Life In The Remote Wilderness!

Life In The Remote Wilderness!

September 7, 2016 Homesteading Lil' Suburban Homestead Living Off Grid Survival 0

Life In The Remote Wilderness – Could You Do It?
Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead

9-6-16 Off Grid and Free_ My Path to the WildernessCould you live in the remote wilderness?  Karen Lynn says she could rough it for a while but doesn’t know if she is as tough as Ron’s wife Johanna.

Ron Melchiore is an Outdoorsman, Pioneer, Homesteader, Remote Exploration Camp Manager and Author. Living off grid since 1980, Ron and his wife Johanna have spent the better part of their lives “unplugged.” As part of the back to the land movement that originated in the 70’s, they have spent their adult years living the homestead dream.

9-6-16 Plane dockingRon and his wife have been published in BackHome Magazine, Small Farmer’s Journal, and Countryside and Small Stock Journal, and appear in Life Off Grid, a documentary film and book about people living off-grid throughout Canada. Life Off Grid aired on British Columbia’s Knowledge Network and is produced by Phillip Vannini and Jonathan Taggart. He is currently blogging for several websites including Mother Earth News.

9-6-16 DJI_0014The couple currently live on a remote lake in Northern Saskatchewan where they’ve enjoyed the freedom of the wilderness for the last sixteen years. Ron’s book is titled Off Grid and Free: My Path to the Wilderness and is published by Moon Willow Press.

Listen in to Karen Lynn and Ron for an evening of great conversation and listen to some fun stories from Ron’s book and lifestyle but not all of them because you need to read about them yourself.

Could you face a bear in the remote wilderness? Are you prepared for brutal weather? How about not being able to just walk to the grocery store? Could you calculate how much food and fuel you would need for the winter? What does it take to survive the remote wilderness? How do you mentally prepare for long stretches far away from family and friends? How do you make a living in the remote wilderness? This is a show you won’t want to miss!
Visit Lil’ Suburban Homestead HERE!

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