where you get conspiratorial. You know, there’s, there’s some crazy, I don’t know what it’s called. Right? 16, 19 project or this 18, 16, 18. I don’t what it is. I don’t know the exact title, but I know it’s this idea that a revamping of American history basically, and I can’t help, but wonder if, while we’re out here struggling to figure out how we’re going to teach our kids.

1 (35m 55s):
If, if behind closed doors, there isn’t a small group of faculty members or a school board members who aren’t integrating some of this more radical educational supplement into the school systems. Everyone is very close to homeschooling, you know, and I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want to homeschool my son.

1 (36m 26s):
It’s not something I’m. I like, I don’t, I don’t like it. I’m just not a fan of it. I really did enjoy the hell. That was public school. The 1619 project is what it was called. A thank you. Living on the fault in the chat room, by the way, we have a live chat room that is open for business. It’s full of some of the greatest people on the planet. If you ask me and you can go to prep, a, scroll down to the player and just above it in red lettering, you’ll see where you can join the chat.

1 (37m 4s):
I’ll tell you something funny. But before the show, about a half hour before the show, I broke out in hives, I’m not kidding. I don’t know what it was from. I have no idea it’s going away as we speak, but I took a quick nap cause I didn’t sleep last night. And I woke up and I came downstairs and I just completely broke out in hives all over my body. And I said, well, you know, Anna, Filactic shock. Maybe that will set in and take me away from all this horror. But I know took some anti-histamine and you know, soldier on Jen in the chatroom says, I fear for our country.

1 (37m 46s):
If we have a year of homeschool kids, parents can’t do it. If they’re working. Yeah. That’s I mean, that’s the reality, you know, there are these Jen, thank you for that. You just kind of realigned to me a bit. There are these realities, these hard realities. Oh, are you feeling lucky? Might’ve diagnosed me. He said it was performance anxiety. You know, my wife wasn’t home. So I don’t think it was performance anxiety. Oh God, I’m sorry.

1 (38m 19s):
I’m sorry for that one. That one was, didn’t have much tact, but it’s true. You know, there are these, this wishy washy, Marxist mentality where we can change everything and do everything and fix everything and tear everything down and rebuild everything back up.

0 (38m 39s):
It’s okay.

1 (38m 41s):
It’s infected people to the point where they think that the bills aren’t going to come due, right? The bills aren’t going to come due,

0 (38m 54s):
But the bills will come due.

1 (38m 57s):
And the bill collector doesn’t care whether your kid gets taught or not. I got news for you have all kindnesses things are too expensive now for people to stay home and teach the kids. You know, I’ve got a theory on that too. I’ve got a theory on that too. I mean, the government does play a role in that. You know, the housing market is the, the, the value of property. Is it ridiculous? Let’s be honest. You know, there are places in, in my state where you could pay over a hundred thousand dollars for less than an acre of land.

0 (39m 38s):
Come on.

1 (39m 39s):
What are we doing? This, not even a house on it. It’s crazy. Right. But there’s also a level of, there’s a level of sacrifice that the average American is unwilling to take on. You know, we, we get new cars every couple years, we’ve all have cars, everybody’s got their own car, right. And I mean, there’s definitely when it comes to overall living expenses.

1 (40m 11s):
And there are, there’s plenty to blame the governments for there’s plenty to blame the markets for, but there are things to blame the average person for in their endless desire to fill the vacant, the vacant hole within their soul. You know, that’s a costly thing. One of the biggest though is, is college debt. And we can’t say the college that doesn’t create the households that we have today, where parents are desperately, desperately and fevers, usually working as many hours as possible in order to pay the bills, which are, you know, if you have two parents who weren’t poor enough to get financial aid and took out massive loans to pay for their college so that they could make a better living.

1 (41m 2s):
You’re dealing with people who basically have two mortgages. In most cases, you’re dealing with people unless they were smart enough to get, you know, to money off tuition and that type of thing you’re dealing with with tons of families, whether they, whether they’re out of college, they got a great job, or they did something that had nothing to do with their degree. If they own a home and they have a mortgage and they have both have college debt, that’s like paying two mortgages.

0 (41m 36s):
It’s brutal.

1 (41m 40s):
Volcanic says we could expend an entire show on college debt. There’s no doubt about it. There’s no doubt about it. College debt has so radically transformed what it means to be an American, what it means to be a parent, what it means to be a, a, in a relationship, what it means to be a husband and wife. I mean, it’s, it’s changed everything. It’s probably the greatest racket of my time. You know, everybody was in my day coming up, it was not, there was no option.

1 (42m 17s):
It was very clear. My parents, even who can see the writing on the walls, you know, they’re great. They’re great. Fatal flaw is not that they didn’t know the right things to do. They just didn’t do them a lot of the time. You know, when that’s really what it was, they were people who understand the current. They understand which way the wind blows, but man, they like to walk against that wind anyway, and it’s hurt them throughout their life.

1 (42m 47s):
But anyhow, even they understood because this was the way it was. You go to college or you don’t got nothing. You go get that piece of paper. That’s my dad used to say, you got to get that piece of paper because then you can get something. And that racket buried people. It buried people under debt that they just, you know, and I, and you know, who I really feel sorry for, I feel sorry for anyone who was tricked into this idea that you need to invest that much money into your future with no guarantee that you’re going to have a future in that field or career period.

1 (43m 32s):
But the people I really feel, feel for are those who are out, you know, lay in bricks with a man with a master’s degree in business or whatever. And, and they’re just hustling, you know, working two jobs to pay down the mortgage, to put shoes on the kids’ feet and, and, and to pay this outrageous student debt that is never going to go away. We’ve got pretty far afield here, folks, but it does lay out the, the sort of situation that we’re in.

1 (44m 9s):
Right. It explains how we find ourselves at a point where bloated and overpowered state and local governments have the knife to our throat now, because they can say when your kid starts school or when they don’t, and you can’t really say much about it, because why? Because the alarm goes off at six and you got to go to work and that’s it, or is it, or is it, or is it, you know, I have friends who didn’t plan on having a radical downsizing occur in their life, but they had a radical downsizing occur, you know, in, in, in, in, in a way that you would think would devastate a family, particularly children, I’m talking about a life of wide open spaces, big home, many rooms living good way out in the country to everybody piled into a small apartment in the city, family of four, right?

1 (45m 24s):
And you say to yourself, Oh my God, they must be, you know who, God, it sounds like hell, they’re getting along. You know, this was not a self-imposed downsizing. It was a necessity. It was something, you know, whatever it doesn’t matter. Their story is their story. And it’s personal. And you know, it’s none of your business to be quite honest, but that’s just an example of the fact that the way you live right now, while it may suck to downsize, why it may suck to get rid of a car and move to a smaller home and the kids might complain about it.

1 (45m 59s):
I don’t know when I really take an inventory of what really matters. It becomes pretty clear that keeping up with the jones’ as if you will, not Dave, but keeping up with the Jones is, is basically a shackle, right? It’s a pair of shackles. And now we see people turning, turning on, turning on one another, and it just further drives home that point.

1 (46m 33s):
So look, let’s talk practically and let’s talk about actionable stuff. Okay. I’m going to tell you about, about what it is that we are working on. Because while like I could sit here and I could wax poetic about how we found ourselves in this situation, why it’s going to be a nightmare. I can start crying if you’d like, I know that gets people places when you do a radio show about how I feel so sad.

1 (47m 6s):
I mean, I do, don’t get me wrong. I feel like I look out across the city here. And I think to myself, God has a lot of kids that are just going to be forgotten. Let me give you one statistic. Okay. And I don’t know if I think, I think I held back on this statistic just to, just for tonight show a man comes to the door. People don’t come to my house very often. You know, it is what it is. We don’t get many visitors. And I think that’s just the way it is.

1 (47m 36s):
Isn’t it? You don’t get visitors like you used to, you know, the aunts don’t drop by with family. It just doesn’t happen. We’re all too individual. And too self-important to, we’re both, we’re both too egotistical to stop by someone’s house and, and, and graced them with our presence. And we’re also too afraid to do it because we’re so weak and so afraid of rejection that we might open the door up and someone might have the audacity to tell us, no, you can’t come in at this moment in time.

1 (48m 10s):
So nobody visits anyone anymore. But the other night we got a visitor guy comes to the door. I don’t like when people come to the door, particularly men, I’m not a big fan of it. The children know the process and the procedure, right. We don’t open the door for anyone. We have a way of looking at out to see who the person is, but the children don’t open the door for anyone. It, that took a lot, but we got there. Okay.

1 (48m 42s):
So, you know, when you see enough videos of people, opening kids, opening the door up to people, then run into the house and beat the parents up and steal things and leave you. You, hopefully that gives you the motivation to tell your kids, Hey, don’t open the door for anybody. Hear me. Don’t open the door for anybody until we know exactly who it is and I’m around and my guns out. I’m just kidding. So I go and I go out front and I’d sit guy in a button up, and then we’ve got a clipboard.

1 (49m 17s):
And I’m like, Oh no, I just walked into windows salesman. Now I’m stuck on his porch for at least five minutes. So I can figure out a way to politely get rid of this guy. But he wasn’t a window salesman. He was like, he was a member of the school board. And he was championing the idea. Now imagine this idea, PBN, PBN family. Imagine this idea in America, 2020, he was championing an idea that we have a virtual option ready, but we also have an option for children to go back to school.

1 (49m 58s):
And then we create a parent told choice option where the parents, the taxpayers get the chance to decide whether or not they want their kid to go to school physically, or they want them to stay home and do the virtual option. Now, to me, this seemed like common sense. This seemed like a thing that made sense. And we talked for a while and exchanged ideas about things.

1 (50m 28s):
And actually he was the one who told me, you know, you really should write a letter to the editor and I, well, that won’t be no problem. I’ll do that. And he told me a little something about schooling. You know, the schools in Virginia shut down in March, which is insane. So I’ve already been through this rigmarole, you know, and I it’s given me confidence to now face down what we’re going to face this first semester.

1 (50m 58s):
So I guess it’s not all terrible. So the kids have been out already since March. And we’re talking about that, that idea, you know, cause I said, we, they gotta do better than that. You know, that virtual learning experience was terrible. It really wasn’t good. There was no quizzes. There was no testing. It was just log in, do a little lesson for the day, watch a video, play an online learning game and move on. You know? And I actually added other work to the school’s work because you don’t want your kid to fall behind.

1 (51m 35s):
Right? He wasn’t happy with me all the time, but whatever, it’s not my job. And he said, you know, you won’t believe the amount of kids that never logged in once. And I say, how many kids never logged in? Once he told me 15,000 kids based on the websites that they went to, right. To get the lessons for the day, which were all in Google drive in a Google drive by that was kind of like it’s loaded into, by the teachers of, of whichever grade they were in.

1 (52m 17s):
Right. We would go into Google drive. We would find lesson for the day, download it, you know, the whole thing. And he told me 15,000 kids never logged in once

0 (52m 31s):

1 (52m 36s):
So would that information, they decide to go ahead with the virtual schooling option because it’s a religious cult in the streets of America right now. And they don’t need anything that is rational. They just need to follow the doxy of the day and follow it till the very end. And we need to open that fifth seal baby, we’ve got by any means necessary. And Jen says in Iowa, we have homeschool laws versus public school laws.

1 (53m 8s):
They can’t cross those lines. And she goes on to say those same kids won’t log in now either. Yeah. And that’s the saddest. I mean, that’s the saddest part of this whole thing. That’s the saddest part of this whole thing, which is why I went off in the beginning. The show here we are in a nation where the whole world even is lit up over inequality. Yet there are going to be a large number of school districts all over this country that decide to do a virtual schooling.

1 (53m 43s):
So they don’t put, I don’t know who the hell they’re worried about putting it at risk, right? I mean, you could argue that school and the makeup of most schools, it’s probably the greatest place you would want to be in the greatest demographics that you would want to be. If you were worried about the virus, right? Young kids, young, healthy teachers. I mean, I don’t know what your school kid’s school looks like, but most of the kids and I mean, most of the teachers in my child’s school are young women.

1 (54m 20s):
You know, they’ve probably had it already. Don’t even know it.

4 (54m 25s):
I don’t know.

1 (54m 26s):
I’m not going to explain a way that, that that’s not a door I want to open, But there are repercussions. That’s all. So let’s talk about what’s going on here as we enter this thing. So practice assess, diagnose. Now let me preface this by saying, I taught my son out of necessity, starting in March of last year.

1 (54m 57s):
Outside of that, I have no background in homeschooling. Outside of that, I hated school probably from about fifth grade on, you know, it was a combination of, I was picked on, I didn’t really like waking up early. I was a, just really into researching by myself. And I had tremendous confidence at a very young age that if I had a problem, I could fix it and I could figure it out by myself and that’s been me my whole life.

1 (55m 37s):
So it was really a weird place for me to have to go to. And there were some things I gave up on completely and, and to be quite Frank, had I not got into the culinary arts vocational program in my high school, I probably would have failed out of high school and got a GED. So just so you understand, that’s my background with K through 12 by about fifth grade. I pretty much had it with school. If I was in the South, I probably would have asked my parents to sign me out the way they did that back in the day.

1 (56m 9s):
But yeah, just wasn’t my thing. You know? So what I’m going to tell you about what we’re doing is just the action that we’re taking. I’m not saying it is the best to take because I don’t even know what’s happening in your city or your state. Hopefully you do. If you don’t know, hopefully you will be motivated to go find out what in the hell they’re proposing to do with your child this year. But before, before I knew anything about what they were going to do, I was looking at a bunch of different means, right?

1 (56m 45s):
And I happened upon a, a cheap and effective set of books by a company called shell education. Okay. You can look them up, they’re available on Amazon. You can get them anywhere. I can’t believe how much I can get away from this microphone. Sometimes when I’m looking at things, I’m all the way up here. I should be down here, build mastery of science skills with quick and purposeful daily practice.

1 (57m 18s):
Okay. So what this is basically, it’s called 180 days of science for fourth grade. And that’s exactly, it’s exactly what you think. You know, it’s exactly what just, it’s a book full of daily lessons, you know? And, and one of the things I wished I’d had starting in March was a book of daily lessons. So that’s what this guy does. And you can get them in whatever, whatever derivatives and subjects you want.

1 (57m 51s):
Okay. Bye bye. Great. I didn’t check the full expanse of grades. I know they have kindergarten through fourth grade because I saw those. I don’t know if they do anything higher than that. These books are like 15 bucks. Okay. So it’s not a $400 home schooling curriculum, you know, living on the fault. I think it was in Chad said he spends over a thousand dollars on homeschooling every year. All right. So if you’re going to go that deep, feel free, you know, it’s out there, but it costs money.

1 (58m 24s):
It’s out there, but it’s expensive. This is how we’re doing it. This is how we’re doing it so that we can do something before we, if you know B, we want to do something, but we’re not opposed to homeschool. You, either Living on the fault says go to homeschool sales, buy used books and used materials.

4 (58m 52s):

1 (58m 55s):
That, that nub says that his school district sent a PDF file with all the rules for next school year. It was about 30 pages long. So 180 days of science for fourth grade. Okay, you got, I’ve got 180 days of math, writing, reading, social studies. You know what I mean? You can get whatever you want and the beauty of these because where we’re at right now, like I, where the Liberty family is at right now is at the supplemental level.

1 (59m 30s):
Okay. That’s where I want to be effective. I want to be able to supplement whatever crap that they put together in a virtual learning session. You know, what it, whatever it is, maybe it turns out to be effective in a, in a great, you know, awesome. If not, then we have the ability to fall back on these lessons. And we have the ability to fall back on my own personal knowledge and creativity, which is good enough. I mean, I’m 100% confident in that. If I have to explain a science principle, a math principle, writing a reading principle to a fourth grader, I can get it in there.

1 (1h 0m 7s):
We can drill it. We can figure it out and we can quiz on it. And you know, that school at the end of the day, minus the interaction, right. Minus the interaction and the swirlies and all that fun stuff. But so that’s one aspect of what we’re doing. We’re likely going to start pushing our youngest team in the kindergarten also. Okay. Now he’s, he was too young to start kindergarten this year by the school’s policy.

1 (1h 0m 39s):
Right. But that doesn’t mean we can’t start them in our own situation. And I may, you know, who knows, maybe we may be, we even test them to see if you can go into first grade next year. I don’t know, skip kindergarten, you know, who knows? I don’t know. I don’t even know how that works, but we’re putting our puzzle itself in a position to be able to do that. Now we are already outfitted really well because we’ve got this big, giant Blackboard that screwed into the wall downstairs, right? So we that’s an uncommon feature, but I do know that you can basically go paint a Blackboard on your walls.

1 (1h 1m 15s):
Also. That’s not something that costs a lot of money, but you have to have a place. You know, you have to have a place that is quote unquote, the school room, right. The classroom. So these things are important if you, if you give it the level, I think if you give school, the level of respect, it deserves when it’s happening in your house, your kids will too, you know, and, and, and you can’t rule with an iron fist when it comes to this schooling stuff, either, at least from what I’ve experienced, I’m going to use bribery as well.

1 (1h 1m 58s):
Don’t get me wrong. I would most certainly use bribery to get my kids, to do the things that we need them to do and to do them well. But you can do a lot of harm. If you have a kid who’s trying to learn virtually and you’re coming down on them, you know, over disciplinary issues on top of it, it’s pretty rough. Well, Canada says they have new math. Now, listen, I basically stopped doing math after algebra one.

1 (1h 2m 34s):
It was kind of my personal protest. So I don’t know the old math or the new math, really. You know what I mean? But I’ve seen it. I’ve seen some examples. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole though, but I do appreciate it and understand exactly what you’re talking about. And I don’t understand why, why you would put a kid at odds with his parents and how they learned to do things. It just doesn’t make sense to me. You know? So now, now as a parent, when they come home, you’ve got to learn. You’ve got to say, this is okay, show me how you do this multiplication problem.

1 (1h 3m 10s):
And if they don’t know how to do it, then you show them the way that you do it. And they go, no, that’s not how we do it. And then you go, but you don’t know the answers. What, what what’s going on here? You know what I mean? Another, another reasonable investment. There are some pretty cheap desks out there. And I think a desk adds, adds a level of, you know, it creates that same atmosphere, right? This is your desk for school at home. You know, we’re not gonna, we’re not gonna exist solely on the dining room table or on the Island or on the bar or whatever, sitting down with a laptop on our lap while the TV’s on in the living room, trying to focus and get things done, right?

1 (1h 3m 55s):
These are all things that, to be quite honest with you, if you have children and they’re going to school, public school, and you don’t know exactly what’s going on with the public school, these are the things that you should invest in right now. If you have the money, get some kind of supplemental materials, the shell education books, 180 days of blank, you can buy them at Amazon. They’re like 15 bucks. You can get every subject you want. You know, for under a hundred bucks, are they that they’re not homeschool quality curriculum don’t get me wrong, but they could be the supplement that your child needs.

1 (1h 4m 35s):
They could become a big part of how they learn. Fourth grade science, fourth grade math, third grade, this second grade, you know, whatever They need a place. You guys can decide on that, but they need a place that is the classroom. If you go to the dollar store, you know, like a dollar general or whatever, if you go to a dollar general and go down the card, stock and markers, aisle, or whatever, you can get all kinds of crazy school stuff to turn a room, a closet, a corner of a room into something that looks almost identical to a classroom.

1 (1h 5m 16s):
Go check it. I went through all this already back in March. You know what I mean? I know my kids, my kids are like me. They’re devastatingly focused on things they want to be focused on. And the things they don’t want to be focused on can be a little brutal. So all these things are to add validity and distress, the importance of what we’re doing, and then look to invest in some kind of a desk, some kind of a home base.

1 (1h 5m 47s):
You know, if you’re going to be virtually learning, you should do that in an area where, where you’re not encumbered by the siblings or other parents or dogs or the sound of television or whatever else is going on in your home. So you have to outfit this place, you know, whatever your place looks like. And the problem is your place might be real small. We don’t have a big house, you know? So we, we we’ve just figured out how to fit it, how to make it work.

1 (1h 6m 18s):
There are ways to make things work. I know you think about your, your floor plan. I hate when people talk about their house by based on their floor plan, our floor plan doesn’t really fit with this homeschooling idea of Ani. I think if we maybe had more of an open floor plan, we might be able to do this. Are you talking about, I don’t even think my father can say the word floor plan.

2 (1h 6m 49s):
What else,

1 (1h 6m 50s):
What else? I’ve beaten this topic for an hour. I’m going to go over these things. I mean, look here, you know, see if I were a good business owner, I would have already pelted you with all the important things, become a member prepper camp, 2020 by disaster coffee. You know, sometimes the message is so important to me that the last thing I want to do is be interrupted and start trying to sell you something. It just, it just doesn’t even, it doesn’t feel good to me. You know what I mean?

1 (1h 7m 22s):
It, you can’t break stride like that. If you’re going to do a podcast, why, why would you break stride and all that we talked about to sit here and go, well, why we’re in the middle of this passionate diatribe over a, what we really should be doing to help impoverished Americans. Let’s stop for a minute and talk about the EPC. The only thing I’m going to pelt you with, okay. Let me, let me give you an overview of where we’re going. That nub says, put a desk on the front porch.

1 (1h 7m 52s):
I think that’s a great idea. Outside learning is, is a great idea. If you’re in a neighborhood where you can outside learn without having to duck and cover, but let’s talk about this, how we’re going to end this show out. I’m going to go over some announcements currently, if you don’t feel like listening to add ish talk and announcements, you can call it a night and I would never hold it against you. But these are the things that we have to do. So that’s what we’re going to do.

1 (1h 8m 25s):
Then we’re going to jump we’re. We’re going to absolutely hang a, you turn and talk about happy.

0 (1h 8m 32s):

1 (1h 8m 34s):
When I hit a UTURN and talk about chin Shang Taiwan, the 17th century scholar and playwright in his 33 moments of happiness, It’s fun. It’s important at a time like this. And after a show like this, I have to laugh a little and I have to do this. And I planned to do just this as a counterbalance to the feeling that I do, I was going to have after I spent an hour talking about how the government is letting us down, how the, how the, how a state and local governments are so drunk on their power that they are.

1 (1h 9m 15s):
I don’t want to go down the hole again. That’s it? Okay. That’s the game plan from now until probably 10 30. If you want to hang out and listen to the announcements slash chin Shang turns 33 happy moments. We’re not going to do all 33 going to do the ones that I liked the best, which some are very funny. Some are very insightful. Stay with me. Okay. In the meantime, I have to talk to the listening audience about membership at PBN.

1 (1h 9m 50s):
I just today posted a video about updates to membership security stuff, what’s up and coming. You know, for me to tell you what membership encompasses, I can give you a list of things, but you, you can get that on the website. I don’t really feel like going down the list, you know, to support PBN is to be quite honest with you. It’s just as much about supporting what we do. The eight grade hosts that do it on a day to day basis, the free collected, th th just the massive amount of free content that we put out on a weekly basis.

1 (1h 10m 25s):
You know, we put out 40 hours of podcasts per month, by the way, that’s a lot 40 hours of podcast per month. I learned this from the transcription people, membership supports that membership gives us the ability to do what we want. We can talk about guns. We can talk about BLM. We can talk about the fact that we don’t just agree with everything that everyone else agrees with. And we don’t have to worry about getting thrown off of Patrion or losing, you know, demonetization through YouTube or whatever it is.

1 (1h 11m 1s):
You know, you guys support us financially and what we do. And there’s a bunch that goes along with it. Okay? There’s a lot of benefits already available. There are going to be more coming in the, and weeks. There’s a growing archive of videos and an old archive of videos that are going to be dripped into the website also from Patrion. And yeah, there’s a lot more to come. Okay. On top of it all. So check out membership, give it a look over it’s at the website.

1 (1h 11m 33s):
The website is also a totally different creature. Now the website is a, a, it’s a, it’s a, I dunno, it’s updating daily. Every show that you heard gets transcribed and put on the website, we are pooling archival information, podcasts, and articles that are on the homepage now as well. So go check out prepper and consider membership. Check out the zest or

1 (1h 12m 3s):
Okay, listen. This is all I want you to do in terms of disaster, Go read the reviews. I would never lie to you. I would never spend money on fake reviews, but when you read the reviews for disaster coffee, you’re going to say to yourself, this coffee can’t be that good. Just doesn’t it’s coffee. It doesn’t make sense. Go read the reviews. That’s all. Go to disaster.

1 (1h 12m 33s):, go down and click on a type of coffee and read what people have to say about it. The reviews that we get from disaster coffee about the quality of our coffee is astounding. Astounding. I get a couple, you know, maybe three or four a week. I’ve never got one bad review yet. I have not got a review yet that said the coffee sucked, or it took too long to get, get there or whatever. I mean, I could, I thought for sure, I’d have a shipping issue. Review nothing, disaster

1 (1h 13m 6s):
Just be careful because it will change the way you think about coffee. I can promise you that a pod I gotta get this to future Dan to pod That’s a little self note. They’re the guys who are transcribing our podcasts. If you’re a member, you know what, how cool their service is. Okay? So we copy and paste the transcription, put it into our daily posts that everyone gets to look at.

1 (1h 13m 36s):
The real interface from pod scribe allows you to do all kinds of stuff. You can embed it. You can search the podcast by a word or phrase. You can download the whole thing, transcription and podcast. It’s just, it’s a great service. It’s a very affordable service. Check them out. Pod and finally prepper camp prepper, It’s still a go, it’ll be the last three days in September or the, or the, the last weekend September rather.

1 (1h 14m 11s):
I know what the date is. Let’s have a look when exactly prepper camp is going to be. So we’re talking to 24th, 25th and 26th of September prepper camp, a large collective of listeners and hosts are going to be there, probably other hosts and authors that, you know, content, creators that you watch and listen to. They’re all there.

1 (1h 14m 41s):
They’re all there. They’re all highly accessible. Right? When we do, when we do a talk, we don’t disappear at the end of the night to like some after party, we go camp in a tent in the same area that you do. We all can get together and hang out and talk. It’s a really cool environment, man. I really enjoyed it last year. And I’m looking forward to it this year. So 24th, 25th, 26, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, get your tickets because the thing about prepper camp is it will sell out.

1 (1h 15m 12s):
It sells out every year and when it sells out, you can’t go anymore. The opportunity is gone. The ship has sailed. Now let’s have some fun. Let’s have some fun as we go out. Are you feeling lucky? Says pastor Viking appears to be addicted to disaster coffee. Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty cool. That was a pretty cool occurrence with the disaster coffee to have a pastor Joe Fox over at Viking preparedness.

1 (1h 15m 47s):
Talk about it, show it off the whole thing. It’s good, man. That’s all. I don’t know. You know, it’s, it’s a good product. I got lucky in that regard, I taste tested a few different roasters product. The, the one we decided on was the best, you know, and it, it just, it sounds like an infomercial, but the, the reality is it’s like anything else? Your coffee is roasted to order and ground or kept hold depending on will, the way you want it.

1 (1h 16m 23s):
And then it’s sent to you. And that’s the secret. I mean, that’s the whole, there’s no nothing else. The beans are top quality. You know, their premium coffee beans from all over the world. And basically they’re roasted to order and send to you. They don’t sit on a shelf anywhere. And the flavor says it all the aroma says it all. When you get that bag of disaster coffee, and you’re in your mailbox, you’d be like, what the hell is going on in here?

1 (1h 16m 55s):
And then you’ll brew a pot and you’ll say to yourself, Oh no, I mean, I can drink other coffee, but it’ll never be like this coffee. Let’s move on Gen. Jen’s ordering some pandemic. You know, it’s, it’s some serious stuff. There’s a new flavor coming that I think is the best of all. It’s a Nicaraguan single origin. We got a great name for it, probably in probably at the end of next week or the following week.

1 (1h 17m 31s):
We’ll release it, but we just released pandemics. So I don’t want us to step on its toes too much. And it’s doing really well.

2 (1h 17m 39s):
There’s a book

1 (1h 17m 40s):
Called the art of living by Lynn. You Tang, right? And it’s a great book. It’s an incredible book about human beings. It’s a great book about human behavior. It re if you’re a person who struggles with who or what you are or purpose or things like that, maybe you struggle with, with the things that you desire, don’t desire or the whole thing, the art of living can really help you find your way because it’s very Frank and it’s, it’s very honest, you know, there’s a whole chapter about lying in bed.

1 (1h 18m 28s):
You know what I mean? And the importance of it for the human animal. And it does very much incorporate the idea of humans as animals and having desires and needs and wants that are akin to that. It’s a great book. Okay. But in that book is an entry by chin Shang, tan 17th century scholar and playwright titled 33 happy moments.

1 (1h 18m 59s):
And anytime you can sit down and read the 33 happy Bowmans, it’s worth it. It’s very worth it. It’s a worthwhile endeavor because it’s not just a list of some moments that some guy has decided to make him happy, but it’s a study of sort of what we are and what we’ve become in this world. Right? So I’m going to give you one example.

1 (1h 19m 31s):
That is, well, let’s just, I’ll give you one example to start. That is benign. Number 17, to cut with a sharp knife, a bright green watermelon on a big Scarlet plate of a summer afternoon. Ah, is this not happiness? And they all end in that, is this not happiness? Okay. So that one makes sense. Right?

1 (1h 20m 1s):
Big green watermelon, delicious soothing cooling, refreshing on a hot summer’s day. Oz is not happiness, right? It makes sense. I wake up. Here’s another great one. Okay. This, this is one of the best examples of human nature and 30 in the 33 moments of happiness. And it gives you the ability to come to terms with the fact that you’re not as perfect as you think you’re not as bad as you think you’re just a human right at the elbow thrashing level of humanity.

1 (1h 20m 44s):
Number 11, I wake up in the morning and seem to hear someone in the house sighing and saying that last night, someone died. I immediately asked to find out who it is and learn that it is the sharpest most calculating fellow in town.

2 (1h 21m 1s):
It’s this not happiness.

1 (1h 21m 5s):
I mean, who hasn’t, who hasn’t been in a situation like that, right? Where you’ve been bested by another person and this idea of not that we would wish death on anyone, but just to understand that, that the sharpest and most calculating fellow in town died of natural causes it somehow levels you up in this game, right? It somehow takes you out from under his boot and puts you above. And these are what make these 33 moments of happiness.

1 (1h 21m 38s):
Incredible, because they, they, they, they make you think about what we really are, you know, and also in some ways it’s does not take life so damn seriously. Let’s see what else we got. I’m drinking on a winter’s night and suddenly note that the night has turned extremely cold. I push open the window and see that snowflakes come down the size of a Palm. And there are already three or four inches of snow on the ground.

1 (1h 22m 10s):
Is this that happiness?

2 (1h 22m 13s):

1 (1h 22m 13s):
I have long wanted to become a monk, but was worried because I would not be permitted to eat meat. If then I could be permitted to eat me publicly. Why then would I buy? Then I could heat a basin of hot water and with the help of a sharper razor shave my head clean in the summer month. Ah, is this not happiness? You know, that’s, that’s, you know, that’s a silly one. Listen to this one though, this one is interesting. This is 19, and it’s, it’s speaks to the compulsion of the human animal.

1 (1h 22m 46s):
I’m already in a better mood, three of these in, and I’m already put behind me the nightmare of government overreach and the collapse of the schooling and the nation. And in 20 years wondering why, what I’m being held at gunpoint by some communist kid who basically stopped at fifth grade and was raised by Kanye West and Kim Carnation. So

2 (1h 23m 11s):
To keep,

1 (1h 23m 11s):
This is number 19 to keep three or four spots of eczema in a private part of my body. And now, and then to scold or bathe it with hot water behind closed doors. Is this not happiness? Oh, does this, I don’t know if you guys even care about this, right. It’s probably, I haven’t checked the chat room. Everyone’s probably logged out. I don’t really care. I’m going to do this for the next six minutes. Cause it’s fun to open the window and let a wasp out of the room. Is this not happiness to see a wild Prairie fire?

1 (1h 23m 45s):
Ah, is this not happiness? I am not a Saint and I am therefore not without sin in the night. I did something wrong and I get up in the morning and feel extremely ilities about it. Suddenly. I remember that this is, I remember what is taught by Buddhism that not to cover one’s sins is the same as repentance. So then I began to tell my sin to the entire company around whether they are strangers or my old friends. Is this not happiness?

1 (1h 24m 18s):
It’s the human condition folks. It’s the human condition. And you know what? It’s not pretty. It’s not clean. It’s not simple. It’s not black and white. Here’s a great one to hear our children recite the classics. So fluently like the sound of water pouring from a vase. Ah, is this not happiness?

2 (1h 24m 47s):
Let’s see.

1 (1h 24m 50s):
I don’t think I’ve read this one. Number 10. It’s a summer’s day. I don’t remember this. I go bare headed and barefooted holding a parasol to watch young people sing suit, chow, full songs while treading the water wheel. The water comes up over the wheel in a gushing torn like molten, silver and melting snow Oz. It’s not happiness. Where’s the one about summertime that one’s a great one at night.

1 (1h 25m 25s):
I hear someone thinking of me in the distance. No, this is it’s must be up top. Where is this thing? I’m walking on the street. I’m drinking with some romantic friends. That’s a good one. I’m sitting alone in an empty room. And I am just getting annoyed a little at a little mouse at the head of my bed and wondering what that little rustling sounds signifies. What article of mine is he biting?

1 (1h 25m 55s):
What volume of my book is he eating up? I had a Chinchilla, a Chinchilla, a pet when I was about 16, 17 years old. And it used to get out of its cage and do just this. And you don’t know the books that it ate anyway, which article of my clothing or what volume of my books is he eating up while I am in this state of mind and don’t know what to do. I suddenly see a ferocious looking cat, wagging its tail and staring with its wide open eyes as if it were looking at something.

1 (1h 26m 28s):
I hold my breath and wait a moment. Keeping perfectly still in suddenly with a little sound. The mouse disappears like a whiff of wind. Is this not happiness? We’ll do one more and then we’ll call it. Okay. Because it’s a longer one. It’s the first one. And I think it, I think it relates to the times that we are living in, Jen says number 28 is definitely a moment of happiness.

1 (1h 27m 5s):
Let me see what 28 is. Did we read it? Oh, to open a window and let it wasp out? Yeah, that’s a good one. All right. So this is number one. It is a hot day in June. We’ll say July when the sun hangs still in the sky and there’s not a whiff of wind in the air nor a trace of clouds. The front and back yards are hot, like an oven and not a single bird dare to fly. Perspiration flows down my whole body and little rivulets. There is the Noonday meal before me, but I cannot take it for the sheer heat.

1 (1h 27m 39s):
I asked for a mat to spread on the ground and lie down. But the mat is wet with moisture and fly swarm about the rest of my nose and refuse to be driven away just at this moment when I’m completely helpless, suddenly there was a rumbling of thunder and a big sheets of black clouds over kiss the sky and come majestically on like a great army advancing to battle rain, water. We begins to pour down from the eaves, like a cataract. The perspiration stops.

1 (1h 28m 10s):
The clamminess of the ground is gone. All flies, disappear to hide themselves and I can eat my rice. Is this not happiness? Are we all not in this boat right now? Huh? As Americans are we not all in this boat right now, folks where we are under a brutal sun and it is a sun and a heat that is overbearing and increasing in temperature all the time.

1 (1h 28m 47s):
Right? It’s affecting our way of life in many ways. I feel like I’m living in this moment, right? Not a single bird. There’s fly and perspiration flies down. Sorry. Flows down my body and little reveal. It’s right. We, we are trapped in this unbearable heat of the 20, 20 summer. The stress of it all. And you like me want the same thing, right? We want to see suddenly a rumbling of thunder and big sheets of black clouds over Caz the sky and come majestically on like a great army.

1 (1h 29m 27s):
We want to feel the cleansing rain. We’re so ready for a cleansing. It’s unbelievable. Yeah. I’ll tell you what America. It’s a weird thing to say. It sounds like we’re talking about mass murder, right? We were ready for a cleansing, but it’s true. You find yourself sitting up late at night worrying. I know you do. You’re like me. You find yourself sitting up late, early, late at night worrying, or maybe you’re up early wearing.

1 (1h 29m 58s):
I don’t know. But at some point in the day, you’re worried about your nation. I know it’s true because you’re like me and we all seem to be doing our best. And I’m proud of you guys. You know, you’re not, you’re not, you’re not regular people. You know that, right. You’re not drinking the Koolaid. You’re not waiting for life to happen to you. And that impresses me about the listeners of the private broadcasting network audience.

1 (1h 30m 32s):
But we’re all waiting for that downpour. We all want to hear the thunder rumble in, in the downpour and the cool rain give us, give us respite for a moment. You know, God, it would be nice. God, it would be nice. I don’t know if it’s coming to be quite honest with you. I think the message from prepper broadcasting network is that a, we have to figure out how to make our own rain. We have to, we have to figure out how to build our own black clouds.

1 (1h 31m 7s):
That’s the future folks like it or not. The future is, is wide open for those who are willing to take ownership of all aspects of their life, right? And to support the causes that are most important to them. And I mean really support. I mean, spend your time, volunteer, really push the pace on the things that you believe. And I’m not going to tell you what to believe.

1 (1h 31m 39s):
I’m just going to tell you, you know, that you really need to consider support and consider what it is that you support. Remember my, my statement that you really probably can only truly support three things effectively. That doesn’t mean that you can have pieces of, for other things, a sticker here, a comment there, but to really support something, you probably only got enough energy, money, time to really support about three things.

1 (1h 32m 14s):
So be sure that they’re the most important things to you. You know, be sure that they’re going to make a difference in this nation. When you have lunatics who are trying to take over every level of your nation. And one of the most important things you can support is the second amendment. You have to be sure that the balance never changes. You can never wake up in a nation where you’re unarmed and the radicals are armed. That was the story of the early 20th century, right?

1 (1h 32m 46s):
That was the whole story. Suddenly you wake up in a state where you’re unarmed disarmed and the radicals are in the streets with AK 47 song over their shoulders. And it’s over. Then it’s over, nobody’s coming to save. You see the differences nobody’s coming to save you because who came and saved the people who saved the Jews, right? There’s nobody coming to save Americans, but we don’t need saving as long as we support the right things.

1 (1h 33m 24s):
Okay. Are you feeling lucky? And Chad says, could you record these in continuous loops so that we can listen to them? We’re having trouble falling asleep. Volcana says we could have James make the moment of happiness. A member’s only reading. Then we can put it on a loop. I can do it. I can do just that. I love the idea. Let’s do it. Let’s do it for members. 33 happy moments. What I’ll do is I’ll record all 33 and then maybe I’ll just copy and paste the recording three times.

1 (1h 33m 59s):
I mean, you can put it on loop if you want, but I’ll read them all. I’ll read them all. Why not? I love it. It’s a brilliant idea. Thank you. Lucky. Thank you all, Ken. I think that makes perfect sense. A great piece of members only content and yeah, probably, probably something great to listen to as you fall asleep. Good thinking. All right folks, listen, it’s 10 35. I’m out of here. I do appreciate you. I’m sorry for the angst.

1 (1h 34m 30s):
At the beginning of the show, it is what it is. We are a nation under fire and sometimes those things need to be said to grab the attention of those listening or grab the attention of those who might be tuning in for the first time. Either way. I’ve had a blast tonight. Okay. Remember you own it. You support it. And you know, the rest is well, the rest is history. I guess we’ll talk soon folks tomorrow night.

1 (1h 35m 1s):
It is Dane D with the gunmen alarm. Marie, I should be getting that members only video any day. Now I’ll touch base with Dane and, and miles, but yeah, I’ve had fun. All right, hang in there. You guys, like I said, you’re smarter than the average bear. So I’m not that worried about you, but stay tuned to prepper broadcasting network and we’ll keep you abreast of what, you know, what the hell else could happen in 2020.

1 (1h 35m 33s):
We’ll talk soon. Folks have a good night.

5 (1h 35m 36s):
Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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