Are you mentally prepared?

Are you mentally prepared?

June 14, 2016 Health Mental Mental Aspects Prepper Mentality Tech Preps 0

Are you mentally prepared?
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps

Are you mentally prepared?In this episode I will discuss the mentally prepared aspect of prepping, most of us do not put much thought into this if any at all. Most of us think that having food, water, weapons are all we need, but mental health in time of crisis is almost if not more important than your preps.

mentally preparedMost of us do not grasp the sheer complexity it would take to have to hurt another human being, or to be alone in this world. Our mental health is very important to keep us focused on surviving whether it is for yourself or your family or others. We see all of this violence playing out on television news broadcasts and think, that person has severe mental issues, but do you ever stop to wonder why? What led them to this?

Hopefully we can examine some mental processes we use to help us out in a time of need and steps that we can take to recognize the triggers of mental instability. The need to be clear minded and able to triumph in a shtf/wrol situation is something I fear many will fail at, but perhaps we all can learn something from this show, that there are ways to deal with problems we just have to have the mental tools to do so.

Now I know no one wants to hurt another person or wants to be alone, but in all reality if shtf/wrol does happen we simply might not have a choice. How will you deal with it? How will I? Honestly I cannot answer that question right off hand. Some people you might think would crumble will triumph and vice versa. What steps have you taken to ensure your mental health? This question is not so clear and easy to answer. I think it varies from person to person, but a few doctors out there have come up with a few unique ways to deal with stresses of life situations. So hopefully we can explore those, and as always questions are welcome! Enjoy the show!
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