MERS, GMOS, White Teeth and Tornado’s!

MERS, GMOS, White Teeth and Tornado’s!

May 5, 2014 Doom and Bloom Health 0

MERS, GMOS, White Teeth and Tornado’s!
Host: Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour

Joe 64x125AmyIn this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour, Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, discuss the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrone (MERS) to arrive in the U.S., Monsanto’s aggressive push to have corporate farmers speak out against GMO food labeling, Antibiotic Resistance, Coconut Oil for dental health, the coming civil war in Ukraine, and Tornado Preparedness…

5-5 Tornadoes-formingThis spring has seen tornadoes and floods in the U.S. Unlike hurricanes, which comes with a few days’ warning in modern times, tornadoes are unpredictable and can form very quickly. If you fail to play ways to protect yourself and your family, you may find yourself having to treat traumatic injuries in the aftermath. Later, flooding may contaminate your water supplies and expose you to serious infectious diseases. Preparing to weather the storm safely will avoid major medical problems later on.

MERS VirusA deadly virus from the Middle East that causes severe acute respiratory illness has turned up in Indiana in the first known case in the United States. The virus — known as MERS, short for Middle East respiratory syndrome — first surfaced two years ago. Since then, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed cases in 401 people in 12 countries, 93 of whom have died. Saudi Arabia has been hit hardest with 322 cases and 68 deaths. MERS is a caused by a coronavirus, the same family of virus that caused the SARS epidemic a few years ago, causing 800 deaths.

5-5 isolated-gmo-appleThere’s a lot of conversation about today’s agriculture recently, and much of it is critical. Think genetically modified crops, overuse of hormones and antibiotics, inhumane treatment of animals and over-processed foods. Yet, Monsanto is fighting back and teaching large farmers to fight back through PR and social media. All this to stop the push to label GMO (genetically modified organism) foods at your local supermarket. Modified seeds are now used to grow almost of the nations’ corn and soybean crops, most of which are turned into animal feed. What do Monsanto and corporate farms have to hide?

In our search for natural alternatives to deal with medical issues, we also look for promising methods to keep your teeth healthy as well. Coconut oil has been put forth as an option to decrease bacteria in your mouth and lower you risk for gingivitis (gum inflammation) and tooth decay. In this article, we discuss this option, which is also known as “oil pulling”. Find out about this natural method of dental hygiene on today’s show.

Lastly, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy examine the latest news on the soon-to-come civil war in Ukraine, and discuss what it means to people in the West.
Visit Joe and Amy’s web site at:

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