Politics and Preparedness – The Next Generation Show

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1 (1m 9s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to next generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here we explore the lost art, a fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Colin, and today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements. For those of you listening to the podcast, we thank you for the support. Come on over and join us during the live podcast.
1 (1m 41s):
By hopping into the chat room, go over to prepper broadcasting.com and you can click the, join, the live chat button at the top, enter whatever username you want and you’ll get plugged right in. I’m in there with several like-minded listeners and it’s always a good conversation. So check it out if you can, we’re live on Tuesday nights, 6:00 PM Pacific time. I think that’s 9:00 PM Eastern. Yep. So if you feel like having a little after hours entertainment, come say hi and join us for some of these live chats. We’ve got a live guest on tonight, so it’ll be an especially good conversation in the background.
1 (2m 16s):
So feel free to join us also special. Thanks to the folks out in Madisonville, Kentucky as the top listeners in one location this week, also thanks to the listeners across the pond and around the world. It looks like we’ve got a couple of new listeners in Germany and the Netherlands. So welcome also with regard to pepper broadcasting, for those of you who haven’t heard, we switched over to a private member portal on the website to get away from Patrion. So this is going to allow us to have a little bit more freedom when it comes to being able to provide content and keep that content alive so that we don’t have a tech Kings, as they say, controlling what we have basically contributed to the preparedness community.
1 (3m 1s):
So hopefully we can keep our legacy live for as long as we possibly can and bring you more content. If you’re interested in that and go over to prepper broadcasting.com and check out the, the different tiers while you’re there, you can check out our show page over at the next generation. And you’re going to find all of our social media contact information along with, you know, links to videos and some of the other stuff that we’ve contributed over the years. And if you have any show ideas, questions, comments, or anything like that, feel free to reach out to me directly@prepperdadatmail.com, a quick tactical torture.com updates.
1 (3m 41s):
So for those of you who might be new to the sh to the podcast or the show, we’ve started a website where we do product reviews, specifically geared toward, you know, survival gear or things like that. And we put it to the test, just torture test this gear literally. And we’ve wrapped up our torture testing for these tuck tech kayaks. Well, say that a couple of times fast, and they’ve actually turned out pretty well. These are the foldable kayaks from a manufacturer out of North Carolina.
1 (4m 12s):
So we’re hoping to get that final video wrapped up and published on the YouTube channel this weekend. If I can spare a few minutes away from cutting wood and picking berries, but it does play a big role in our show today to a certain extent and went, so this weekend call and I took these kayaks out and we decided we were going to go, you know, across this river. And I believe it’s the snake river.
1 (4m 44s):
And yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s the snake river, but there’s a small inlet, just a few miles from where we live. And once we got familiar and comfortable with the kayaks and these are foldable kayak, so they’re a little bit different than your traditional kayak. It opened up a whole new level of access for us because before we went to this little inlet and, you know, we could go in there and dip your toes in the water and maybe throw a line out and compete with the other 30 or 40 fishermen that were out there trying to catch the same fish.
1 (5m 23s):
Or you can walk along the tracks, the railroad tracks that continue on North and, you know, try and find another spot that someone else hasn’t already hit hard that day. But these kayaks offered a completely different level of mobility, accessibility, everything. So we decided to take these kayaks and we left that inland. We, we went underneath the trestle, the train trestle and hit the river.
1 (5m 54s):
We decided to take these across the river. And we were just kind of bumming looking for different spots on the other side. And it’s probably a half mile track to go across the river. So it’s not like a small stream. I mean, this is a fairly wide river and it, it was a beautiful day wind up on the other side. And after a few minutes, we’re kind of going along the banks of the river there and through all the basalt and rock formations and everything else that kind of convene onto this river.
1 (6m 30s):
I saw something and I knew what it was. And it was the main reason why we decided to do this. McAllen didn’t know it at the time, but I had packed a few bags of Ziploc bags basically. And when we approached this little area, I was like, Hey, we need to, we needed to stop up up here because that’s, I want, you know, I want to pull up here and check this out. The blackberries are coming on and they’re coming on strong right now, but they’re only coming on in certain locations, certain elevations right now, right at the river basins, they are coming on so strong that you can, I mean, you can fill bags, gallon, gallon bags all day long.
1 (7m 17s):
If you know where to go, if you have the access, if you know how to get there. Now, other areas like, you know, a little bit farther North, you might be able, even in that little inlet, you know, you might be able to have access to the Blackberry bushes, but so does everybody else, they’re the same ones that everybody else has access to. So they’re usually pretty well picked over. And the ones that you can’t reach are the ones that have, you know, fruit tied to them. So we go over to this space on the other side of the river, and I’m thinking to myself score, right?
1 (7m 52s):
Not only did we find blackberries, but they were ripe and they were coming on strong. And I mean, we’re talking blackberries the size of large olives. These aren’t, they’re not like the size of raspberries. And once you find out which ones are right, you know, which ones to pick, and essentially they’re about the same, you know, you can, you can kind of tell which ones are ready to go and which ones are, and there’ll be a mix. You know, there’ll be some that are just coming on. They’re still green over the process.
1 (8m 22s):
Progress of that fruits life. It kind of morphed into a reddish hue. And then that red turns purple and into a dark, dark purple that makes it almost black. Well, that’s fine and dandy. And if you understand which ones are ripe, that’s great. So here we are when these kayaks and we’re basically on the riverbank and none of these blackberries have been touched by human hands, except for us, because nothing had been, you could tell them nothing had been picked, but here we are reaching into these Blackberry bushes.
1 (8m 58s):
We’re standing on this basalt rock. That’s covered in Moss with the river, right at our feet and the blackberries forming a wall right in front of us and anybody who’s ever picked wild blackberries knows that you generally have to have a pretty delicate hand. Otherwise you’re going to get scraped, scored, scratched, and maybe even lose a couple of threads on your favorite pair of shorts or swimming gear or whatever. On top of that, we were fighting off wasps that were sitting there, Horner’s harnessing the juice side of the, these blackberries, right?
1 (9m 35s):
So here we are, we’re collecting all this fruit, collecting all this fruit. And we kind of, we get a couple of bags full and we go take the, the kayaks off to another spot and troll up the river about a mile and a half and collect a few more. And then we cross back the river the other way. And we run into a fishermen and he pulls out this, this fishing pole that he later showed us was actually a telescoping fishing pole that I need to get over to James Walton because it’s pretty amazing. And so we got to talking with this guy who was just some stranger, you know, having, having a time by himself with his dog, trying to, you know, just live his life.
1 (10m 13s):
And here we are interrupting his fishing trip and you know, but there’s no, no harm, no foul. We just kind of trolled around the little inlet there where he was fishing and left, worked our way back up and all of this. So this particular journey didn’t mean anything to call him. Other than we went kayaking. We got some blackberries. We met a guy with a fishing pole and we came home, but there is significance in just that event.
1 (10m 45s):
Now, for those of you listening, you might, I mean, I could easily explain to you, Oh yeah, here’s the direction. If you go across the river roughly to this point and you have the right gear, take some Ziploc bags and you know, here’s the Blackberry bushes. You can pick as much as you want. And then on your way back, you might run into some fishermen. If you want, you can talk to them. If not, you can just go on by, right. But anybody who’s actually had the experience of picking a Blackberry and tasting a fresh Blackberry.
1 (11m 21s):
That’s still warm from the day’s sun, not cooled because you picked it out of the, you know, the fruit stand where it’s been sitting in a tray and, you know, on ice or whatever, the flavor is different. It’s completely different. And the experience is different. I remember holding those bags with Ziploc, you know, the Ziploc bags and the bags themselves. We were holding them kind of up under the Blackberry bushes to catch him. If we, you know, any of them fell off as we were plucking on.
1 (11m 51s):
And the black, the bag itself got pricked several times. And so by the time we got home, my hands were almost bloody red with all this Blackberry stain, right? And these are all different things. I mean, the heat of a wild Blackberry picked fresh and the stain of that Blackberry juice on your fingertips and the sound of the water lapping at your feet and the risk that you take to go on collect those potentially to get stung or, you know, jabbed by thorns or whatever else, or even if you fell off backward into the water, all of these are risks that, and you know, part of the experience, and these are the things that I can’t tell you.
1 (12m 38s):
I can’t explain them to you. I mean, I can tell you, like, I’m telling you right now, but the experience is something completely different. And it’s in that experience where we really learned no of calling where to take a friend out, you know, he’d be able to go directly to the spot and share that experience. But if I told him, Hey, go across the river, do this. And that he might wind up in a completely different space. He may never find the blackberries. He may find the blackberries but hurt himself, or maybe he didn’t have the bags ready.
1 (13m 11s):
So there’s a difference between education where you tell someone something and it exists and how to get there. And there’s an education where you immerse yourself in something and you explore that. And this particular event, wasn’t a, a teaching moment per se. You know, whereas like, okay, today, we’re going to learn how to go click back and pick blackberries. No, it was today. We’re going to go do this. And the teaching part comes afterward.
1 (13m 43s):
The experience part comes afterward. And what does this have to do with prepping? Well, this might come across as an episode on foraging, but in reality, it is a perfect example of a journey explained versus a journey experienced. And as preppers, we realize the importance politics plays in our everyday lives. Sometimes that 10,000 foot view is enough to keep a pulse on what might be coming down the pipeline in your local area or your state, or your region, your community, maybe even your place of work.
1 (14m 18s):
And being able to understand the ebb and flow of politics and experience that is sometimes as daunting as navigating a thorny Blackberry Bush, but it can be done. And there are skills to be learned in home when it comes to being politically savvy that can serve you in your everyday life. But first, before we get on with today’s show Colin, can you share your fun fact of the week? What do I do? My name is Colin nine, the cohost here at the next generation show where today we’ll be diving into a little bit of discussion with our special guest, dr.
1 (14m 53s):
J J Walker. She is a reoccurring guest on the show she had been on once before. So welcome. Great to have you so quick announcement. I just wanted to say, be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming tactical torture reviews as dad said earlier, because what would he didn’t say or even know in fact, is that I am expecting a package tomorrow. Jeez, that will guarantee the quality of our videos be marginally better than they are now.
1 (15m 30s):
So that’ll be interesting, I guess, I guess before we get too far into that, I’d like to quickly cover the crafty con fun fact of the week. And for those of you listeners who have been here since pretty much the beginning, you know, that this is just a short segment on our show. That gives you a fun tidbit of information of something that’s typically related to the show topic. So without any further ado, let’s get right into it. Today’s crafted going fun fact of the week is Rubik’s the creator of the well known toy originally made the model as a way to explain three dimensional geometry.
1 (16m 5s):
And today has been sold in the today. The toy has been sold over to over 350 million people making it the best selling toy of all time. Those two things are not related in any way, but yeah, that’s kinda cool, I guess. Nice and speaking of segments, that short little segment, dad and I have been brainstorming, we don’t know if we’re actually gonna do it yet, but we’re thinking about doing a short little segment where we basically each come prepared with like a couple of different like tech prep products or items that we’ve browsed in the week to come leading up to the show.
1 (16m 49s):
So something to look forward to. Cool. Well, thanks buddy. With that, let’s get on with the show. We’ll bring on our special guests. Today’s special guest is dr. JJ Walcutt. And for those of you who have been longtime listeners, so she was on our show about a year ago, and we talked about, we had some really great conversation about education and the direction of education. And during that show, it was kind of, she had several other things going on in the background, part of a 50 state tour that we’ll get into a little bit, but let’s, without any other delay, let’s bring her on.
1 (17m 27s):
So dr. JJ Walcott, welcome to the show. Thank you so much. Happy to be here tonight. Glad to have you. So rather than try and fumble through your long list of certifications and no qualifications, did you, can you share a little bit with us, just a, just a brief introduction who you are and, and where you come from you a little bit on your background and, and like that. And we’ll get into the meat of where you’ve been over the last year.
2 (17m 59s):
Sure. So I am by formal education, a psychologist, both in clinical and developmental. So I like to say, I understand when things go wrong and, and how to prepare people for the future so that we can avoid them. But by experience, I’ve had some really unique experiences. I’ve worked substantially in national defense, looking at human performance, building resilience, looking at training and readiness. So always focused on how do we anticipate what we need next?
2 (18m 31s):
How do we make sure that individuals have the assets that they need? And that across the defense department we are preparing for not only today’s battles, but also what we expect at the 10 year, 20 year. And even probably looking out at a hundred years, which is a little daunting in our country, but, but there are other, you know, we often refer to China’s hundred year plan. So, so we have to be thinking at least a little bit about what does that look like long term, but like many of us, I got to a point in 2016 where I like to say my pissed off American size started to kick in and I ended up and is somewhat ironic to the way you run the show.
2 (19m 17s):
My son at the time of the 2016 election was 17. And he came home from school from civics class, just irate. And my, my son’s not a particularly emotional child. So this was a unusual day. And he said, how in the world, how in the world is that the case that these are the two best candidate choices we have for president of the United States? And of course I chuckled a little bit, cause it’s always fun to watch young people start to figure out that the world is a little crazier than, than we tell them when they’re young.
2 (19m 51s):
So it was, it was one of those teaching and experiencing moments of he was starting to get it, you know, and he just gave this litany of problems. And I said, okay, okay, Mitchell, Mitchell, let’s, let’s back up and look at this problem from a different perspective. Tell me instead what you would like to see in a president. And he says, Oh, well, okay. And, and started describing what he would imagine. We actually need for the skillset to actually do the job and what it came down to is that the presidency, if done in this, you know, metaphorical utopia that we’ve designed in our living room would need somebody who is essentially a brilliant cheerleader, right?
2 (20m 35s):
Somebody who can speak in phrases on a stage, but then when the doors are shut and have really intelligent, deep dives into incredibly complex problems, this just so happens to a, I was in fact, a cheerleader in high school. And I have, I often introduce myself as a, I’m a tourist. I like long talks in front of a whiteboard. So we, we, we like those what we call wicked problems and yeah. In the military. And I chuckled and said to my son, my son, you just described me.
2 (21m 7s):
He goes, yeah, mom, what would you want the job? I said, F no, nobody wants that job. How awful. But yeah, you know, when you work with defense, you start to recognize that everybody has a skillset. Everybody has something they need to bring to the table. And when we operate as a, as a good team, we reach mission success and it would, it would be a Marine. Then a couple days later would say to me, you know, the difference between a Marine and a civilian JJ, as a Marine runs toward fire civilians, runaway.
2 (21m 41s):
And I thought, Oh, shenanigans, I’ve got to start running towards fire. So I, I applied for a job in the U S government. I was a innovation fellow for the office of personnel management. And under that job, I actually got the opportunity to redesign the entire executive branch. That meant I went through all departments and agencies, which is a very unique experience because usually when you have one singular focus job in the government, you know, one singular office, by being able to go through all of them, I was able to piece together how this giant puzzle works.
2 (22m 14s):
And then I also wear another hat, which was the director of innovation for the advanced distributed learning initiative under the office of the secretary of defense. So I served under secretary Mattis, for those of you who might be in the military to fit that community. And in that role, I served as a delegate to NATO partnership for peace, a worked substantially in education, training, readiness, resiliency development, and international understanding of how in the world, we pull things together and plan forward.
2 (22m 47s):
And certainly it’s ironic that I put out two books during that time that are published by the government. So they’re free to everybody they’re available on the government publishing office. And the book about education was actually about threats to being in the classroom, whether that be for K-12 or that’s for military training. So interesting to come into these times and know that that blueprint, that plan is now elevated to the undersecretary level and it’s being rolled out. So I know we’re not seeing it in K-12 yet, but we are in fact, seeing it change military, but what about the time about 2018 or finishing those two books?
2 (23m 25s):
I said, you know, we have one more problem. We can have all the best solutions in the world, but if we don’t fix this political system, we’re never going to get there. And that required me to leave my job because you cannot work in politics if you’re in the government. So I had to quit my job at the Pentagon. I bought an RV, I jumped in it. I filed with the federal committee and took off on a 50 state tour, ostensibly running for president. And, you know, people ask, what COVID did you actually run for president? I said, I actually ran for Rick completely legally, appropriately.
2 (23m 58s):
I did all of the events. I didn’t raise as much money or get on as many shows, but I did them all right. I had the big dinner with the, you know, fancy speeches. And I, I had people sponsor me to come in and do town halls, talk to experts. I talked to everyday Americans. I like to say I walked a mile in a thousand shoes and what a moving experience. So I think your lead in story just fits so well.
2 (24m 29s):
It’s not just about knowing the direction or knowing the parameters or knowing the elements as about really taking the time to experience what it means to be in these different arenas. And when you bring all that together, it’s a heck of a lot of information that is quite timely to today when we find so often that we can’t seem to get accurate information or we don’t know what’s accurate. Right. Very frustrating. So, so that’s me in a, in a, in a nutshell with a little bit of story.
2 (24m 59s):
1 (24m 59s):
And you know, that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to bring you on the show. I mean, and this particular experience that you had it involved a tour, and just to reiterate this, that the audience of all 50 States and in doing so, and I kind of followed you on social media a little bit, and I chimed in whenever I could watch what I could. And you met with some really interesting people. I mean, thinkers in the fields that, that I never knew existed.
1 (25m 29s):
I mean, leaders in science and education and tribal leaders, and pretty much across the board. And it was kind of a really neat journey just to kind of follow along as you went on this track, and then you kicked out this book and the book was obviously a culmination. That’s kinda what I want to talk to a little bit a day today is a culmination of, of all of this from, from start to finish.
1 (26m 2s):
And the book itself, I’ll go ahead and drop a link in the chat for those of you who want to check it out, it’s actually called who that F wants to be president. And I love the title by the way,
2 (26m 14s):
My mom’s gonna love the title, but it’d be a little punchy. I mean, this is a punchy question, right?
1 (26m 22s):
What really interested me about this? Especially once I started reading the book, was it, there was, I mean, your son’s involvement and the, the trigger and that little seed that got planted, and it wasn’t like you were teaching him or, or you inspiring him. It was almost like it was the other way around. And there was a realization that kind of sets in early on in the book, like, wow, you know, can I do this? Is it possible? And I think it was, it was really interesting. I mean, there there’s, there’s probably a lot of people out there who don’t even realize that you ran for president.
1 (26m 56s):
And to me, that’s, that’s hard. I imagine that for you, that’s probably a hard pill to swallow, but for me, it’s like, wow, you know, we have this, this candidate who nobody knows of, but she’s coming to the table with some significant ideas and she’s putting in all the footwork and doing all this work. And I guess, you know, one of the things that I’m wondering is, you know, the, the political side, I mean, what in the world do you do to navigate that?
1 (27m 28s):
And, and you know, what, how were you able to even start going from point a to point B without losing your mind?
2 (27m 38s):
It was the right question, right? Without losing your mind the right caveat. Yeah. I mean, it’s a great question. And I think it’s something that we, we, we see everywhere. It’s, there’s a, there’s a little girl on Twitter and she’s probably, I don’t know, six, seven years old. And her, her tagline says something along the lines of, I want to be the, the, you know, next president of the United States and everybody cheers it on. And when we’re young, we tell people to dream.
2 (28m 8s):
We, we tell people to go after things, we tell them anything is possible. If you put your mind to it, and then you become an adult, and everybody says, why in the world would you ever want to go after anything? And I started wondering, when did people tell us the stop dreaming? And when do people start telling us there’s limits and why, what is, what is the ultimate goal of that? And I started realizing that, you know, the heck with it, I, a lot of people don’t know that I have a daughter that passed away at birth and to make sense of losing her.
2 (28m 45s):
I had to think about what, what, what is our purpose here? What, what is it that we’re doing? Why, why do we bother? And, and really one of the lessons I learned was life is short. I, you know, I think it’s cliche, but at the same time, we don’t give ourselves permission to go out and live, to go out and experience to honestly look at ourselves and say, what skills do I have that I can bring to the table that is useful? Not only to myself, but to others. And if we believe in that, why shouldn’t we go after things?
2 (29m 16s):
So there was a little bit of, I D I wanted to test the system, right? I’m an, I’m a scientist. I experiment, I try things and you know what? They go wrong a lot more times than they go. Right? So what people ask me all the time, what if you lose? I said, I’ll probably lose. And you know what, so will every other front runner candidate who spends nearly a billion dollars a piece, but I believe I have something to bring to the table. And more importantly, I would, I believe our entire country has something to bring to the table.
2 (29m 46s):
So I’d like to introduce a different concept. One that doesn’t involve self promotion, but rather involves the promotion of the Americans around the country. You know, for the people by the people mean something in my mind, I see it in military all the time. We don’t, we don’t make decisions all by ourselves, make decisions, not by committee. Either. We make a team where everybody’s skill sets are brought to the table as assets and together multiply the impact capability and, and success.
2 (30m 20s):
So when I was in government writing that book about innovation and about how we should redesign the U S government, one of the first things I figured out is we have no flipping idea what exists, what talents we have, where we spend money, or how we’ll use any of the findings that we create. I found 179 innovation programs. Most people don’t have any idea that we even have one to include the administrations, and I’m not picking on one or one side that is there’s no org chart.
2 (30m 50s):
So it is the case that the administrations are largely unaware of the capabilities we even have. So I thought, well, you know, if we have all this in the U S government, what about all around the country? I bet you anything. We have experts. And we have everyday Americans with great ideas that have gone on tapped. What if we made a rule that we didn’t, weren’t going to spend any more money. We weren’t going to grow the government any larger, but we were just going to get a lot smarter about the way we do business. So the way I organize the tour was to test that hypothesis.
2 (31m 23s):
And so each month I focused on a key area, the environment, the defense program, the economy, education, health care, you name it. And for a month, I focused on finding where are the best ideas. And sometimes it was experts in the field. I you’re correct. I had some amazing interviews, ambassadors, generals, scientists, innovators, business leaders, you name it. And, and even people at bars, you know, sometimes I just sat around a bar, right, and eating chips and drinking beer.
2 (31m 56s):
And we, we founded some really great ideas that were just hidden from sight. And we tried to highlight those. And so if you go on the website team, JJ usa.com, you’ll see, we have a whiteboard as I call it. And all the interviews are listed by category and show the solutions that were found. This wasn’t even a highly planned event. Imagine if I had the full resources of the country behind us, and we went and found the very best ideas, and then put them together with everybody involved, we would be tremendous.
2 (32m 29s):
We are not lacking in capability. We are not lacking in resources. And we are not lacking in human power in this country. We’re lacking in design connection and making sure that everybody’s talents are utilized. So I feel like I won the war and lost the battle. If that’s fair to say, right. I think the true concept. Yeah. The true concept of, of leading this country, isn’t about a vote or money it’s about empowering and bringing to light the human assets and ideas that are so rich in our nation and elevating them and saying, Hey, we have real solutions.
2 (33m 12s):
Let’s use them.
1 (33m 13s):
Yeah. Well, and that’s, you know, the final chapter kind of speaks volumes toward that idea and how individuals in the nation and groups of individuals in the nation leaders within a certain field have as much to contribute as the president and when properly tapped, when contributing in whatever fashion. That’s great. But like even here at prepper broadcasting, we’ve got some great folks, but I mean, our audience, isn’t the entire nation.
1 (33m 46s):
It’s the, the people who find it because they’re lost or they’re, or they’re looking for something specific or whatever. But the idea that you have something to contribute is an asset. And I think that really stands out in kind of in this book and how you present your findings. Tell us a little bit about your time on the road. I mean, 50 States and jeez, I know you said it was a year, but it wasn’t even quite that what? Eight months.
2 (34m 18s):
Yeah. So on the road was technically six, six months on the road and yeah.
1 (34m 26s):
So do some math.
2 (34m 29s):
I know. And I, and I think I’m actually one of the, one of the last Americans to take an intentional tour like this, because by the time I got back, the virus, it hit and we started shutting things down. So, you know, if you’re at home and you’re feeling like you, you want to go on an adventure vicariously, this is a great book to take. So the road was interesting. Right? I have, I’ve never lived in an RV. I have never managed all, all that comes with that. Thank goodness for, for the navigation systems.
2 (34m 59s):
And I didn’t have to take a trip tick from AAA or anything like we used to do. I’m dating myself now, of course. Right. But, but I know my father, so I know, I know. Well, and you know, you find out all these little things like how, how wonderful it is to be able to just pull off the side of the road. You know, I was in Colorado and which is what beautiful country. Right. And you start driving and all of a sudden you see this sign for a hot Springs and I didn’t have an interview that day.
2 (35m 33s):
So we just drove off the road. I pulled up and said, is this, and how do I participate? It’s, it’s fabulous to be able to have that kind of a moment and be able to just explore our real country from a political perspective. There’s also the gain of, of understanding. So I come from Orlando and in our state, we’ve had a lot of loss of life due to some sort of senseless violence, whether it’s in a club or a, an office or a school shooting.
2 (36m 6s):
And so, so gun laws and, and discussions in that area are a hot topic here. And then you get to Wyoming and three hours of straight driving later, you see another human being and you wonder, why do we have all the same laws and all the same places? Why is it that we have centralized our decision making to DC? So, so there’s some true perspective taking that’s gained.
2 (36m 37s):
And then, and then you have the life experiences. You mentioned the, the insights from the tribes I was in Alaska. And we, we, we, we didn’t have anything set up. I mean, largely I had a small crew, some, some located with me, some in and out, I have to give a shout out to Rob Ramis. Cause he, he traveled with me most of the trip and was running logistics. And so he reached out to a group that was doing government planning. In other words, they were looking for grants and contracts that they get through the U S government.
2 (37m 10s):
And so they had this seminar and it was all for tribal leaders in Alaska. And so we wrote to them and said, Hey, is there any chance attend? And cause it was a closed meeting, right? So you couldn’t just show up and I couldn’t believe it. We landed, we were still standing in the airport and we get a text. We’ll let you in. As long as you don’t bring cameras, I actually had to open my suitcase and change in the bathroom and we hightailed it right over there. And I listened to the stories, right. You know, some of them were really simple.
2 (37m 40s):
Like how do we make sure that we showcase our heritage appropriately in the museums? But some of them were more, more in depth. Like we have to move our entire village because the changes in climate are so severe that we can’t access roads anymore because the roads are based on ice. And as I’m listening to these intense stories, I’m thinking, wow. I mean the tornado recovery plans that they have are just unbelievable. The experiences of individuals who showed me on their iPhone.
2 (38m 14s):
We’re not talking a picture from 50 years ago. We’re talking about a picture from five years ago where they say, this is my home. Then here’s a picture of the hole where my home used to exist. And it’s a couple of years. And I thought, Oh my, I mean, it’s, it’s it drives home. And I said to them, cause they asked for my feedback. And I said, you know, it’s really moving all the stories that you all have told. What’s frustrating to me as a government person is that you’re only applying for native American funding.
2 (38m 45s):
The entire country needs to know what you all are learning because if we knew what you knew, we could better prepare for the future in our own communities and learn what’s working and what’s not for you all, but nobody has any idea. And I guarantee you, they don’t know in DC what’s happening. And then a gentleman came up to me at the end and he said, you know, if you’d really like to learn about our heritage, why don’t you come over to the hospital? Every, I think it was Friday.
2 (39m 15s):
They, they do tribal dancing for, for all the patients, the families come in. So cool. And so I got to go with all the drummers and the dancers and it it’s, it’s, it’s just community personified in a way you, you can’t just watch or, or, or even just read about, you have to be there to feel that energy, the rhythm and the positive affirmation of life that, that I got to experience.
2 (39m 46s):
So yeah.
1 (39m 48s):
We’ll be invited to something like that. Yeah.
2 (39m 51s):
I know. And yeah, very, very touching and quite an honorable experience for sure.
1 (40m 1s):
Wow. What about, so you mentioned that you went on an RV. Did you have your family with you? I thought you mentioned that that was the case, but I can’t remember.
2 (40m 12s):
Yeah. So for the summertime, in fact, I, I made sure there were enough bunks for everybody, but I honestly did not think that my oldest children who are college age would be coming with, but they were like, yeah, okay. So mom, where are we going? I’m like really? Here we go. So it was great. They, they, they hopped in, they managed to not love every minute of it, but, but, but it was good. I think the oldest kids did about 20 States with me and they’re there. One is, one is military she’s army.
2 (40m 45s):
My son is a, well actually now he’s an ultra marathoner. And so every time we stopped, they had to map out their run routes and make sure that they had their, their workout gear and plans. Cause that was the most important thing. And, and then there was my little one who, who just turned nine the other day. And you know, she was, she was born at 23 weeks and she’s lost about a third of her brain. And Madison is one of those that we really thought would be truly in vegetative state for the most of her life.
2 (41m 18s):
And yet she’s a fully functioning, totally normal hysterical, little nine-year-old who this year or yeah, this year saw 26 States. So I think, you know, from humble beginnings and an expectation, she would not get to experience life to the extent that everyone else did here, she is having. But I would call an exceptional life. Right. Everyone says, don’t you want your children to have a normal life? I said, no, I want them, I want them to have an exceptional one. So I did have to spend three, my longest track vote away from my youngest daughter was three weeks.
2 (41m 55s):
And that was, that was a week too long for me. But it’s, it’s, it is tough. But you know, people have asked how, how was that? What do you think? What do you think she learned? And I said, I think she learned that you go after your dreams, you stand up and do what you think is right. Whether others are going to listen or follow or not. And you know, her, her comments in school, what does your mom do for a living? Well, my mom’s running for president and, and she just said it as if it was just a normal thing to say.
2 (42m 30s):
So, so my daughter believes anything’s possible. And I think that’s much more of a gift than the three weeks she missed without me. That’s that may just be my opinion. I I’m, I know others think differently, but I think it’s great when we can inspire our kids.
1 (42m 47s):
Oh yeah, absolutely. Well, it sounds like you were able to make connections, you know, plan your routes along family destinations, cousins, and second cousins and you know, shirttail relatives or, or other family members all across the nation, which is pretty cool to be able to connect family like that and be able to get a little work done too. One of the things that really, one of the things that really stood out to me was you mentioned, and I gotta, I gotta mention this because I, I look at it from a different analogy, but it’s, this is in chapter four, only crazy people run for president.
1 (43m 25s):
So you don’t have to prove you’re a good candidate. You just have to prove you’re the other, the other, guy’s less acceptable. Now with this in mind, we have something that we generally say, you know, around the watering hole is that if you’re being chased by a bear, you don’t have to be faster than the bear. You just have to be faster than the other guy or the other Hunter that you’re with or whatever. The idea being that chances are. If you can just outrun the other guy, you can survive.
1 (43m 57s):
Whatever you have to deal with, that image is pretty gruesome, but it’s really no different than this. This idea that you, you don’t have to prove you’re a good candidate. You just have to prove the other guy’s less acceptable. And that concept is coming. I mean, it’s more and more apparent every day in today’s political arenas. I mean, this it’s, it’s like two kids that fight, regardless of what, which kids they are, what side of the fence around, but one person hits another person. Then another person hits another person. And then they, you ask them why they hit each other.
1 (44m 29s):
And it’s because they hit me first. And then even if you get to the root of who you are, the cause has nothing to do with it because so much time has passed and all they’re doing is hitting each other. And this is the political climate that a lot of people experience. I mean, it’s what you see on TV. It’s a part of the political ads and everything. How much of that? I mean, obviously there, there was a statement in that book, but I mean, what did you experience? Because, I mean, it seems like some of the ideas and concepts that you were putting forth, they’re legitimate.
1 (45m 2s):
I mean, they make a lot of sense, but
2 (45m 7s):
I think you have to think about what the goal is. Yeah. Oh, I think there’s plenty of dirt on, on, on folks. So I think we have to start with the premise of what is defined as the mission goal. So, so this is one of the things we always say in military, what, what ultimately you are trying to achieve. And I like to say to people, we’re, we’re commenting on the people that are on stage as if they are Olympic wrestlers. In other words, they trained hard. They’re subject matter experts.
2 (45m 38s):
They are qualified to be up here, but in reality, we’re watching WWE, right? So this is orchestrated, right? Exactly. So, so they, they call themselves wrestlers. They have a dog and pony show. People love to go and chance in the arena, they pay their money. We act as if it’s all real. Cause it’s fun too. But you know, in the back of your mind, you do know, or I hope most people know it’s not actually real, right? That this is a staged event to showcase a challenge in a storyline.
2 (46m 14s):
And it’s all orchestrated politics is exactly the same way, but we have mistaken it, or we act as if it’s legitimate. And in that error, we become frustrated, right? Because if we were aware that we were really just watching a play and that we are the people paying for those tickets, then we would recognize that it doesn’t matter if someone’s cast as the princess or the villain or the geek in the back of the room, or even the person behind the stage that you never see.
2 (46m 48s):
Every one of these folks has the same goal sell tickets. So the, the drama and the intensity, the hit back the lack of, of depth in discussion. I mean, they’re, you’re, you’re actually reading a script. So, so none of it really matters. And once you start to figure that out, then everything else starts to make sense. And the challenge, I think to the general American is number one to recognize, I mean, that’s, that’s where we start, right?
2 (47m 19s):
Recognize what’s actually happening in the situation. And then second, ask yourself what you can do about it. So I’m going to counter your, your metaphor of outrunning, the slowest person. I always taught my children. You can either outrun the bear or out-think the bear. And so my question and what I was trying to do was figure out, could we out-think the political system, could we, as a country, come to the table with solutions and start to say, you know what, this entire script is completely bogus.
2 (47m 51s):
And instead of being angry, we’re going to do something about it. We’re going to come together and we’re going to actually make change. I think that we have with good intention said that we don’t discuss politics and religion at polite tables, but in doing so, we actually created a really strong bubble around the political system that allowed it to run a mock really right. It’s been self-governing and perpetuating. And now it’s a closed system.
2 (48m 22s):
You can’t get in except through one Avenue. In that, of course we talk about in the book that you’ve got to start at the bottom, which requires you then to move through the ranks, which requires you to be indoctrinated, which requires you to not have another job that would teach you other skills or other thoughts or, or challenge the system. And truly it’s an indoctrination process not to go full conspiracy theory, but, but that really is how it works. And so if you don’t enter from that arena, you’ll, you’ll be shut out.
2 (48m 52s):
And you know, of course I knew that knew some of that going in, but it is very different to go in and experience it and really understand what the right left and the purposes. And then the question of course is how do you unravel that mess? The real issue that I see, and this is true of both parties, is that the true strategic thinker, the problem solver or the subject matter expert has been weeded out of that space. And so it no longer within that political bubble, there aren’t people who, who think the way that we do.
2 (49m 27s):
And without that, they can’t find their way out of the straight line. Keep, keep selling tickets, keep getting onstage, keep writing scripts. So it’s, it’s going to require us to hit rock bottom. It’s going to require that American step up. I, I don’t think with anger, I think it’s going to have to be with some sense, and we’re going to have to get some very large financial influencers who say, you know what, we’re going to have to save this country.
2 (49m 58s):
And we can’t do it with the system we have. So we’re going to have to put our money somewhere else. My job, as I saw it was to demonstrate that there is a yellow brick road to Oz and it’s possible improbable, but still possible. You have to prove it’s possible. And once you have that nugget, then you can start talking to people being saying, specifically, if you contribute this and you contribute that and it doesn’t have to be money, it can be thoughts, it’d be capabilities. It can be a word of mouth.
2 (50m 29s):
I mean, for everybody who listens that reads the book and then shares it with five other people that right there, it doesn’t cost anything, but it starts people thinking about a different way towards solutions instead of argumentation, right? So this is doable. This is really doable, but we’re gonna all have to take ownership. And it can’t be about fighting our neighbor. It has to be about recognizing we all have the same goal, albeit through different avenues, with different skillsets and, and maybe a different vision of utopia. But, but nonetheless, we’re close enough in mission goal that, that we can do it.
2 (51m 3s):
Remember politicians make up what 0.01% of this population. They have power and they have money, but there’s a whole lot more of us. So we can do this.
1 (51m 15s):
I like those odds. One of the, one of the themes that is a recurring note in this book, beginning from beginning to end is this idea of a Rubik’s cube. And I was wondering if you can, and we talked about it a little bit before the show, but I think the, the analogy there is pretty clear, you know, when you spell it out, when you demonstrate why this whole system is, is similar to a Rubik’s cube, but rather than me trying to explain it, could you kind of share that with, with us on what this analogy means and kinda how that fits in?
2 (51m 52s):
Yeah, sure. So what we’re trying to do is make tangible the complexity of the U S government decision making process. It’s very easy to throw stones if you’ve never been there, right? It’s very easy to say, how come you can’t solve healthcare when you haven’t actually tried to do it yourself? So the punchline is that when you try to solve individual problems, you actually create more of a mess than, than a solution set. And so more like a Rubik’s cube.
2 (52m 22s):
That’s how you have to think. You have to think in multiple steps, you have to think about moving one square, allow several other squares to move simultaneously. And so you always have to think about that ripple effect. And typically people think about the ripple effect is as the problems that come out of the new solution. But I would argue what you’re looking for is really to figure out what are the fewest number of moves you can make that allows the natural inertia of the system to lock everything into place correctly.
2 (52m 56s):
And so sometimes if you want to make changes in social systems, you actually want to change and obscure tax law that allows healthcare to work better, but it it’s, it’s very complicated and it’s hard for any individual to understand. And so when we have folks who are around the country, wondering why can’t our leaders solve these problems? Well, it’s because it’s very, very hard to do. It’s very complex and you have to manage not the solution set, but all of the intricacies of Congress, all the intricacies of every department, all the intricacies of human tendencies and the type of people who go into government positions and the type of people that take political appointee positions.
2 (53m 42s):
And so there’s all these layers of technical, human and financial interactions that are just very hard to imagine. But if you boil that down to the metaphor of a, of a Rubik’s cube and assign each issue a square, then you can start to see and imagine how in a three dimensional space moving all of these pieces around requires a truly strategic mind to be in those positions. And if we have bred that out of the political system, you might imagine what we might start seeing, which would be an unraveling of the government and an unraveling of our people in response and frustration, and eventually an ability of our adversaries to come in infiltrate and take advantage of those openings.
2 (54m 30s):
So it’s, it’s serious what we need to do. And it’s serious that we need people who understand that kind of strategic thinking. Not cause I made it up or because it’s my area of interest, but because I think the problem space, what we call wicked problems and in military necessitates it. So yeah, we call it Rubik’s cube. Decision-making make few mute. It make few moves, but make big waves.
1 (54m 57s):
Okay. Do you have any questions buddy, before I jump in with the last one that I want to ask? No. No, I don’t think so. It’s kind of complex and it’s a lot to take in, but I think the, you know, just, you know, having you here, especially for the adults that are listening, it, it shares a lot. And I think it, it helps a lot of people who are feeling frustrated because you know, those weird intricacies, you can’t do X because of Y Z a B and C are, you know, tied up in something completely different.
1 (55m 35s):
You know, here where I live in Washington, Western Washington is completely different than Eastern Washington. And the mentality is different. The agriculture is different. The economy is different, the population is different. And yet all the decision making happens on one side of the state and more and more States are starting to realize this as, as the political powers are shifting. And, and some of the ways that people live or have lived, are being changed or disrupted significantly.
1 (56m 7s):
And people are looking to political leaders, governors, mayors, senators, speakers, whatever for answers. And I think the idea of this, this Rubik’s cube eight extends not only to all of gutter government, but it’s almost like you have many Rubik’s cube inside each Rubik’s cube square, you know, and it’s just very complex and the ability to take something like that on, you know, I commend you for, for doing that.
1 (56m 39s):
I mean, I think it’s great. And like you mentioned earlier about your daughter, this idea that, you know, you tell your kids, you can do, you can be anything you want, you can do anything you want that does still hold true. And I think for, for a lot of kids, there’s, there’s not enough of that encouragement on how to do that. You know, what needs to be done. I think your daughter is going to take a lot out of this experience and maybe even your other children as well, if nothing else, the touring, the States that they were able to tour, there’s a lot of folks who barely get out of their own neighborhood.
1 (57m 12s):
But what, what, what would you say is your biggest takeaway from this whole experience?
2 (57m 21s):
My biggest takeaway, I think really is we have all the assets we need in this country. We just need to do a much better job coordinating them. So my message to really anyone who’s feeling frustrated, take the opportunity to recognize your worth more than your vote. You have to vote. I mean, you just, you just have to, even, even if you’re voting for the least worst option, why you have to do that, but you have to also do more.
2 (57m 52s):
And I think the thing that I found so compelling as I went around the country was that the local involvement mattered so tremendously to the daily lives of everyone around them. No matter what government did, I’m reminded of a time once where I was at, we had a hurricane hit, well, we’ve had several hurricanes hit. So for routine down for clean up, yeah, this was one of the hurricanes and where my daughter is buried.
2 (58m 23s):
There are these enormous trees. So one of the first things you want to go do in Orlando, when you get hit by a hurricane is go seek out those places that have those large trees and determine what needs to be done for cleanup. And so when we got there, the, the cemetery was devastated, large trees down, large limbs down. And it was, it was really overwhelming because of course it’s not the only location. And then, and because of what it is, because it’s a cemetery, it’s going to be the last ever get any service.
2 (58m 53s):
And so a bunch of us were standing there and said, let’s go home. Let’s get what we need and we’ll come back and we’ll try to clean it up. And when I got back, it was so interesting. So she’s buried in a very rural area and I bought them up, brought the most pathetic tree trimming or things that I had, but we had commercial backhoes and large saw, you know, chainsaws and whatnot that showed up. And I thought, look at this, we didn’t need to go get government funding.
2 (59m 23s):
We didn’t need to go get permission from the city. We didn’t need to go create a task force. We didn’t need to go make this more complex than it needed to be. We just needed to look around and see what we have, bring it to the table and clean this up. And that’s when I said to one of the gentlemen, I said, you know, in the country, we just get it done. We don’t need an act of Congress to change this country. We just need a lot of dedicated Americans to come together and, and work hard. And so, you know, if you’re listening and you’re feeling lost and you’re feeling frustrated, recognize that your efforts matter tremendously, you may or may not always see it, but I can attest to the fact that that is the number one finding I saw around the country.
2 (1h 0m 7s):
Everyone matters and what you can bring to bear matters. So please be, you don’t have to be as daring as me and run for president, but please be your whole self and, and bring, bring that to the country because you know, that’s, that’s what makes us exceptional.
1 (1h 0m 27s):
Right? Love it. Well, thanks for coming onto the show today. Do you have, do you want to share your links and different social media channels and all of that stuff that folks who are interested can follow you and download your book and do all that good stuff.
2 (1h 0m 47s):
Sure. So if you just Google who the F wants to be president on Amazon, we have the, we have the print book, we have the Kindle version, and very soon we will have an audible version, which is very exciting. So we have a voice actor doing all of the parts. Yeah. It’s very cool experience because, you know, think about it. It’s, it’s all these different interviews from people all over the country. So getting the accents and the backgrounds and everything right, was, was a very interesting experience.
2 (1h 1m 17s):
So that’ll be out soon as well. So who the F wants to be president, you can also follow me on Twitter at red shoes, USA. Cause I always have my doctor president shoes on, or you can follow us on, on Facebook at the nerdy truth. So I also run a podcast where I’m continuing my work to look at experts in various fields and try to relate that to what’s happening today. What do we need and what can we keep thinking about and how do we make sure we’re prepared for the future? That’s our focus.
1 (1h 1m 47s):
Nice. And it’s the nerdy truth. That’s the name of the podcast? Yes. Okay, perfect. And you have a YouTube channel as well, correct?
2 (1h 1m 56s):
Yeah. So it’s under the nerdy truth. Yeah, we, we, we have it on YouTube. We have it on just audio on the website, but to keep it simple,
1 (1h 2m 7s):
There’s so many different venues and avenues to be able to get stuff out there. It’s nice to some, someone should be able to track you down one way or another in that regard. So
2 (1h 2m 16s):
Yeah. And I would, I would really say the big thing with the book is, you know, it, it gives you a, a course on politics, but I hope that it brings hope to people so that you can see a pathway out of this mess. Cause I think it’s really important right now that we, we hear not just hopes and prayers, but actually tangible pathways to success.
1 (1h 2m 38s):
Yeah. There’s some killer anecdotes in there. I mean, I don’t want to give any of them away, but if you’re, if you’re even slightly remotely interested, if nothing else, if you don’t like politics or any of the other stuff, read it for the anecdotes. And some of the conversations had between dr. Walcott and some of the blue haired gals in Iowa and all, you know, all the others. Cause it’s, it’s good. It’s it’s good read. So check it out with that. Let’s move on to the pint-sized prepper project of the week, dr.
1 (1h 3m 9s):
Well, excuse me, dr. Walker, you are welcome to stick around, but we do thank you for, for coming on the show today. If you do need to take off, that’s fine, but we are, we’re going to chat a few minutes about the pint sized paper project this week, which is brought to you by power film solar. So we thought with the, the, the thread of Rubik’s cube and the complexities of that, that that would be a good enough project to demonstrate the way politics works in a very simple way and problem solving and the potential that it has as a teaching tool, more than just a toy.
1 (1h 3m 48s):
So Colin, why don’t you go ahead and kind of explain this as best you can and without the step by step instructions and maybe a little bit about your experience in those. Sure. So there’s, there can be a lot that goes into it. Dr. Walker. I like, I like what you said about how you, you can’t focus on one solution, but rather a solution set and think through and work through the techniques to solve it as a whole, because that’s exactly how it works.
1 (1h 4m 23s):
When it comes to solving the Rubik’s cube. You, you can’t focus on solving one side and repeat it until you, until you finish the cube, you can’t focus on solving corner by corner until you can’t focus on one solution till you get at a time, you, you have to work through it and in a set of solutions. So something to keep in mind with the Rubik’s cube is that there are 40 some odd quintillion, different orientations of the Rubik’s cube, right?
1 (1h 5m 0s):
When you say quintillion, you’re not just saying that, you know, like 40 billion gazillion, no quintillion. That’s like an actual, it’s an actual number. That’s an actual number that goes past like pen, pen, tip and Tilian or whatever. And you know, so it goes past ventilate and whatever. So it’s one thing to keep in mind that there’s so many different ways to look at this and ways to experience it in hand that it’s almost overwhelming, but basically to break it down into simpler terms, there are dedicated methods when it comes to actually solving the cube.
1 (1h 5m 43s):
One of the most common ones, the one, the one that’s used mostly for beginners or people who are starting the Rubik’s cube is called
1 (1h 6m 14s):
And then what you do is what’s called orientation of the last layer. So you orient the corners and the sides and all the little cubes on the top in a way where you can do a set of algorithms, either repeatedly or a one longer set of algorithms until you finally finish that last top layer and a top side, like I said, that’s like the beginners method. There’s, there’s several methods out there, but that, that was the one that I started with when I first started getting into Rubik’s cubes and not too long ago, just a couple months back, I got a new cube.
1 (1h 6m 57s):
I have like five or something like that because I enjoy doing the Rubik’s cube. And I guess if there’s anybody interested or who is actually going to actually try solving the Rubik’s cube, what I would have to say is just, just keep practicing because that’s, that’s, you know, as of right now, I’ve been doing the Rubik’s cube for almost four years, I think.
1 (1h 7m 29s):
And my record is still only 46 seconds, but it’s still pretty impressive. I gotta be honest. I’m pretty proud of that, but there are definitely ways that I can work on it. So yeah, I mean, that’s, that’s pretty much, it that’s pretty much the basics. Well, and there’s, it’s, it’s kind of an interesting thing because Rubik’s cubes are something that you learn to be able to do well through practice trial and error learning.
1 (1h 8m 5s):
I mean, it’s something that you have to solve, just a more complex version of something you can solve. If you’re going on a 50 state road trip, take a Rubik’s cube with ya. And you know, or even if you have a massive power outage throw in your power outage kit, stick it in the back of your car in case you get snowed off the side of the road or something like that. The idea of having a Rubik’s cube can really help to build skillsets, like problem solving, seek what, finding solutions and following instructions.
1 (1h 8m 35s):
So there’s some great things that you can learn or at least convey with the use of, of a Rubik’s cube. And then when you apply that problem solving object to a concept like politics, it really amplifies, you know, how to describe politics to a child, how to help them understand, you know, one face or one facet or one cube or one square or one row, and how that relates to spending or healthcare or schools or education or taxes or, or, or, or, or on down the line.
1 (1h 9m 17s):
Hey, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work here directly at the next generation show, head on over to Amazon and type in my name, Colin’s name or pint size prepper project, and our book pop right up, or you can click on the link at the bottom of the show page. You can download a copy today or get a hard copy if that’s your preference. There’s 28 more projects just like this in that. And you can take them along with the next road trip that you have, or stick them in a backpack and have fun with your family.
1 (1h 9m 47s):
I think for the final takeaway, politics is something that can be a thorny mess with the throngs of unintended consequences, but knowing the path and setting foot upon that path are two very different things. Now, this isn’t uncharted territory, but with this book, you can easily see how some of the challenges start to stack up and what your role is as a citizen, as a voter, and as a willing participant in the community of our nation, we’re all citizens regardless of the location.
1 (1h 10m 22s):
And we all have issues that serve us more than others, but as a nation, there’s more than a divisive nature. That’s brewing there’s somewhere in that chasm, a foundation of unity that exists among us, among the people among Americans and citizens, whether you know, here in America, but also other work in other countries. I know Canada is battling their own demons, but learning how to navigate the ebb and flow is something that you can and should share with your family politics around the dinner table is maybe something that should be brought up personal politics, family politics, work politics, high school politics, even mutual assistant group politics, all of that centers around your ability to have that same vision and share the same consequence.
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So take a moment to take out, to check out, excuse me, dr. Walcott’s book, and share the journey it’s unlike any mainstream fear-mongering or division that we’re used to. It’s a candid look at what really matters among us, among the people, the stars and stripes and Amber waves of grain and everything else from receipt assigning see special, thanks to our guest tonight, dr. JJ Walcutt. Dr. Walcott. Thanks again for joining us.
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Thank you for having me. Absolutely. It’s a pleasure. Lastly, in case you missed it on last week’s show, we had a, I don’t know if it’s a fireside chat with old Ron foster and we were talking about conspiracies and preparedness, and we talked about some of the things that, you know, used to be conspiracy that are now kind of percolating as reality, and why conspiracies are worth taking note of how to research and look into some of those things.
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Remember if he missed out, you can always check out the previous episodes on our show page or on your favorite streaming service. And while you’re there, be sure to leave us a five star review, it does help to boost our presence. And it allows us to share this message with others next week, we’re going to explore another aspect of a kind of mental preparedness. So stay tuned for that. And I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time, or we explore another aspect of all the little things in life that make all the difference in the world.
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This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost and Buford reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared. Have a great night, everybody. I make it a great week.
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Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance independence tuning tomorrow for another great show and visit us prepper, broadcasting.com.