10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind People!

10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind People!

August 8, 2018 disabilities Emergency 2

10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind People!

10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind PeopleEmergencies often happen without warning, and at a moment’s notice. This can pose a problem for blind people and others with disabilities and their caregivers. Therefore, it is necessary for these individuals to have a well-thought out plan in case of an emergency. Here are 10 emergency preparation tips for blind people.

1. Compile an Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit compiled is always a smart thing to do, and it could come in handy in case of an emergency. An emergency kit should contain essential things that you will need for at least three days, for instance: water, vision aids, first aid supplies, clothes, personal care items, medications.

‘’An important thing to have in your emergency kit are information sheets regarding your medical condition, photocopies of important documents, such as your passport and your ID, as well as contact information for your family.’’ – says Anthony Johnson, a writer at Assignment Essay Geeks Service.

2. Know the Locations of Emergency Exits

Emergency exists are not an issue when entering familiar locations. However, whenever you visit public establishments, the first thing you need to do is learn the routes towards the emergency exits. Nowadays, most signs and emergency exit plans in public establishments are written in Braille for the blind as well. When that’s not the case, be sure to ask for assistance and information from the representatives of the establishment.

3. Learn About Transportation Systems and Routes

Everyday transportation is almost a routine for visually impaired persons. However, in cases of emergency, things change and instead of finding alternatives, be prepared in have a few in advance. Make sure to have a few people who live nearby who you would be able to share transportation with. The same goes for public transportation – always be aware of bus lines which go through open spaces, since they are less likely to be incapacitated in cases of disaster.

4. Prepare a List of Emergency Contacts and Numbers

Always have emergency contacts and number on-hand, both in Braille and writing. Make sure to include contact info of your closest relatives, friends, their work numbers, your personal physician, your closest neighbors, etc.

5. Practice Emergency Evacuation Plans

Having a strategy in case of an emergency is essential for your safety. By practicing emergency evacuation plans, you will be prepared when an actual emergency occurs. This entails getting to know all of the evacuation exits and routes, compiling a list of emergency contacts, compiling an emergency kit, and so on. It is important to practice emergency evacuation plans in order not to panic when an actual emergency occurs, and to know exactly what actions to take.

6. Develop a System with Contacts of Individuals and Agencies

Developing a system with contacts of individuals you know, as well as agencies which could be of help is an essential part of being prepared for an emergency. You should have your family, friends, or neighbors give you a call in case of an emergency of which you are not aware. This will give you time to execute your emergency evacuation plan and stay safe. You should also have a contact list of helpful local and global agencies in case of an extreme emergency.

7. Familiarize Close Ones with Your Emergency Plan

If you are unable to contact and inform your close ones, it would be easier for them to discover your whereabouts if they are familiar with your emergency plan, i.e. they would be able to locate you much faster and more efficiently if they know how you would react in case of emergency. In worst case scenarios, that could make the difference between life and death.

8. Set Aside Money for Emergency

It is always useful to set aside money which you can use in case an emergency occurs. You should also mark and label your money in order to know exactly how much money you have and what kind of bill denominations you have. It is always smart to keep cash instead of credit or debit cards, because the cards will not work in case of a power outage.

9. Have Copies of Your Most Important Documents

Making copies of your most important documents is a crucial thing to do before an emergency occurs. Some of these documents are: birth certificates, IDs, passports, social security cards, mortgage documents, and so on. You should keep the copies of your important documents safe, for instance in Ziploc bags. For the sake of organization, you can put Braille labels on your most important documents.

10. Make Plans for Your Service Animal

Animals, similarly to humans, are prone to stress and they have their needs.If you have a seeing eye-dog, make sure to pack some provisions in the emergency kit for the dog as well. Likewise, notify the emergency shelter where you plan to evacuate that you have a service animal and inform the professionals who provided you with the seeing-eye dog about your emergency plans.

Lastly, no matter what you do in order to prepare for an emergency, it is always the most important to prepare mentally. All the steps you take to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you would be futile if you panic and fail to follow your own plan. Remember – if you are well prepared, you have nothing to fear!

Author bio:

Chris Richardson is a journalist, editor, and a blogger. He loves to write, learn new things, and meet new outgoing people. Chris is also fond of traveling, sports, and playing the guitar. Follow him on Google+.


2 Responses

  1. Robert says:

    I like prepper broadcasting, really do. So please take this in good humour:

    I clicked on the link in latest posts to listen to ’10 Emergemcy Preperation tips for blind people’ and had a chuckle, you can only read it 😂.

    Genuinely though, keep up the great work guys!

    • gman says:

      I always thought should I have a page for written articles and another for the shows. Decided been doing this way too long to change it up. Yep, some regular articles sprinkled throughout all the posts, some are pretty good 🙂

      Thanks, Robert for your comment

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