Sleep, Ebola, Goal attainment, & Earthquakes!

Sleep, Ebola, Goal attainment, & Earthquakes!

April 23, 2014 biological Disaster Doom and Bloom Earthquakes Health Medical 0

Sleep, Ebola, Goal attainment, & Earthquakes!
Host: Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour

SleepIn this episode of The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Hour, Joe and Amy Alton, aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, discuss several issues that are pertinent to various aspects of survival.

Sleep Deprivation: In a survival situation, the many activities of daily survival will eat into your sleep time, and that will affect your decision-making efficiency and general health. We’ll discuss the medical aspects of the problem and how to stay at 100%. Both conventional and alternative remedies are discussed in detail.

SleepEbola update: The recent Ebola outbreak appears to be an entirely new strain of the deadly virus. At least 150 deaths have occurred in 230 known cases, including 17 health workers sent to the area. Hear the latest news about what might be the next great pandemic.

Goal attainment: It’s Spring, and how many of your New Year’s Resolutions have gone by the wayside. So many people approach setting new goals the wrong way and set themselves up for failure. Dr. Bones talks about how to effectively attain those important health goals by adopting a new approach.

4-23 earthquake10Earthquakes: The pacific rim is in the middle of a spurt of earthquake activity, most in Latin America although even Los Angeles has been affected. The latest is a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Mexico City and it’s just the beginning of an active period in the Earth’s unstable tectonic plates. Dr. Bones imparts the latest news.

During our trip to Britain, we were interviewed by doctoral student Michael Mills of the Univesity of Kent. Here’s someone whose entire thesis will be about our community. Hear about what the Brits think of preppers and how you can make a difference by submitting a response to his in-depth survey.

All this and more! Here’s wishing you the best of health in good times OR bad!
Visit Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy’s website HERE!

Listen to this broadcast on Sleep, Ebola, Goal attainment, & Earthquakes in player below!

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