Do lemons have legs?

Do lemons have legs?

May 2, 2018 Food Health 0

Do lemons have legs?
Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below!

Do lemons have legs?The punch line to the old joke is do lemons have legs! Don’t get squimish on me, of course they don’t have legs but canaries do. I know bad! Bad! However, lemons have many other attributes that have gone unrecognized for far too long. That sunny bright yellow orb in the grocery produce aisle or if you are lucky hanging from the tree in your yard is a powerhouse! When it comes to the lemon that old adage great things come in small packages if apt!

Listen to this broadcast or download “Do lemons have legs?” in this player!

The lemon has been with us historically for thousands of years, the Romans considered lemons a status symbol and Christopher Columbus knew about their importance too, carrying the precious cargo of lemon seeds to new lands on his voyages. Most of us know that seaman used these little powerhouses all during the 1700’s with Britian requiring their sailors to eat limes for the same reason as lemons hence the term of limey! Not only is the lemon a nutritional powerhouse it has amazing properties when it comes to cleaning with awesome antibacterial properties. Join in A preppers Path and bring in a little sunshine with legless Lemons! You will enjoy the show and most probably learn some as well.

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