Is your liver healthy?

Is your liver healthy?

May 2, 2016 Health Herbal Prepper Herbs Treatment 0

Is your liver healthy?
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

4-30-16 Liver KitYour eyes and skin aren’t jaundiced, and you feel ok. So, your liver must be fine, right? Wrong.

The fact is, most people couldn’t tell if their liver were healthy or not without getting a panel done at their doctor’s office. The obvious signs of disease, things like jaundice or feeling hot for no obvious reason, do not show up until the liver is 80% damaged.

Plus, earlier signs of disease and damage are often explained away as something else. For example, dark urine might be a sign of liver disease. It could also be due to a UTI or dehydration. Vomiting could mean disease, but it could also be from eating or drinking something contaminated.

4-30-16 dandelion-meadow-grass-pointed-flower-nature PDThe liver’s primary function is to act as a giant filter for our body, removing toxic substances. However, it is also responsible for over 500 different functions in the body. You cannot live without it. Thankfully, with care, it is capable of regenerating its cells. As long as the damage hasn’t continued for so long as to make the damage permanent.

4-30-16 bee_on_barberry_flower public domainThankfully, our ancestors knew a thing or two about how to use herbs, bitter greens, and vinegars to help the liver, both in preventative and remedial ways. Spring was a traditional time for liver-supporting herbs and foods, which followed a winter of eating preserved meats, dairy, and stored root vegetables.

When we consider things like food storage, gardening, and eating in season, for prepping, we get back to more traditional foods. We will eat more like our ancestors did. This should include bitter herbs for a livers health.

4-30-16 spring-gentian-gentian-flower-blue-gentiana-verna PDIn this episode, I’ll be talking about herbs which support and nourish the liver, the importance of herbal bitters, and the so-called “Detox”. What the heck are the “toxins” people claim are detoxed anyway? Isn’t that what the liver is supposed to do? Detox has become such an overused and misused term in our modern culture, it’s time we took a look at what a proper, seasonal detox is, what it does, and why it’s helpful.
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