A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

April 2, 2018 Health Medical Medicine 0

A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below!

A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse AmyBe sure to tune in for this episode of Herbal Prepper Live where my guests will be none other than the leaders of the Medical Preparedness field themselves, Joe Alton, M.D. (Dr. Bones) and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. (Nurse Amy), authors of The Survival Medicine Handbook and hosts of the popular podcast, The Doom and Bloom ™ Survival Medicine Hour.

The need to be prepared for pandemic disease, first aid emergencies, and for the everyday aches and pains in a post-disaster situation is an important part of a well-rounded preparedness plan.

Listen to this broadcast or download “A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy” in player below!

However, with all of the unnerving diseases active in the world today- Ebola, MERS, drug-resistant tuberculosis, take your pick, the importance of Medical Preparedness has become a hot topic. This makes it ever more important to get your information from a reliable source, and there’s no better source than the husband and wife duo that literally wrote the book on the subject.

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy ebola graphicJoin us as we discuss the big topic on everyone’s mind: Ebola. How much of a threat is it to the US? More importantly, what do you need to be prepared for any outbreak of infectious disease? Regardless of whether you prefer herbal of pharmaceutical supplies (or wisely have a mix of both), you will need to know how to set up a sick room, how to stock it, and how to clean it. Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy will tell you how to do it right.

And because I’m personally chomping at the bit to find out, even though Ebola is grabbing headlines today, what health threats concern the Alton’s the most? Is it Ebola or something else entirely? Plus, if that worst case scenario of an Ebola outbreak in the US were to happen, what would that mean for hospitals, non-Ebola patients, and healthcare providers? Is the average hospital in the US prepare to care for Ebola patients? What positive, actionable steps can we each take to reduce our risk of contracting Ebola if such an outbreak were to Herbal Prepper Live150occur here within our borders?

This promises to be an informative and fun interview with a couple of the most respected healthcare professionals in the preparedness community.

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