Fevers Post-SHTF

Fevers Post-SHTF

March 27, 2017 Emergency Health Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper Herbs Medical 0

Fevers Post-SHTF
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Fevers Post-SHTFWhat is your plan for fevers post-disaster? The scenario: no doctors and no pharmacies are available. You have no ibuprofen and no acetaminophen. Your child is sick, and the thermometer is reading 103°F. What do you do?

The standard of care in the United States has been to take a fever-reducing medication. I examine this practice by asking some key questions, such as:

  • Is taking fever reducing medication really the best course of action?
  • Are we, as a culture fever phobic?
  • Why do we have fevers in the first place?
  • How high can a fever go before it is dangerous?
  • Are febrile seizures dangerous?
  • How do I know when to intervene?

For when you do feel the need to intervene, I will cover several herbs which are febrifuges. A “febrifuge” is an agent that helps to reduce fevers. Many of these are also sudorific, meaning they help induce sweating. Some, however, are cooling. How and when to use them to your advantage during a fever is what this episode is all about.

How do these herbs taste? Going back to the scenario of the sick kid, the remedy needs to taste good. Otherwise, odd are that kiddo will simply refuse to take it, and potentially refuse to take other herbal remedies in the future. I’ve got that covered as well.

Fevers, fever phobia, and herbs for fevers are all on deck for this episode of Herbal Prepper Live. Fevers are an uncomfortable part of being sick. They can also be scary, especially with a young child. If you haven’t considered how you would handle a fever when help is not on the way, you’re going to want to catch this show.
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