GMO Foods Dangers & Organic Farming Benefits!

GMO Foods Dangers & Organic Farming Benefits!

January 31, 2015 Food GMO Health Preppers 0
Missouri Addresses the Dangers of GMO Foods and the Benefits of Organic Farming!

By: John Wesley Smith “Destiny Survival

GMO Foods MOA_logo_2015_dates200Many preppers are already keenly aware of the dangers of GMO foods. We’ve heard about the benefits of organic farming and gardening. And we see the need to support those who produce locally grown food.  These issues come together at the annual conference held by the Missouri Organic Association, February 5-7, 2015, in Springfield, MO.

My guest on DestinySurvival Radio this week is Sue Baird, Executive Director of the Missouri Organic Association. We talk about that conference and other topics. It promises to be of special interest to those who want to grow, and perhaps sell, organic produce and livestock. We also talk about the dangers of GMO foods and the use of glyphosates in crop production.

You certainly don’t have to be from Missouri for this conference to be of interest. In fact, if you come to the meeting from another state, you’ll be among 40% of the attendees who aren’t from Missouri.

GMO FoodsThe Missouri Organic Association (MOA) is a nonprofit organization seeking to educate farmers and consumers about the value of producing and eating locally grown, clean, organic food. This year’s conference offers 54 hands-on workshops and 73 vendors to provide information and products on a wide variety of topics for farmers and gardeners. It’s a great place to network, too.

But the big attraction this year is the GMO plenary held on Friday, February 6th. It’s aimed at educating consumers like you and me, and it features world renowned scientists and activists who will share vital information about the dangers of GMO crops and glyphosates.

Glyphosates–the weed killing chemicals in Roundup and similar products–have been portrayed as harmless. Now there’s real scientific evidence to the contrary. What are they really doing to our soil and environment? Our food supply? Economics? Animal and human health? The featured speakers at the GMO Plenary will enlighten conference attendees on these areas of interest.

As it happens, it may not be science that swings a number of farmers to grow organically. Money could be a big factor. It’s expensive to buy GMO seeds and the chemicals to put on the fields. When crop prices are low, Sue says that’s the time to get the message to farmers that there’s a better way to produce our food. That’s one reason the MOA converence and its GMO plenary are so important.

GMO foods DestinySurvival LogoHear my conversation with Sue Baird when you listen to this episode of DestinySurvival Radio HERE . Get more info about the Missouri Organic Association’s annual conference by going HERE.

Listen to my conversation with Sue Baird. Read the articles and watch the video presentations HERE.

I think you’ll agree with me that what we know about the negative impact of GMO seeds and glyphosates is nothing short of frightening.

If you can make it to the Missouri Organic Association conference on February 5-7 in Springfield, MO, please do. You may pick up information that could affect your very survival.

Listen to this broadcast GMO Foods Dangers & Organic Farming Benefits! below!

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