Ebola, Valley Fever & Back to Basics!

Ebola, Valley Fever & Back to Basics!

April 14, 2014 Doom and Bloom Health News Preppers Sanitation We Grow Ours 0

EbolaEbola, Valley Fever & Back to Basics!
Hosts: Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy

Up first this Monday on the “Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Hour”  Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. will talk about latest developments in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, a hidden epidemic in the USA called “Valley Fever”, and some essentials for the well-furnished sick room in a survival scenario. Visit Survival Medicine website HERE!

Listen to Ebola and Vally Fever in player below!

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We Grow Ours studio1 (1)Back to Basics
Host: Don and Nick

On this episode of We Grow Ours Nick and Don will discuss how to get started with farmsteading. We know some of you are experts at this and have been doing it for years, but many people want to know where to start. That is the goal this week, to get started!

If you are advanced, take some of these simple ideas we discuss on the show and find a novice to go help out. Teach! If each one would teach one, this movement would be well on its way to allowing all people to grow their own food. Aquaponics, Quail, Rabbit, composting, Black Soldier Flies, and other easy to start ideas are discussed this week.

What is the best place to start if you want to add protein to the garden? What budget can you get started with? That is the type of thing we want to let people know. It does not have to be expensive to grow your own foods. We also talk about some of the fun things we learned at the conference last weekend! The conference was not only full of knowledge, but we had a lot of fun as well. Thanks to everyone who came out! Visit We Grow Ours website HERE!

Listen to this broadcast on “Back to Basics” in player below!

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