Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

February 28, 2015 Health Herbal Prepper 1

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Tuberculosis TBGoneWildCould drug-resistant tuberculosis be the next great pandemic? Most people think of tuberculosis as being a long-gone disease, a throwback to the Colonial or Medieval Eras. Also known as “consumption”, tuberculosis is thought of as something modern medicine has eliminated. Not only is this factually incorrect, tuberculosis has joined the ranks of drug-resistant bacterial infections.

Tuberculosis Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_01When antibiotics no longer kill a particular bacterial infection, the entire population is at risk of that infection in a much larger way than a handful of people who refuse vaccinations. Without effective antibiotics, there is no treatment. Without treatment, tuberculosis has a mortality rate of about 50%. This is about the same mortality rate as the current outbreak of Ebola, and twice the mortality rate of measles in third world conditions.

2-26-15 Marshmallow Root InfusionCurrently, there are approximately 8.7 million cases of tuberculosis infection, with over 500,000 deaths worldwide due each year. With the growing resistance to antibiotic drugs, that death toll will continue to rise. India has been hit the hardest, with an estimated 40% of their entire population infected with latent tuberculosis, ready to emerge into active tuberculosis without warning like a ticking time bomb. In our world of international commerce and travel, it is absolutely possible for totally drug-resistant tuberculosis to spread around the world, including the US. Yet, there is little to no media coverage. As to why, one can only speculate.

2-26-15 MarshmallowTo make matters worse there are now strains of not only drug-resistant or even multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, but there are extremely and totally resistant drug-resistant tuberculosis strains. And while we have discovered that totally drug-resistant tuberculosis does exist, the incidence of it is not being tracked. The World Health Organization is not tracking the spread of totally drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Only 9% of all tuberculosis cases are tested for drug resistance. This shockingly low testing of strains results in improper administering of antibiotics and allows more strains to gallop towards extremely and totally drug-resistant status.

2-26-15 Sida spinosaLike many drug-resistant bacteria, herbs can offer another strategy to those preparing for pandemics. Unlike drugs, herbs are living, synergistic organisms that evolve. Many have antibacterial actions. Herbs have also developed their own ways of shutting down the bacteria’s resistance methods. We will cover some of the possibilities and a potential herbal strategy for tuberculosis in case totally drug-resistant tuberculosis were to become the next great pandemic.

For more info on herbal skills and recipes, check out my book, Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Life-Saving Herbs, Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for When There is No Doctor. It is available for preorder at a special, discounted rate until the book’s release. The release date it May 12, 2015. Reserve your copy today!
Herbal Prepper Website: http://www.herbalprepper.com/

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