Gman “Off Grid” Grumpy with a smile!

Gman “Off Grid” Grumpy with a smile!

February 15, 2017 Living Off Grid Preparedness Prepper Mentality Sustainability 0

“Off Grid” Grumpy with a smile!
Host: Glen aka “Gman”

GmanFor the first time in over 5 years Gman picks up the mic. With a lot to unload on this show, topics include what is it truly like to live “off grid”? Rants and raves on several prepper related topics will be on the agenda. The media, friend or foe? Learn first hand from experience with interviews from the Washington Post, German television, and radio interviews. We expect a special caller and look forward to other callers that wish to share or just bellyache.

Listen to this broadcast or download ” Gman “Off Grid” Grumpy with a smile ” in player below!

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