Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

June 27, 2018 Health infections Remedies 0

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!
Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquitoThe dive bombers aka heat seeking missiles of summer have arrived in full force and have invaded our lives. They strike like stealth missiles and and their attack always leaves it’s mark, often for days! The dreaded mosquito. Depending upon where you live, you’ve already felt their wrath and some of us much more than others even in the same localities. While there are some 3500 different species the females are the real culprits. Sorry ladies but it’s the female mosquito that targets us for dinner.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito” in this player!

There are so many myths centered around the mosquito, so what’s fact and what’s fiction. Does your blood type, your body odor, what you eat or drink, or size make a difference. Why do these critters feast on some and ignore others? What can you do. The scary thing is these critters being blood suckers with the ability to transmit disease, creating a scary scenario! You’ve heard of West Nile virus, well people get it too and it’s thanks to the mosquito. What can you do to protect yourself from becoming a main course? Tune in with player above as A Preppers Path turns the table and goes on the attack with facts and tips all about the mosquito! Join the show live and share your best remedy against these heat seeking missiles. All brought to you by PrepperBroadcasting.Com.

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