Late Planting for Preppers – The Next Generation Show

We’ve suffered like much of the rest of the country when it comes to the garden out back. Luckily, our losses aren’t quite as significant as the farmers who have millions of dollars on the line.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, the wheat, barley and chickpea fields are doing great. And yet in my garden the tomatoes are spindly twigs. No corn has sprouted, no basil, no peppers, no romaine or kale. My dreams of a full harvest have been shattered by heavy rains, low temperatures and high winds.
But then again maybe not.
There is still a glimmer of hope for a midsummer planting that could yield food in the fall – just in time for food prices to spike as a result of the crop failures around the country. This week we are going to get into means and methods for determining the best plants in your area, how and when to plant, and the ways you can dig yourself out of a barren garden. There’s still time if you act now.
So whether you are gearing up for the Grand Solar Minimum or the next year without a summer, know that we’re right there with you. It’s never too late to start if you know how to go about it.
Also, join in for the Pint Sized Prepper Project of the Week where we build a simple raised garden box with minimal equipment!
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