Enterovirus, Not Just Ebola!

Enterovirus, Not Just Ebola!

October 10, 2014 Health I Am Liberty News 0

Enterovirus, Not Just Ebola!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

8-5-14 Ebola virusAll the news is surrounding Ebola. Some say for good reason some say otherwise. Ebola is terrible and something that we all should understand. Even if the threat is isolated and it is very difficult to spread. A threat to your life is just that and should be respected enough to gain some knowledge on the topic.

Fortunately for those of you who are Ebola’d out this show will not be about the Ebola virus. No. I am looking another direction. I am looking to the dark horse. Enterovirus. This particular virus has me nervous. Its killing kids. Its paralyzing and killing kids. This is also flu like and could be easily transmitted as far as I know. Its the young deaths that are eating at me. There seems to be more to this story than we are being led to believe.

EnterovirusNow I am a nobody when it comes to pathology. Need I remind you my college education consists of an associates degree in restaurant management. This doesn’t mean I can’t find other, more reputable sources and I will.

The rub is many are saying this strain of enterovirus is very similar to that seen in Central America. This is connecting dots for many to the sick children and the youths that clamoured over the border in great numbers.

I won’t be biased on this. We need to look at it objectively and if we come to the conclusion that our president has unleashed 2 killer virus on our nation than our duty as AMERICANS is to take this further. Don’t miss it tonight on I AM Liberty.
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