Listen to “Preppers LIVE Nuclear War with Dave Jones the NBC GUY!” on Spreaker.
In the absence of American leadership and strength, we find a world that has quickly spiraled out of control. I liked the way that Maria put it, “They will take what they can get.” While both Americans and other nations cry about America “occupying” nations all over this planet, no one seems to care when big nations like China and Russian start to power up!
Suddenly, the evil empire of America is not so bad and the America’s boys come running into danger. All of this might scare you as we are staring down the road at potential war. Of course, we are talking about 2 nuclear nations, too! Others that could get involved!
What does it all mean for you and yours? Enjoy this conversation with Dave Jones the NBC Guy on Nuclear War.
One Response
Nope, not worried about nuclear war… if you can’t control it, and you can’t mitigate it, why worry about. Life isn’t endless and death is certain. Death is not in our hands.