Invasion of the Pests!

Invasion of the Pests!

March 2, 2017 Health I Am Liberty Sanitation Waste 0

Invasion of the Pests!
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Invasion of the PestsThere are lots of terrifying scenarios that come to mind when you mention a post-apocalyptic scenario. Most of this is based on the vicious behavior of the human animal. When we talk about home invasion, riots and murder these are all threats that come directly from humans. There are other threats that come in much smaller packages. I am talking about pests.

Pest control in a post disaster world is always an issue. Mostly because we have no ability to manage the trash and waste when those services go away. That said you must have a plan on how to deal with pests and waste. You see pests carry terrible pathogens or bacteria that cause harm to the human body. Once they find their way into our home they are very hard to get out. This will be especially tough without access to commercial pest control options.

On this show, we are going to talk about pest management:

· The most common pests
· Why they come
· The Pest control triangle
· Diseases attributed to pests
· Handling waste properly

There are a lot of threats that just don’t make good movies or books. Those that are things like pests. A man with a machine gun and knife makes a much better story than a cockroach finding the small hole in your subfloor. These pests can do sever damage to your body and your family. When you talk about pandemics most of these originate from animals and pests.

You can keep these pests at bay with just a little help and behavior management. Every food warehouse and supermarket has a documented and working pest control program. Your home is no different in what it has inside that pests want and the importance of keeping them out. Don’t miss this episode of the I AM Liberty show.

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