What Preppers Are Storing That Will Kill Them!

What Preppers Are Storing That Will Kill Them!

April 24, 2017 dehydrating Food Health Herbal Prepper Preserving storing 0

What Preppers Are Storing That Will Kill Them
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

What Preppers Are Storing That Will Kill ThemCould you be stockpiling something that will ultimately kill you after SHTF? Odds are, you have been storing this stuff for years. What is this potentially deadly and exceedingly common prepping item? If you guessed prepackaged food storage, you are right.

As prepping has become more popular, the market for long-term emergency food has exploded. When I was a new prepper, I bought a ton of prepackaged, emergency food buckets and camping meals. Just add water, and dinner is done.

As time went on, I began added freezer storage, dehydrated, home-canned foods, and loads of bulk kitchen staples. Like a good, little prepper, I stockpiled 5-gallon buckets of flour, rice, beans, instant potatoes, instant non-fat milk, and honey. Was there a sale on canned pasta or other shelf-stable product at the wholesale club? I would buy a ton of it.

However, I now wonder how many people have lived on this food for more than a weekend for a practice bugout and also maintained good health.

I have. When I wrote my back-to-back books, Prepper’s Natural Medicine and Prepping for a Pandemic, I was always pressed for time. I was also dealing with pain from ankle and knee injuries. Standing in the kitchen for any length of time was difficult.

So, I broke into my stash of instant prepper meals- just add hot water and dinner’s done. I did this frequently for about a year and a half.

When all was said and done, I had packed on an amount of weight that I am still too embarrassed to admit. I had also developed hypertension and type 2 diabetes. What would have happened if I had also relied on it for my breakfast and lunch? I seriously do not want to know.

In this episode, I will talk about how I reversed much of the damage done from eating a year and a half’s worth of “prepper food”, and better options for food storage.

Honestly, what good is a supply of food that will last for 30 years, if it will kill you in under 5?
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