Nutrition in SHTF Part 2

Nutrition in SHTF Part 2

June 20, 2017 Food Health Tech Preps 0

Nutrition in SHTF Part 2
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided below!

Nutrition in SHTF Part 2Nutrition in SHTF part 1 I talked a bit about fat and cholesterol and the myths about it. This will be all about veggies and what a good diet can do for you during shtf. The need for veggies right now and during shtf is essential. Are you getting what you need now?, and what about then? My feeling on this is you have to prepare yourself now so you ca be prepared later.

The issue is we all think we have everything figured out, all our supplies, our plans yet nutrition is always put on the backburner it seems. I was the same. I was so big I couldn’t put a pack on and go a few hundred yards. The sad part is I would say there are many preppers who are similar.

We will go over what anti inflammatories are. You may already be aware of inflammatories, probably from pharmaceutical medicines, which I hate, but there are natural ways that you can do these things, you just have to have the willingness to do it. I will also go over the bad stuff we load out bodies with today, which is sad. I did this myself so I know how this can affect you and it is not fun.

The issue I think is we have access to way too much food and given very bad information these days about nutrition. We think we can eat what we want and then go to the doctor for a pill. Sorry that is not a good way to live and we should really be conscious about our health today so we have a tomorrow. So enjoy the show and hope you learn something from it.
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