PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine

September 13, 2015 Health Herbal Prepper Herbs Medicine Treatment 0

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

PCOS burdock PDPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) not only comes with uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms, PCOS raises a woman’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, and cancer. These are potentially deadly diseases no matter if we have access to medical help or not. They need to be addressed, sooner rather than later. If you’re prepping to take care of your family or your community during a crisis, you need a plan to address PCOS and its potential outcomes.

9-12-15 Spearmint PDThe number one most common hormonal imbalance women face is PCOS. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women have PCOS. To make matters worse, PCOS is also one of the most missed diagnosis related to women’s health. Many of the symptoms associated with PCOS, such as a tendency towards being overweight, thinning hair at the top of the head, excess facial hair, and acne are often dismissed as vanity issues. Irregular menstrual cycles are glossed over by the prescription of hormonally-based birth control. For all the serious complications of PCOS, such as the hypertension and elevated cholesterol, there are maintenance medications to push the symptoms down the road. Some doctors still don’t believe that PCOS is a real condition.

9-12-15 milk-thistle- PDNone of this addresses the cause. None of this helps bring the body back into balance. None of this reverses the negative consequences of PCOS. And none of this gives women the information and tools they need to avoid serious, life-threatening possibilities, such as cancer. The only thing modern medicine has to offer women with PCOS, assuming it is properly diagnosed by a quality physician, is to treat the symptoms individually. That’s not good enough, and that’s certainly not good enough after a disaster, when there may not be a hospital on hand to tackle that diabetic coma, that heart attack, or that liver failure.

9-12-15 Goats_rue PDPCOS is essentially an excess of androgen and estrogen triggered by and worsening insulin resistance. There are many ways, through herbs, diet, and lifestyle, that can help the body adjust and begin to rebalance itself. These natural strategies are available regardless of resupply, crisis, availability of a pharmacy, or the economy. Tune in to this episode to learn what you need to know to recognize and treat the most common hormonal imbalance facing women pre- or post-disaster on which to fall back. Herbal remedies can provide that back up plan.
Books on PCOS HERE!
Herbal Prepper Website: http://www.herbalprepper.com/

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