The Cheap Off Grid Prep Everyone Needs
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One year ago I worked on this book for a client and since I have gotten a copy of my own. I would put it up against any book on my shelf that is DIY related. Look, the Encyclopedia of Country Living is one of the best. Off Grid Projects might be BETTER!! CHECK OUT…
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Communications while livinbg off-grid is essential for many preppers. If a crisis happens, the power grid will be down, and the cell towers may be damaged or destroyed. You should have a way to stay connected with your family and friends. The same applies to those who choose to live off-grid. With advancements in technology,…
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Family First Aid! Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Your out on a trip with your family and the unthinkable happens, someone in your group gets hurt. What if that someone is you? Do you know what to do? Do your children know what to do? If your bleeding or serious…
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Off Grid Air-Conditioning Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! On this episode we are talking about off grid cooling. The ideal solution is to have enough solar or wind power that you can run a window unit or potable AC unit. However, we don’t all have that option. So this week we will be…
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Getting Caught Off-Grid Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In the following player we are discussing the reality of the electric grid going down and a personal story about me being somewhat caught off-guard. I have been on vacation with my family this past week in the North Georgia area with Tropical Storm Alberto…
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Prepping Up and Rick Austin and Biolite! Host: David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! On this show Dave has former Television Producer turned Prepper, Rick Austin on the show. Rick is also the brains behind Prepper Camp one of, if not the largest, outdoor Prepper and Self Reliance Expos in the…
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Off-Grid Dental Care and Emergencies Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This Herbal Prepper Live show explores the preventative and emergency dental care for off-grid scenarios. Preppers tend to think a lot about what life would be if there were no doctor, hospital, or pharmacy around. This week, we’re looking at strategies if…
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Off Grid Living Romance vs Reality Contributed by Dakota Off grid living implies that it’s all about no power, but that is the smallest factor to those of us that live this lifestyle. It’s a choice to live simpler, live among nature, consume less, appreciate time, and have quality time. No more tread mill, making…
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Thanksgiving off grid workshop making candles! Living off grid for most means solar power for light to see when darkness falls and solar means sun. But when living in norther or southern latitudes the sun does not visit long and is often obscured by snow, rain, or a few clouds. We can not rely totally…
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“Off Grid” Grumpy with a smile! Host: Glen aka “Gman” For the first time in over 5 years Gman picks up the mic. With a lot to unload on this show, topics include what is it truly like to live “off grid”? Rants and raves on several prepper related topics will be on the agenda. The…
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