Technology, preparedness aspect!

Technology, preparedness aspect!

November 13, 2015 Lil' Suburban Homestead Preparedness Preppers Tech Preps Technology 0

Do You Have Your Technology Affairs In Order?
Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead

Technology HAMAs we know it’s not if an emergency happens it’s when… and one aspect that many folks forget about is having their technology affairs in order?

Preppers are preppers because they have the food, the bug out bags, and everything prepared for an unforeseen and unfortunate event…but maybe they don’t have everything prepared. For example many people do not have technology preparations in place including important documents you may need in an emergency.

11-12-15 solar-panel-So now you are in a predicament and well the documents are nowhere to be and don’t automatically assume we will necessary be off grid in an emergency. That is why Karen Lynn is so excited to dig deep into this discussion with Radio Show Host Highlander of Tech Preps…talking about several things you can put into place whether you are facing, a weather emergency, a family emergency, or even an epidemic of some sort.

Where would you begin to get your tech preps in order? Do you know? Are you aware of the technology that is available to you even that may run on batteries or other types of alternative energy for you to use in an emergency?

About Highlander:

Highlander has been working with computers and technology for around eight years and before that was a satellite technician for a broadcast company, and various other technical jobs. He has a degree in business management and above and beyond that is an “Out of the Box” thinker when it comes to problem solving, and troubleshooting with technology. A natural affinity that he has had and really dove into his love with computers in 1989 and it is a hobby that he has enjoyed tinkering with computers and even ham radio that he became interested in and added as a hobby as a teen. He is the “Tech Fix it guy” in his circle of friends but he doesn’t mind it’s just what he does. Karen Lynn say’s but don’t ask him if he’s special because like most brilliant fix it people he just says, “I’m not anybody special…I’m just an average guy that has an affinity for technology…I just have a knack for it.”

Karen Lynn shares that must be why so many of you tune into his show each week “Tech Preps” because Highlander has the info and is happy to share it with all of you! Humble, smart and so excited about technology. Both Highlander and Karen Lynn are passionate about technology and how it came make your life easier now and in the future as part of your preps.
Visit Karen Lynns website HERE!

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