Nutritional veggies for SHTF part 3

Nutritional veggies for SHTF part 3

July 11, 2017 Food Health Tech Preps 0

Nutritional veggies for SHTF part 3
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided!

Nutritional veggies for SHTF part 3I have talked about some meat and some veggies and general nutrition for shtf in the previous episodes. I continue my last show in this series of nutrition with a few more veggies to talk about, what you should be eating and why.

The cure is in our food; we often look for pharmacies for cures but this sadly will not end well for us. On this segment I will go over a lot of cruciferous veggies that you can grow and you should have on hand for the shtf. It is life’s superfoods even though some may think it tastes like grass. I will also talk about the miracle herb/root called Turmeric, which you have heard about in previous shows. This crazy tasting root is amazing for you, and the benefits can far out way the taste. I will also go over a fruit known as tomato yes a fruit, it has crazy good anti-cancer properties which I will talk about and go over a few uses.

The need for good nutrition before and after shtf is essential, I will not go over how to grow these since every area has their particular issues with growing each plant. What should you have and what can benefit the most. A lot of us get corn, flour, or rice etc., these plants are not good for us nutritionally wise, so I will talk about the best bang for your buck as it is.

With a ton of preppers I see nutrition put on the back burner and they focus on supplies, I can tell you I did the same and I suffered for it, sporting 415lbs or more I was in bad shape and couldn’t make it very far if I had to. I do find it amusing we buy this gear and cannot walk 20 feet with it without getting winded. I will give you a few ideas how to fix this and give you the suggestions on how to lose weight, get nutritionally adequate and be healthy overall, so enjoy the show and ask questions!
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