Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario

Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario

February 27, 2017 Health Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper infections 0

Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Parasites: Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid ScenarioThis show is all about parasites, both internal and external. Be sure to listen and learn how to respond to these kinds of infections when there isn’t a doctor or a pharmacy available.

A caller to the show last week had a great question regarding skin infections caused by parasites. Parasites are a problem now while times are good. You better believe they will be an issue in any post-SHTF, down-grid disaster. Preparing for parasitical infections is just makes good sense.

Parasites are organisms that live on or in another organism which is called the host. They feed off of the host organism. Parasites can enter the body through consuming contaminated water or food. They can also enter the body through bug bites and other wounds.

Common parasitic infestations include scabies, lice, and bedbugs. Sometimes, the infections are caused by fly larva burrowing into skin. Unlike the larve of the common housefly, certain fly larve can eat away at both healthy and diseased tissue. Parasitic infections can cause bacterial infections, jaundice, and cause serious complications if they take hold of a vital organ.

Consider how much more common these, as well as food and water born parasites, would be in a down-grid situation where municipal water supplies are compromised. Hygiene and the quality of food and water will be major issues, and also lead to more infestations of parasites.

In this episode, we will cover: some basic first aid, herbs which may help, as well as some preventative tips. It is always better to not get sick in the first place, than have to recover from being sick.

The thought of worm-like organisms burrowing into skin or swimming about in one’s intestine is certainly unnerving. A parasite infestation can easily set off the “gross factor” for a lot of people. They will, however, be a common part of any major disaster or ongoing crisis.

To learn more about how to face challenges like this, please visit my website at and check out the latest articles and course offerings. Also, be sure to get a copy of my book, Pepper’s Natural Medicine, which addresses parasites and so much more.
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