No FEMA. No INSURANCE. Preppers are America’s Answer to Disaster

No FEMA. No INSURANCE. Preppers are America’s Answer to Disaster

January 14, 2025 Prepper Mentality 1


Americans want answers. In just a few years our entire way of life has changed.

News became not news. Medicine became a minefield. Lifting weights became Far Right.

Laugh lines aside, what has been most jarring is that the “protections” that we thought we had in our society have seemingly dissolved. The police were destroyed and are just keeping their heads above water.

Insurance doesn’t work remotely the way you thought it would after a serious disaster or even a personal health crisis. FEMA tosses you a few hundred bucks and then sends in the black helicopters to disrupt aid.

Meanwhile, we send hundreds of billions overseas while Americans in North Carolina freeze to death in the mountains.

Americans NEED answers and while I don’t have them all I can tell you that Preppers are America’s answer to disasters both natural and manmade.

A Home Security Primer

What is keeping a bad guy out of your home? Really! I want you to answer this question. What is keeping a bad guy from breaking into your home?

We have seen transnational gangs operating across the nation in burglaries and thefts, I think this is just the beginning. Criminals are more emboldened than ever, so you need to practice the 3 Ds of Home Defense.

  • Deter – Signs, Cameras, Alarms
  • Detect – Cameras, Motion Sensors
  • Defend – Lethality

Alarms are great deterrents, and they also act as detection options. They make all kinds of noise when someone tries to break into your home. I like this Streetwise Door Stop Alarm because it can not only help secure your home but you can also take it on vacation or when you stay in a hotel for work.

It is time to take home security more seriously. Preppers have long secured their homes with reinforced locks, Door Armor, motion sensors, and security cameras.

The Truth About Survival Kits

There are a LOT of companies out there selling survival kits. You have seen those little plastic boxes with “gear” in them. Maybe you have seen the “bug out bags” that are filled with Alibaba quality preps that will fail you when you need them most.

I have tested a lot of this stuff over the years. One of the plastic box “gear” things really sticks out in my memory because I took out the included knife and went on a 5-mile run with it in my pocket. By the time I got home the entire folding knife had fallen apart!

LIMA TANGO Survival is putting out survival kits that I would give to my own family! That is saying a lot. LIMA TANGO has a variety of kits in bags, backpacks, pouches, and MONSTER crate kits like the Homestead.

If you need a bag for yourself or your family that is designed to help you survive an emergency I would recommend THE SOLO 24+ hour survival kit. I have one of my own and it has what you need to pick up and go when time is of the essence.

Methodically Make Your Way Off Grid

There is this idea that off grid living is relegated to those living on the side of a mountain. The reality is that you can methodically make your way off the grid by doing little off grid projects here and there that exponentially affect your resilience and even improve your quality of life!

Even in an urban setting you can take control of your water production, use less energy from the power grid, and even make your own hot water off grid! You are capable of much more than you think.

I helped write a book called No Grid Survival Projects a few years back and this is the blueprint for taking your time and methodically making your way off the dependence of the grid.


For some this prepping game is about checking some boxes, stockpiling some resources, setting up a small homestead, and spending the rest of their time living. That in and of itself is a beautiful thing.

Then there are those of us who simply cannot resist a swim to the deep end! We hunger for more information and instruction on prepping and survival skills.

For those of you who just cannot get enough of this new PATH BACK TO STABILITY, you should consider becoming a PBN Member and unlocking hundreds of podcasts, videos, series, and spreadsheets.

The Answer is YOU

America has always been about the individual. Our nation is only as strong as the individuals who comprise it. Right now, we are weak but that is about to change.

The year 2025 must be about YOU and fortifying what you hold dear. This is the year we step away from the false safety and security systems set up to take advantage of us. It is the year that every American becomes a prepper, not to survive the end of all times but simply to survive America.

After what we all have been through these last 5 years it’s a time for answers. We preppers have been working on those answers. If you want a better life it ain’t coming from the government or some person online with 500 million subscribers.

It’s gonna come from what you wake up and do every single day of your life. You are what you do every day. So, make it count!


One Response

  1. JimC says:

    Fantastic article, it is spot on. I like the door alarm and the No Grid Projects. It would be a great deep winter read

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