Poultices and Salves

Poultices and Salves

February 20, 2017 Health Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper Medicine 0

Poultices and Salves
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Poultices and SalvesHerbal poultices and salves are essential elements in your herbal first aid kit. In this episode, I will walk you through how to make both poultices and salves.

Poultices and salves are both topical applications and ideal for all sorts of injuries. Sprains, strains, headaches, abrasions, bruises, and bites can all be helped by a well-made poultice or salve.

This will wrap up our series of Seven Essential Herbal Skills. In case
you missed the other two episodes in this series, please check out Part One and Part Two. These will give you a good start in making a wide range of herbal remedies.

Making both poultices and salves are simple skills. Even if you have never made an herbal remedy before, you can learn to make and apply poultices and salves for your first aid kit.

Plus, we will discuss a number of important herbs that you will want to either locate growing in your area, or grow in your medicinal herb garden. Herbs such as comfrey, meadow arnica, plantain, St. John’s wort, cayenne, yarrow, oak bark, echinacea, meadowsweet, barberry, Solomon’s seal, and lobelia can see you through most minor and some not-so-minor injuries.

Herbal medicine is sustainable medicine. Learning to grow and craft your own herbal and natural remedies is simple, enjoyable, and helps you be better prepared for emergencies big and small. Jump in with this episode and try your hand at making a poultice or a salve, and see how easy it is to put up your own herbal “farmacy”, independent of what may or may not happen to our vulnerable, conventional medical system.

To learn even more about herbs, herbal skills, and sustainable health care, please visit my website at www.HerbalPrepper.com for the latest online courses, articles, and instructional videos. Also, check out my books, Prepper’s Natural Medicine and Prepping for a Pandemic, which can be found in Prepper Broadcasting’s Amazon store
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